IT599-1: Decision Analysis and Project Leadership: Analyze information technology opportunities to determine the


Project InformationModule vs. Traditional CoursesResources

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IT599-1: Decision Analysis and Project Leadership: Analyze information technology opportunities to determine the
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Project Information

Make sure you click on all tabs to read each part of this Reading section.

In this first unit, you must choose a “track” from the two options explained below. Consider what would provide you with the experience you want and/or which would be the strongest addition to your resume.

Whatever you decide to do for the project must be reasonable and feasible, even if the project is hypothetical. As you formulate ideas, think about the intended stakeholders: who would benefit, who would actually use what you design or create, and their needs and expectations. If you cannot identify the stakeholders and provide justification for your project, you need to ask your instructor for assistance and review comments in the Unit 1 Discussion Board.

Your project will involve your current knowledge and skills, but no matter which role you choose, it will also include some research. This research might include learning about products, methods, services, or standards, comparing prices, exploring legal and ethical issues, and/or finding justification.

Both tracks will end with a PowerPoint with audio in Unit 6. This means most of the project needs to be completed early in Unit 6, if not by the end of Unit 5. It is strongly recommended that you read ahead to know what is in store each week, but do not submit work before its assigned unit.

Important Action via Email

The instructor must approve all projects. Once you have decided on the track and project idea, email a few sentences explaining your chosen track and project ideas to your instructor for permission to move forward. Do this before the end of Monday night this week so there is time to read responses from your professor and know if your idea has been accepted.

Choosing the “Track”

1. Project Management Track

Purpose: Develop a project through research, critical thinking, and documentation. It might be hypothetical or real — either this is something that is possible, or it is a project that you actually manage.
Action: You will work through the entire project management life cycle. Parameters to control include scope, schedule, and costs (maximum $250,000 budget). Since not all real-life projects fit within 6 weeks, your Work Breakdown Structure might show additional time. A hypothetical project must still be “completed” during the course. A real project must have a substantial, well-defined segment completed and must explain the rest of the processes.

2. IT Specialist Track

Purpose: Implement an actual project or a substantial, defined segment of a project within the course’s time frame. While this is more action-based than the management track, documentation will still be needed.
Action: You will complete a deliverable before the end of the course. Milestones and project documentation are required, and parameters include working with scope, schedule, and costs.

Project Ideas

This list is provided just to get you thinking; you may develop other ideas. The graded Unit 1 Discussion will be a good place to brainstorm ideas and receive feedback from others.

Create an interactive dashboard for a specific business purpose
Set up a secure network for virtual employees
Customize software for a small company
Develop a system and materials to train employees on something technical
Create a chatbot for a company’s website
Design a database for a small company with queries, GUI, and security measures
Implement the cloud for storage, backup, and other services for a small company
Set up a smart home security environment
Assess cybersecurity in a real business and develop plans for positive change
Transition from a particular business software package to another
Design a telehealth system for veterinary patients
Develop a process to extract, transform, and load (ETL) data for a specific company or purpose
Implement assistive technology in the workplace
Install and customize a time tracking tool, a biometric system, an emergency communication structure, or some other system or software

Required Tools

These tools have been used in previous courses. Please ensure the computer on which you are currently working has what you need:

Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
Microsoft Project — for those who choose the Project Management track
Microsoft Visio
A microphone

Important note

While your project might involve developing or working with Artificial Intelligence tools, using AI-generated content for assignment submissions will not be allowed and is considered an academic violation that can result in sanctions.


The Unit 1 Discussion follows traditional course rules. The other units’ discussions only require one post. More detail is on each discussion page. Students who have been working in the module system should read all details on the Modules vs. Traditional Courses tab to understand Discussion Board responsibilities.

Project Information
Module vs. Traditional Courses

Modules vs. Traditional Courses

Some students enrolled in this course have been working through their degree program by completing modules instead of traditional courses. The information below is geared toward module students, so you know the differences in how IT599 (a traditional course) is structured. This will, in turn, assist you in understanding your responsibilities.


The course is not self-paced. There are specific items to complete each week, and units end at midnight ET each Tuesday. Assignments (including any seminar alternatives) submitted after the deadline may be subject to the late penalty explained in the syllabus. See below for discussion timing requirements.


Assignments are not graded immediately; they will be graded after the end-of-unit deadline. The faculty’s deadline to finalize a unit’s grades is the Monday following the unit’s end, but typically grades are available more quickly. The grade and feedback will only be available in the classroom; it is not sent by email.


There is no need to alert your professor via email that you have submitted work to a traditional class because grading commences after the deadline, not when you submit work.

No Revisions

In traditional classes, there is no opportunity to revise and resubmit as you can with modular courses, so doing a thorough job with assignments is important. Read assignment instructions carefully and re-read them before submitting to ensure you have met requirements. Check previous feedback. Ask questions prior to submitting, but do not wait until Tuesday night to ask, as your professor may or may not be available for last-minute responses.


