Java Question


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CSC262 Java Programming – Module 2 Assignment
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Problem 1: Data Analyzer
Write a program Data Analyzer that reads a set of floating-point values. Ask the user to enter the values, then
print the following 4 values each in its own line with messages showing what each of the values is: (1) the
average of the input value, (2) the smallest of the values, (3) the largest of the values, (4) the range, that is the
difference between the smallest and largest. Enter anything other than a number to indicate the end of the
value inputs.
Your code for this problem
Run the code and insert the result in the following box.
Sample Run Result
Problem 2: Character Counter
Write a program that reads a string and prints the most frequently occurring character and its frequency. If
there are multiple characters that occur with the same maximum frequency, print them all. For example, if the
word is mississippi, print
i (4)
s (4)
because i and s occur four times each, and no letter occurs more frequently. For simplicity, the input string
consists of only lower-case characters.
Your code for this problem
Run the code and insert the result in the following box.
Sample Run Result
The end

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