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JUNE 14, 2023
Paper for appraisal and reference: Use of Robots in Critical Care: Systematic Review

Yes, a well-defined question was posed in the study. The research study clearly states its
objective, which is to evaluate the applications and limitations of robots in caring for critically ill
patients, specifically in critical care settings during the COVID-19 pandemic. The question focuses
on exploring the role of robots in intensive care units (ICUs) and high-dependency units and their
potential impact on patient outcomes, staff efficiency, and hospital benefits.

Multiple options or applications of robots in critical care settings are also compared. It highlights
the primary application of robots in the ICU as telepresence, where robots offer advantages such
as reduced response time, earlier intervention, and lower mortality rates. Moreover, robots are
also utilized in therapy and stroke rehabilitation, showing superior clinical outcomes and
enhanced safety. Robots are also employed for patient evaluation and assessment, particularly
through ultrasound evaluations, leading to satisfactory to superior results and offering benefits
such as remote assessment, time savings, and increased efficiency. And lastly, robots are utilized
for drug dispensing and delivery, increasing efficiency and generating cost savings.

Yes, it appears that the authors conducted a systematic review following PRISMA guidelines and
analyzed 33 relevant studies to examine the applications and limitations of robots in caring for
critically ill patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) and high dependency units. They registered
the study with PROSPERO and used relevant keywords related to COVID-19, intensive care, high
dependency, telepresence, and intubation. By conducting a systematic review and adhering to
PRISMA guidelines, the authors employed a rigorous methodology to identify relevant studies
and extract information on the applications and limitations of robots in critical care. They used

JUNE 14, 2023
appropriate keywords and registered the study to ensure transparency and reproducibility of
their research process.
While the details provided do not explicitly mention the specific types of papers included in the
review (e.g., randomized controlled trials, observational studies), it can be inferred that the
authors selected studies that were relevant to their research question and objectives. The
inclusion of various types of studies, such as those investigating telepresence, therapy, stroke
rehabilitation, patient evaluation, and drug dispensing, suggests a comprehensive approach to
understanding the role of robots in critical care.

No, they did not include conference abstracts and gray literature in the results since they did not
have sufficient information to truly review the benefits and limitations. In addition, the papers
were only sourced from only 4 databases.

The authors of the review conducted a systematic review following PRISMA guidelines and
analyzed 33 relevant studies. However, the study does not provide specific information on the
extent to which the review’s authors assessed the quality of the included studies. It mentions
differences across studies in terms of what was included or omitted during cost-benefit analyses
and highlights the need for more in-depth studies to uncover patient perspectives and
comparisons between critical care and non-critical care settings. However, it does not explicitly
address the authors’ assessment of the quality of the included studies.

While studies have explored the knowledge and attitudes of healthcare staff regarding
telepresence robots, there is a lack of research conducted directly on patients, particularly in
relation to patient confidentiality and privacy concerns. Additionally, the studies included in the
analysis only compared the use of robots within the critical care setting before and after
implementation. To better understand the specific benefits of robots in critical care, further
JUNE 14, 2023
studies comparing their use in critical care versus noncritical care settings are recommended,
including assessments of cost and time benefits in different hospital wards.

Yes, it is reasonable to combine the results of the review given that the studies included in the
analysis were focused on examining the applications and limitations of robots in critical care
settings. The studies were selected based on their relevance to the research question and
followed a systematic review methodology following PRISMA guidelines. While the studies
varied in terms of their study design (including randomized controlled trials and observational
studies) and geographical locations, they all contributed valuable information to understanding
the benefits and challenges of using robots in critical care. By combining the results of these
studies, the review provides a comprehensive overview of the current evidence on the use of
robots in critical care settings.

The overall results of the review indicate that the use of robots in critical care settings,
particularly in the field of telepresence, therapy and stroke rehabilitation, patient evaluation and
assessment, and drug dispensing and delivery, can provide significant benefits. The study
included 33 relevant studies that demonstrated the advantages of robots in terms of reduced
response time, earlier intervention, lower mortality rates, improved clinical outcomes, enhanced
safety, remote assessment, time savings, increased efficiency, and cost savings.

