ITMG498 Week 2 Discussion Replies


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ITMG489 Discussion week 2 replies
Replies need to be a minimum 250 words.
Student 1:
hello Classmates and Dr. Ted,
Do you consider Facebook and LinkedIn forms of disruptive or sustaining technology? Why?
This was harder for me to answer than I thought it would be. After some reading and
research, I would consider it a sustaining technology, as sharing information or
chatting online was not invented by Facebook or LinkedIn. One of the first known
social media applications was Bolt and Six Degrees (Hines, 2022). I had never heard of
them before. Because Facebook and LinkedIn were not the first, I would consider
them sustaining technologies. Our textbook describes disruptive technologies as a
“new way of doing things” (Baltzan, 2020, p. 110). So, I do not necessarily see it as
new, but maybe better. I think the Internet has been one of the most disruptive
technologies of my lifetime, if not for any generation.
What is meant by Business 3.0? How is it different from e-business?
A big part of Web 3.0 (or Web3) is decentralization and artificial intelligence (AI) (Eye
on Tech, 2023). For Business 3.0, businesses will be taking advantage of information
and AI to make better company decisions. It will be more focused on providing
customers with products and services they need or want. E-business is where a
company offers its products and services online through the World Wide
Web. Business 3.0 will be taking advantage of technology, information, and AI to
sustain success when Web 3.0 becomes a reality. All of this seems like the Terminator
movie, specifically SkyNet, coming to life!
What are some of the benefits and challenges associated with e-business and Business 3.0?
The benefits of e-business are huge. It allows one’s products/services to be available
to anyone with Internet access. Old-school or brick-and-mortar businesses have
difficulty making it without some level of e-business. The challenge of e-business is
the plethora of options a consumer has at their fingertips. A company has to really
stand out to make it when we have many options available. The benefits of Business
3.0 will be the ability to get quicker and more detailed information on specific
consumers. However, it is still hard to see exactly what Web/Business 3.0 will be or
look like. However, companies must be prepared to adapt quickly when the time
comes. If not, they are at risk of being left behind. The only constant is change
What strategies would you recommend to business to help mitigate the challenges you
identified in the previous question?
My biggest recommendation is to be flexible and willing to adapt to change. Leaders
must be willing to accept and embrace new technologies and ways of conducting
business. I see this as more problematic for small businesses as they may not have the
resources to focus on how things are adapting. It is interesting because Web 3.0 is
supposed to be more decentralized. However, I still see the larger companies with the
resources as the ones that will be the quickest to adapt to avoid falling behind.
Baltzan, P. (2020). Business driven information systems. McGraw-Hill US Higher Ed
Eye on Tech. (2023, April 10). Ultimate Guide to Web 3.0 for Businesses
[Video]. YouTube.
Hines, K. (2022, November 8). The history of social media. Search Engine
Reply to Thread
Student 2:
Good Day Class and Professor,
Do you consider Facebook and LinkedIn forms of disruptive or sustaining
technology? Why? Facebook was initially disruptive but not because it revolutionized
online social interactions. Myspace was a popular social media website prior to
Facebooks mass adoption. What caused Facebook to outpace myspaces initial social
media dominance was the release of smartphones. Smart phones were widely used
by 2009 and Facebook released a mobile app in 2008.
LinkedIn disrupted the professional networking landscape. It offered a unique
platform for career development, job searching, and professional
connections, challenging traditional methods of recruitment and networking.
Business 3.0 transcends mere e-commerce, envisioning a future where businesses
operate within a web of interconnectedness. Imagine an ecosystem where technology
sparks collaboration, customers co-create value through data and feedback, and
sustainability reigns supreme. Gone are the days of siloed structures; in Business
3.0, every interaction forms a vital link in a chain of progress, driven by a shared
purpose and commitment to positive impact. This shift marks a seismic evolution,
transforming businesses from profit-centric entities into hubs of collaboration and
shared value creation, with technology serving as the bridge to a new dawn.
What are some of the benefits and challenges associated with e-business and
Business 3.0?
E-commerce offers a tantalizing double-edged sword. On one hand, it promises vast
benefits like reaching wider audiences, streamlining operations, and tailoring services
to individual needs, all while unlocking entirely new income streams. On the other
hand, it presents real challenges: robust cybersecurity measures are essential, a
tech-savvy workforce is crucial, and fierce online competition demands constant
engagement and loyalty-building efforts.
Business 3.0 takes the digital transformation even further, aspiring to a more
interconnected, co-creative, and sustainable future. This shift, however, is laden with
its own hurdles. Moving away from rigid structures and embracing constant
innovation can be daunting. Ethically integrating technology and effectively measuring
its social impact pose further challenges. Ultimately, building trust and engaging
customers as active participants in value creation becomes paramount. In navigating
both e-commerce and Business 3.0, businesses must carefully balance opportunity
and obstacle, ensuring they are equipped to reap the rewards while confronting the
complexities of the digital age.
Businesses navigating the challenges of e-commerce and Business 3.0 can build
resilience by prioritizing key strategies. Firstly, robust cybersecurity and data
protection are crucial in today’s digital landscape. Secondly, fostering digital skills and
talent within the organization ensures adaptability and innovation. Thirdly, cultivating
strong online relationships through customer centricity fosters trust and loyalty. To
wrap things up Ill say that agile and a culture of innovation fuels continuous
improvement and communication of the business’s purpose and social impact
initiatives attracts engaged employees and co-creative customers, future success is
created by combining all these strategies. By prioritizing these core strategies,
businesses can navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape and unlock the full
potential of both e-commerce and Business 3. – Mike G
TechTarget. (n.d.). E-business (electronic business). SearchCIO. Retrieved
January 9, 2024, from
Preston, M. (2018, October 30, ). Do We Need to Define Business 3.0? [LinkedIn
article]. LinkedIn. URL:

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