Kara Case Study (Pope)


During this week, you will learn about the roles of family relationships and gender play in delinquency. While the vast majority of offenders are males, delinquency among females is rising. In fact, girls are more likely to be incarcerated for non-violent offenses and have even been locked up for not cleaning their rooms. This assignment will help you develop a deeper understanding of how family dynamics and gender affect girls more harshly than boys in the juvenile justice system. InstructionsFor this assignment, you will work individually. Read the article below. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/09/girls…. Develop a Word Document in which you address the following questions:In your opinion, why do you think that Kara acted out? Defend your answer.List three specific offenses listed in this article that can cause juveniles to be locked up once they are in the juvenile court system. Do you think this is fair? If not, how should the juvenile court system handle delinquents who refuse to obey the rules or conditions of their probation? Defend your answer.After reading this article, do you feel that there is a difference in how girls and boys are treated by their parents and/or the juvenile justice system? What did you read in this article that makes you feel this way? Be specific.Your response to these three questions should be at least 500 words (all total) in length.

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