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CSC252 Programming in C++
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Problem 1 – Implement the Soda Can Class (25 points)
Write a program which implements a Soda can which is a cylinder. Add a constructor
create a soda can with parameter values for radius and height. Add two computing
accessors which return the volume and the surface area of the can. The formula for
the volume of a cylinder is:
= 2 ℎ
and the formula for the surface area of a cylinder is:
= 2 ℎ + 2 2
Where r is the radius and h is the height of the cylinder. If you compiler is at C++20 or
later, use std::numbers::pi for the value of pi, otherwise research the best way to
obtain the value.
Write a program that tests each function and displays the results of their use.
Design, edit, run, test, and debug your program. Enter the completed C++ code here:
C++ code for the lab project:
using namespace std;
class SodaCan {
SodaCan(double radius, double height) : radius(radius),
height(height) {}
double getVolume() const {
return M_PI * radius * radius * height;
double getArea() const {
return 2 * M_PI * radius * (height + radius);
double radius;
double height;
int main() {
double radius, height;
cout > radius;
cout > height;
SodaCan sodaCan(radius, height);
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