JH psy 150


For this discussion please look back at the modules that we have covered over the semester:

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The Science of Developmental Psychology
Prenatal Development and Infancy
Early to Middle Childhood
Developmental Disorders and Mental Illness
Early Adulthood
Middle Adulthood
Late Adulthood and Dying
Final Reflections

Early on I asked the question, why do we need to study Developmental Psychology? After all the topics we’ve covered you should now be in a much better position to answer that question. After looking things over, what in particular was really eye opening for you from this class? Choose four different things, each from a different module, that resonated with you. These could be things that provided you an epiphany, one of those “ah ha” now I get it moments. Or these could simply be things you had never been aware of, or never really considered, and just really caused you to stop and think for a minute.

As you discuss your four major points use examples from the previous units (e.g. copy and paste things from the relevant reading or discussion) to validate what you’re saying. How did learning each of those four things provide new insights or otherwise change your thinking?

After doing that I’d also like you to offer at least one suggestion regarding what might make the course better. That could entail more or less time on a particular topic, something you’d like to see added, or really any thoughtful suggestion.

Later, return to the discussion and compare notes with classmates. Respond to at least one person who shared one of your key points and compare your impressions. In addition, respond to one classmate that listed something different from any of the items on your list. Would you agree with their assessment of the importance of that concept? And did anyone have a similar suggestion for improving the course?