KIN 363- Lesson Review


Alll the information is attached. 3-4 pages answering the bullet points. Must watch the videos. Videos are long but you only need to watch the 3-4 minutes of each, no need to watch all of it.

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Assignment 1- Lesson Plan Review
The physical education classroom is different from the core subject classroom. The students
are the same, but the interactions within the classroom are different. A student with a
health issue, such as obesity, can perform just as well on a math problem as a student with
“normal” body composition. In a physical education class, this is not always true. Cultural,
social and physical diversity can also manifest differences in a physical education class
where they might not, in a more academic class.
Watch the YouTube videos provided and write a paper discussing the following:

Identify any student health risk factors observed.

Relate the physical growth, possible development level and skill ability differences
you observe.

Identify any differences in body types.

Identify any affective domain behaviors evident as the children are interacting.

Explain the 8 essential components of a quality physical education program. What
evidence, if any, do you see in these physical education classroom examples?

Identify any Christ-like behaviors observed in the student and/or teacher
Some of the videos are very long. You don’t have to watch the whole video. Watch 3 to 4
minutes at least so you can get a good look at the class and how they are interacting. The
video topic is not what you are necessarily interested in. Look for the items listed
previously. The video might have some great ideas for future lessons, though.
All written submissions should reflect professionalism in grammar, spelling,
writing style/format (one-inch margins, double spaced, typed in 12-point Times
New Roman font), include APA 6th citations when appropriate, an appropriate
title page, and be uploaded as .doc or .docx documents.
Physical Education Games
YouTube URL:
Primary PE
YouTube URL:
Pac Man- Hopping, jumping, and leaping
YouTube URL:
Teaching Expectations in Elementary PE Through Movement
YouTube URL:

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