JUST350: Victimization


Okay so its several little assignments rather than one large assignment each one needs to be 350 words which is approximately one page give or take. I have posted each one below there should be 5. It shouldn’t take no more than 4 hours to complete them all. They’re very easy and straightforward but if you have any questions at anytime feel free to ask me.

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JUST350: Victimization
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1) Watch “Every F—ing Day of My Life.” After watching the film, apply LET to the case to frame these events. After watching the movie, prepare a short essay (minimum 350 words) using at least 2 academic sources addressing the following questions. In other words, what characteristics about the victim’s lifestyle (Wendy) made her vulnerable to victimization? What structurally situated roles and expectations associated with Wendy’s life made it difficult for her to escape the violence?

2)For this assignment, select one of the following “date-rape” drugs to research: alcohol (the most widely used), GHB, ketamine, benzodiazepines including rohypnol, and zolpidem (a.k.a. Ambien). After selecting one, research the drug in terms of use, effects, and long-term consequences for survivors. After conducting your research, prepare a short essay (minimum 350 words) using at least 2 academic sources about your findings and describe the drug and how it is affiliated with sexual assault and rape cases.

3)Select one of the following scenarios and write a victim impact statement (minimum 350 words). You need to pretend that this crime actually happened to you and include details about the crime, the feelings you experienced, and the harm you suffered. It must be a complete statement about how this crime affected your life.

In this statement, you should include:

The crime that was committed against you or your loved one. Feel free to create details about the crime not included in the scenario.
How that crime affected you and others (emotionally, physically, and financially).
What type of sentence you would like the offender to receive (rehabilitation, prison, the death penalty, etc.) and whether or not you are seeking restitution from the offender.


You are a family member of a person who was shot and killed. The suspect has been tried and found guilty for murder.


You were the victim of an armed robbery. You were robbed at gunpoint while walking on the sidewalk after work. The offender stole your wallet, jewelry, and watch. He has been found guilty of robbery.


Your home has been burglarized. The windows have been smashed and many items have been taken from your home. The individual who committed this crime has been found guilty of burglary.


Your home has been intentionally burned down by an arsonist. You have lost your entire home and most of your belongings. The person who did this has been convicted of arson.

4)Read the article “How to Spot a Sex Trafficking Victim at a Hotel”

After reading the article, prepare a short essay (minimum 350 words) using at least 2 academic sources and answer the following questions:

What are some ways that sex trafficking can be identified at check-in?
Explain how housekeeping can help identify possible incidents of sex trafficking.
What are some signs that you as a traveler or guest at a hotel can look for to identify sex trafficking?
5)Ray Rice, former running back for the Baltimore Ravens, was captured on video in the Revel Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey, hitting his then-fiancée, now wife, Janay Palmer, in the head and then dragging her unconscious body from an elevator in February 2014. Initially, the video just showed Rice pulling her unconscious body from the elevator. The NFL gave him a two-game suspension. Then TMZ released the full video of Rice punching Janay in the head, rendering her unconscious.After that, the Ravens released him and the NFL suspended him indefinitely. Rice and Palmer were both initially charged with simple assault due to the fact the couple were physically violent with each other, but at a grand jury hearing on March 27, 2014, his charges were increased to third-degree aggravated assault. The charges against Palmer were dropped.On March 28, 2014, Rice and Palmer were married. Rice rejected a plea deal and in exchange was accepted into a pretrial intervention program. Rice was to complete a 12-month program that included anger management classes, pay a $125 fine and not get into further trouble during that time. If he met these conditions, the case would not appear on his record. This type of program occurs in less than 1% of all domestic violence cases in New Jersey and is usually reserved for crimes that do not involve violence or those that are considered “victimless.”The Atlantic City prosecutor, Jim McClain, who handled this case, said he approved this program after evaluating the circumstances and talking with Palmer. Rice appealed his suspension from the NFL and was reinstated. He has publicly pledged to donate his salary to domestic violence charities. However, as of this writing, no team has signed him and he remains a free agent. Rice and Palmer are still married. There have been no public reports of further IPV.After watching the video, prepare a short essay (minimum 350 words) using at least 2 academic sources and answer the following questions.
Do you think that what you see in this video constitutes IPV? Why or why not?
What is your opinion of the punishment he received? Do you feel the punishment was just or unjust? Why or why not?
Do you think that his fame was a factor in his sentence? Why or why not?