ITM 537 Information Security Frameworks And Standards In The Global Context


[email protected] Practices Pathway Tool provides an approach for using both the COBIT model and the CMMI maturity models. This will enable IT managers to use best management practices and IT governance to improve organizational processes in order to use organizational resources effectively and efficiently. Also, this tool is very practical and can be searched by different criteria to provide guidance.

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ITM 537 Information Security Frameworks And Standards In The Global Context
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Case Assignment

COBIT® CMMI® V1.3 Practices Pathway Tool enables an IT manager to build the governance requirements. This framework includes all organizational processes from low level to high level.

Here is a video on the COBIT 2019 Design Guide Toolkit:

Once you download NIST COBIT Pathway Tool (as described below), select a COBIT Practice area of interest for the firm or government agency where you work. If you would rather not use the firm or agency where you work, then use the fictitious Raising Dough Baking Company from the Case in Module 1. To guide your report, discuss why you made certain selections; perhaps this is an issue in your workplace you wish to address. Sum up by offering recommendations resulting from your analysis.

Here is how to download the tool:

scroll down and you will see the Toolkit for Cobit under More Implementation Resources – it is a red button that says “Access the Cobit Toolkit”

Then click and download and unzip – It is zipped in 7z

Here is free download for 7z for the evaluation version

When you download the folder select the excel file COBIT 2019-Governance-Management-Objectives-Practices-Activies

and then

Click on the tab called Objective-Practices.

Assignment Expectations

Length: Follow the number of pages required in the assignment, excluding cover page and references. Each of the pages should have about 300 words.

In this instance i will like to use the company The Raising Dough Baking Company as my company or the company that i work in.

The format for this assignment is APA style with the 7th edition