JUNE 14, 2023
Despite the positive outcomes, the review also identified challenges such as regulatory and
financial barriers, technological limitations, and hidden costs associated with the use of robots.
The authors emphasize the need for strong ethical and legislative frameworks to address these
barriers and ensure the safe and effective integration of robots in critical care settings.
Overall, the review concludes that robotic technology has the potential to be a beneficial and
well-received intervention in critical care, delivering significant benefits to patients, healthcare
staff, and hospitals. The authors highlight the importance of further development in robotic
technology, including the incorporation of artificial intelligence, and overcoming barriers to
maximize the potential impact of robots in critical care.

The study did not mention the confidence intervals for the results. The described assessment
process focused on evaluating the quality and risk of bias of the included studies using the
Standard Quality Assessment Criteria. The scores assigned to each study reflected the degree to
which the criteria were met, with a threshold of at least 65% considered for inclusion. However,
the study states that studies were not excluded based on quality scores to ensure
comprehensive data. Although the authors discuss the potential applications of robots in biopsy,
molecular diagnostics, and remote telesurgery, highlighting the benefits they offer in terms of
accuracy, repeatability, and reduced invasiveness.

JUNE 14, 2023
Based on the study, it can be inferred that robots have the potential to be applied to the local
population in critical care settings. The study discusses the positive outcomes associated with
the use of robots in critical care, including improved efficiency, reduced need for physical
physician presence during off-peak hours, enhanced patient care through telepresence, therapy,
and patient evaluation, and improved outcomes with reduced mortality rates. These findings
suggest that the use of robots in critical care could benefit patients in the local population.
Furthermore, the study highlights the potential future applications of robots in critical care,
specifically mentioning their role in addressing the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Robots have been utilized for tasks such as disinfection, remote control of equipment, and
assistance in COVID-19 patient care, which indicates their potential relevance and applicability in
local healthcare settings dealing with similar challenges.

Yes, it highlights several positive outcomes associated with the use of robots in critical care,
including time and cost savings, improved efficiency, enhanced patient care, and reduced
mortality rates. These outcomes indicate that the study considered important aspects of the
impact of robots in critical care settings. More than that, they have also included limitations
since concerns such as the potential for human unemployment, hacking vulnerabilities,
increased costs for patients, and overreliance on robots have been raised.

Yes, by understanding the benefits and limitations of integrating robots into critical care,
healthcare professionals and policymakers can make informed decisions regarding the adoption
and implementation of medical technology. The study’s results can guide the development of
guidelines, protocols, and best practices for using robots in healthcare, ensuring their safe and
effective integration into existing medical systems. The study’s emphasis on increased efficiency
and cost savings can have a direct impact on the allocation of resources in healthcare facilities.
By optimizing the use of robots for certain tasks, healthcare providers can free up valuable time
and resources, allowing them to focus on more complex and critical aspects of patient care. This,
JUNE 14, 2023
in turn, can lead to improved patient outcomes and a more efficient healthcare system. Overall,
the benefits outweigh the risks for quality health service is prioritized; not only for the patients
but also for the healthcare workers who are usually short staffed and burdened.
The utilization of robots in critical care settings has witnessed a significant increase in recent years, with
a particular emphasis on their application in the ICU, especially during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Robots have emerged as valuable assets in providing efficient, safe, and contactless care of high quality.
Initially perceived as primarily assisting with mundane and repetitive tasks, robots have proven their
potential to deliver substantial value in more complex aspects of patient care, including superior patient
evaluation and rehabilitation. The examples of the Pudu robot and Calmer highlight the successful
integration and positive reception of robots in addressing the softer aspects of patient care.
Nevertheless, several barriers exist that hinder the widespread implementation of robots in ICUs. It is
crucial to address these challenges to fully harness the potential of robotic technology. One key area
requiring attention is the establishment of medicolegal frameworks governing the use of robots,
particularly concerning sensitive aspects of care such as patient privacy and medical errors. Additionally,
considerations must be given to the impact of robotic use on employment in the healthcare sector.
Despite the existing barriers, we firmly believe that there is immense opportunity for further
advancement of robotic technology in critical care, either independently or in conjunction with artificial
intelligence. The current roles of robots and the promising applications being explored suggest a future
where their presence in critical care becomes ubiquitous. To realize this vision, it is essential to overcome
technical, financial, ethical, and legislative hurdles associated with robotic implementation. By doing so,
we can pave the way for a future where robots play an integral role in enhancing patient outcomes and
transforming the landscape of critical care.
Teng, R., Ding, Y., & See, K. C. (2022). Use of robots in Critical Care: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical
Internet Research, 24(5).

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