ITMG498 week 3 discussion replies


create a 250 word minimum response to two students. See attached two student posts for reply.

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ITMG489 Discussion week 3 replies
Replies need to be a minimum 250 words.
Student 1:
Good Day Class,
What types of ethical and information security issues are common in
Organizations constantly face a variety of ethical and information
security issues, according to the textbook ITMG498 IT Management
Senior Seminar: Business Driven Information Systems by Baltzan (2021) and
online research I have found some common ones:
Privacy concerns: Organizations collect and store large amounts of data
about their customers, employees, and other stakeholders. This data can
be used for targeted advertising, personalized experiences, and other
purposes. Its been compared to oil or gold of the information age.
Organizations have a responsibility to collect and use data ethically and
in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. For example,
organizations should obtain consent from individuals before collecting
their data, and they should take steps to protect the data from
unauthorized access or disclosure.
Security threats: Organizations are constantly under attack from
hackers and other cybercriminals who want to steal data, disrupt
operations, or extort money. Organizations need to implement strong
security measures to protect their systems and data from these threats.
This includes using strong passwords, encryption, and other security
Whistleblowing: Employees who speak up about unethical or illegal
activity within an organization may face retaliation from their employer.
Organizations need to create a culture where employees feel safe to
report wrongdoing without fear of reprisal. Its not just a nice thing to do
its the law.
How can a company participating in e-business keep its information
secure? The 2 biggest factors in keep information data secure are
technological safeguards and personnel. Using the latest encryption
standards and keeping up with employee training are both critical in
keeping user information secure. Again its not a nice thing to do its the
In regards to the organization or company you have chosen to analyze
this semester, what types of ethics and information security concerns
are there in your organization? What recommendations would you make
to the company to better secure their information? I selected a variety of
organizations and products to analyze this semester that offer the latest
information security techniques such as Zero Trust authentication
security among other cutting edge cyber security techniques.
– Mike G
Student 2:
Good afternoon, classmates, and happy one-quarter completion already!
We have covered a lot of material, but there is still much more to learn.
What types of ethical and information security issues are common in
Companies need to ensure they groom highly trained staff, as mistakes
in the digital world can “sink the company” if an employee handles the
topic of privacy wrong (Baltzan et al., 2021). Companies need to protect
customer privacy and make sure that information that is collected is
properly protected, used ethically, and with the intentions it was
gathered for. All it takes is for one rogue employee to upload an entire
server worth of PII and customer data to tarnish the reputation of a
company for a long time. Often, breaches of information may not even be
done unintentionally but were targeted with social engineering to give
up information that was used in a larger attack. Training staff to be
aware that they, the human staff, are the weakest link in protecting data
and how to prevent spillage.
How can a company participating in e-business keep its information
One of the ways a company can work on keeping its e-business
information safe is through the use of “intrusion detection software
(IDS) and having a “Network Behavior Analysis” on staff to monitor the
network and keep an eye out for “suspicious network events” such as
someone trying multiple different passwords to gain access to
something. (Baltzan et al., 2021). These companies also need to “develop
information security policies,” which give each employee specific
guidance on how to manage their accounts and protect the data
entrusted to them, such as updating passwords at certain frequencies
(Baltzan et al., 2021).
In regards to the organization or company you have chosen to analyze
this semester, what types of ethics and information security concerns
are there in your organization? What recommendations would you make
to the company to better secure their information?
It looks like this question was based on a slightly different education
plan, but here we go. I am going to look into an industry that takes
customer privacy very seriously: the banking and financial industry. As a
user of Schaub, I am going to see if I can find information about how they
maintain customer privacy and protect sensitive financial data.
Baltzan, P., Lynch, K., & Fisher, J. (2021). Business-driven information
systems (7th ed.).
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