Jackson, Mississippi Water Crisis


1. (Original Content Only) (2 pages) (Issue Brief example is attached)

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Topic: Jackson, Mississippi Water Crisis)

(2 pages, in addition to title and reference pages, where applicable):

Write an individual, original issue brief on an aspect of the proposed policy for the final project topic that includes the components listed below.

Title and audience: Jackson, Mississippi Water Crisis
Issue: Any aspect of the Jackson, Mississippi Water Crisis. What is the the main focus of what we are presenting?
References list
Incorporate a text box and at least one table or one graphic element (e.g., photo, chart, table, drawing, icon, etc.).

Be sure to support your Assignment with specific references to the Learning Resources and peer-reviewed sources from the Walden Library and/or the internet. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.

2. (2 pages) (APA format)

Write a summary of your leadership style mix results. Based on your results, respond to the following questions: (Leadership style results are listed below)

What was your initial reaction to your results? Why?
Did you find the results mostly accurate, mostly inaccurate, or some combination of the two? Explain.
What leadership style would you work to further develop to enhance your leadership? Why?
Overall, you have a good mix of leadership styles and the potential to be a well-rounded, effective leader. There is however, always potential to further improve your leadership styles.
Your 3 well-developed leadership styles are:
Coercive leaders demand immediate obedience. In a single phrase, this style is ‘Do what I tell you’. These leaders show initiative, self-control, and drive to succeed. There is, of course, a time and a place for such leadership: a battlefield is the classic example, but any crisis will need clear, calm, commanding leadership. This style does not, however, encourage anyone else to take the initiative, and often has a negative effect on how people feel. Pace-setting leaders expect excellence and self-direction, and can be summed up as ‘Do as I do, now’. The Pace-setter very much leads by example, but this type of leadership only works with a highly-competent and well-motivated team. It can only be sustained for a while without team members flagging. Like the Coercive leader, Pace-setters also show drive to succeed and initiative, but instead of self-control, these are coupled with conscientiousness. A coaching leader will develop people, allowing them to try different approaches in an open way. The phrase that sums up this style is ‘Try it’, and this leader shows high levels of empathy, self-awareness and skills in developing others. A coaching style is especially useful when an organisation values long-term staff development.
You have 3 fairly well-developed leadership styles, these are:
Authoritative leaders move people towards a vision, so are often described as ‘Visionary’. This style is probably best summed up as ‘Come with me’. It is the most useful style when a new vision or clear direction is needed, and is most strongly positive. Authoritative leaders are high in self-confidence and empathy, acting as a change catalyst by drawing people into the vision and engaging them with the future. An affiliative leader values and creates emotional bonds and harmony, believing that ‘People come first’. Such leaders demonstrate empathy, and strong communication skills, and are very good at building relationships. This style is most useful when a team has been through a difficult experience, and needs to heal rifts, or develop motivation. It is not a very goal-oriented style, so anyone using it will need to make sure others understand that the goal is team harmony, and not specific tasks. It is probably obvious from this that it cannot be used on its own for any length of time if you need to ‘get the job done’. The democratic leader builds consensus through participation, constantly asking ‘What do you think?’, and showing high levels of collaboration, team leadership and strong communication skills. This style of leadership works well in developing ownership for a project, but it can make for slow progress towards goals, until a certain amount of momentum has built up. Anyone wishing to use this style will need to make sure that senior managers are signed up to the process, and understand that it may take time to develop the consensus.

3. Assignment (1 PowerPoint slide):

Topic: Jackson, Mississippi Water Crisis)

Create a data presentation for some portion of your Final Project group presentation.
The data presentation must:
Be created in PowerPoint and use the “Add a Chart” tool
Use data from Data Planet, the Subject Research: Public Policy & Administration site in the Walden Library, or another credible database.

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Keva Lloyd
Master of Public Administration, Walden University
MMPA-6200-1: Principles of Public Administration
Dr. Lori Salgado
December 27, 2023
The purpose of The Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 is
“to assure that the public is provided with safe drinking
water and that water supply systems meet minimum
national standards to protect human health” (Raucher,
R.S. 1996).
Water is considered
safe when it’s;
• Free from
• Free from harmful
chemical substances
• Pleasant to taste
• Free from odors and
color and
• Usable for domestic
Investing in U.S. Water Systems
The U.S. is a relatively water-abundant
country with approximately 270
million residents having access to safe
drinking water. However, the
availability of fresh water is not infinite
(Levin, R. et al. 2002).
Investments by the U.S. in maintenance
and repair of public water
infrastructure has been inadequate over
the years. The U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency has estimated $150
billion is needed to maintain public
water infrastructure. However federal
subsidies through grants and low
interest loan programs are not enough
to address maintenance needed for
public water suppliers. Local public
water providers and their managerial
practices are unsustainable and need to
The benefits of water system efficiencies
A change to pricing systems encourages water
conservation which will help to reduce the pressure on the
system but also reduce future infrastructure requirements.
Cities with high population densities could benefit from
operational efficiencies by coordinating resources such as
billing, customer service and water testing.
Private ownership of local water systems seems beneficial
because they have more success in raising investment
funds that will positively impact system maintenance and
Next Steps:

Conduct educational outreach campaigns
about proposed efficiencies and their
potential benefits.
Conduct semiannual Town Hall meetings to
drum up support.
Levin, R.B., Epstein, P.R., Ford, T.E., Harrington, W., Olson, E. & Reichard, E.G. (2002). U.S.
drinking water challenges in the twenty-first century. Environmental Health Perspectives,
110(1). https://doi.org/10.1289/ehp.02110s143
Raucher, R.S. (1996). Public Health and Regulatory Considerations of the Safe Drinking Water
Act. Annual Review of Public Health 1996, 17(1), 179-202.

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