

This observation will include an interview as well as time spent observing and interacting with one teen age 13-17. Interviewing a teen who does not meet the age requirements for the assignment is an automatic 0.

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Use the information that you learned during your interview with the teen, along with other information that you have from personal experience or from the teen’s family to answer the questions below. Remember to give complete answers to the questions, including direct statements from the teen (quotes), and to support your answers with information from the interview and references to the textbook material. Before beginning, review the example that was provided in this module as well as the grading rubric, and download the template.

A thorough observation that follows the template and includes complete answers to all questions will be at least 3 full pages.

TEMPLATE FOR OBSERVATION ELinks to an external site.

Questions for Observation E
Has the teen begun puberty? How has beginning puberty (or not beginning) affected them? What secondary sex characteristics do you notice in the teen?
How healthy is the teen’s body image? Are they at risk for an eating disorder?
Give an example of 2 of the following that you observed in your interview with the teen
the personal fable
the imaginary audience
hypothetical deductive reasoning
Describe the teen’s identity status based on Marcia’s stages.
Give an example of 2 of the following that you observed in your interview with the teen
religious identity
political identity
vocational identity
gender identity
ethnic identity
Describe the relationship between the child and their parents.
Does the child engage in risky behavior (unprotected sex, illegal drug use, drinking, etc.)? Why do they do these things (or why don’t they?).
Give an example of peer influence in the teen’s life. Is it positive or negative?
Based on what you have learned about teens this age, in what areas is the teen developing typically? In what areas are they a little ahead or not quite there yet? What has influenced the teen’s development? What suggestions can you give to support the teen’s development?

Some suggested interview questions to help you get the information you need to answer the questions above. Do not include these questions in your paper – they are just discussion starters. Feel free to ask other questions and follow up as needed.

Has your body changed in the last year? What changes have you noticed? How do you feel about your body and the changes? What’s a typical breakfast or lunch for you? How do you think other people see you?
How do you feel about school? What’s your favorite thing? What’s your least favorite thing? What would you change about school? Do you act differently at home, with your friends, or at school? How would you describe yourself and your values?
How close are you to your parents? Has your relationship changed in the last few years? In what ways has it changed? Tell me about your friends. Who do you hang out with and why?


Include direct statements (quotes) in each of your answers. Remember that you are interviewing the child – not just writing about them. What the child tells you is the basis for your analysis so you need to include it word for word in your answers. Also be sure to include references to specific content in the textbook – just citing the textbook itself is not enough.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

3/5/24, 5:31 PM
Observation E – Adolescence ages 13-17
5 pts
Full Credit
3.5 pts
Partial credit
0 pts
No Credit
Follows template
formatting. Assignment
One of the following formatting
errors: does not follow
More than one of the following
formatting errors: does not
questions are included and
discussion starter
questions are not included.
template formatting,
assignment questions not
included, discussion starter
follow template formatting,
assignment questions not
included, discussion starter
All red text deleted. No
errors in spelling,
questions are included, some
red text included, some errors
questions are included, some
red text included, some errors
punctuation, capitalization
or grammar.
in spelling, punctuation,
capitalization or grammar.
in spelling, punctuation,
capitalization or grammar.
15 pts
Full Credit
10 pts
Partial credit
7 pts
Partial credit
5 pts
Partial credit
A teen ages 13-17
was interviewed.
A teen ages 13-17
was interviewed.
One of the following:
unclear that a teen
More than one of the
following: unclear that
Interview was
thorough and
answers include
Answers include
some direct
statements made by
was interviewed,
answers do not
include direct
a teen was
interviewed, answers
do not include direct
many direct
statements from the
the teen. Teen’s
name, age and
statements made by
the teen, teen’s
statements made by
the teen, teen’s
teen. Teen’s name,
age and
are included
name, age and/or
are missing
name, age and/or
are missing
5 pts
15 pts
are included
30 pts
Full Credit
24 pts
Partial credit
18 pts
Partial credit
10 pts
Partial credit
0 pts
All questions
fully and
One of the following:
not all questions
More than half of the
questions are not
answered in
student’s own
answered in
student’s own
answered, answers are
answers are not in
answered OR more
than one of the
following: not all
of the
student’s own words,
answers do not reflect
questions answered,
answers are
reflect a clear
of the
of the
concepts and
an understanding of
the concepts,
conclusions are not all
answers are not in
student’s own words,
concepts and
are well-
are supported
by information
supported by
information from the
interview and/
answers do not reflect
an understanding of
the concepts,
supported by
details from
from the
interview and
references to content
from the textbook.
conclusions are not all
supported by
the interview
references to
30 pts
information from the
interview and/
3/5/24, 5:31 PM
Observation E – Adolescence ages 13-17
references to
content in the
the content in
the textbook
references to content
from the textbook.
Total Points: 50

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