James aggrey


Here’s a chance to earn 5 extra credit points! Read, “The Parable of the Eagle” by James Aggrey and Answer the questions below. This is due by the last day of class 10/14, 11:59 pm.To get full credit you must use college level grammar, spelling, and syntax. Please use complete sentences rather than bullet points in your response. Be sure to use quotes and examples from the document and you can also use information from the Unit 12 lecture video, and of course you will get more points when you add your own analysis. Write at least one paragraph on each question. There’s no rubric as I will grade this holistically. Shoot me an email if you have any questions or need any help.What was James Aggrey’s background? When did he write this parable?What did each of the various characters (the eagle, the man, the naturalist) in this parable represent?Based on the parable, what did Aggrey think colonial peoples needed to gain freedom?

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