Unit 1 Discussion Board

Traditional course posting rules apply:

Answer the question completely in an “initial” post.
This must be completed before the end of Saturday night during the specific unit.
Respond to at least two other posts with something of value. Posts that simply agree, thank, or compliment do not provide value. Write meaningful content.
Within the confines of the unit, post on three different days (as measured in Eastern Time).

Units 2–6 Discussion Boards:

For these units, you will only be required to post once. Follow all instructions on the page and post anytime within the 7 days of the unit.
Grading for these units’ discussions is based on an “all or nothing” concept. Partial points will not be awarded.

Do not type “posting for attendance” in any Discussion Board. Your posts must have value for others to read.

If You Are Concurrently Taking Modules

If you are still completing other coursework through the module process, remember that those courses will still follow module rules for submission, revision, communication, and timing.

Project InformationModule vs. Traditional Courses


These links are provided for those who would like extra assistance with course or unit concepts, technology needs, or APA.

The PMBOK® Guide

Project Management Institute. (2021). A guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – and the standard for project management. (7th ed.). https://search-ebscohost-com.libauth.purdueglobal….

Feasibility (check the third section of the article)

Naz, Z. (2023, January 24). Types of feasibility study in project management: Meaning, purpose. Knowledge Hut.…

Embedding Excel in Word

Note: Do not link; embed.

Embed or link to a file in Word. (n.d.). Microsoft Support.…

APA Help

APA 7e Citation and Referencing < A quick reference guide Most assignments will not require APA, but should you need assistance with citation or referencing, this PDF should be helpful. ASSIGNMENT DETAILS Unit 1: The Proposal Outcomes addressed in this activity: Unit Outcomes: Identify a viable IT project for acceptance by a client (the instructor). Devise a project proposal with suitable detail. Course Outcome: IT599-1: Decision Analysis and Project Leadership: Analyze information technology opportunities to determine the necessary scope, schedule, resources, and stakeholders to produce the optimal solution. Purpose This assignment begins your journey into developing a realistic technology project from the beginning. Purpose, stakeholders, an overview of resources and costs, a general timeline, and anticipated risks will need your critical thinking rather than research, although you may like to search the internet for ideas and general cost ideas. You will need Microsoft Word and Excel to complete this assignment. Assignment Instructions and Requirements First Steps: Immediate Check the Reading for "track" requirements and project ideas, and review comments in the discussion. If you are unsure your idea will work, email your instructor immediately to ask for help. Send your main project idea and chosen track to your instructor in an email for approval before the end of Monday night. Read the email response from your instructor. If this step is skipped, a few points are lost, and you may have to redo your Unit 1 assignment once you get approval. The Proposal Document Write your proposal. You must use the assignment template to earn points for this assignment. Note that paragraphs will be single-spaced, and a blank line should be placed between paragraphs and headings for readability. This must look like a work document and not at all like a school paper. Keep all subheadings as presented in the template except where noted, depending on your chosen "track." Cover: Replace "Project Name" with a descriptive name for your project. Replace "Client's Name" with either a real or made-up client or company name. Complete the table with your full name, your PG school email, and the date you completed this assignment. Starting on page 2, replace "Content Here" with the following: Executive Summary Summarize your project. Include the value, for whom it is being created, and any other main concepts that encapsulate your plan. Write in paragraph form. This must be 100–150 words. Qualifications Explain your choice of Project Manager or IT Specialist and explain your qualifications for completing this project in that capacity. Do not forget that you are finishing your master's degree (which is part of your qualifications). Write in paragraph form. This must be 80–100 words. Purpose Explain the problem or the need for this project. Then briefly describe how the project would correct the problem or fulfill the need. If applicable, include what could happen if the client does not approve the project. Write in paragraph form. This must be 100–150 words. Stakeholders Provide a bulleted list of at least four people or groups/entities who would be involved in or affected by the project. Consider funding, development, end-users, and others. Provide enough detail that the proposal recipient understands each stakeholder's role. Resources and Cost Estimate Include an estimated cost of (1) labor — likely related to time or hourly pay, (2) hardware and/or software, (3) technology services such as internet, cloud providers, or web hosts, etc., and (4) any licensing, legal, or consultation fees expected. If appropriate, include (5) any other costs necessary to launch the completed project. No research is needed just yet; this is a reasonable estimate in dollar amounts which may be gathered from some simple searches and critical thinking. Use embedded Excel and ensure that all parts of the embedded table can be seen in the Word template. Show all descriptions, line item totals, and a grand total. All calculations must be done by formula. Schedule Overview Identify 4–6 major milestones and how long each may be logically expected to take in terms of days or weeks (months if the project is supposed to be long-term). Use a Word table for this purpose. No additional wording is required for this section. Feasibility Comments < Delete this section if you chose the IT Specialist Track In either a bulleted list or in paragraph form, explain why this project is feasible in terms of (1) technical, (2) operational, (3) economic, and (4) legal feasibility. Ensure that each of these terms is present and used correctly in your explanation. Information about these concepts is found in the Reading section, Resources tab. Write 120–150 words. Completion Plan < Delete this section if you chose the Project Management Track Explain how much of the project you intend to actually complete. Be specific. Include a description of your current skill set and/or experiences relevant to the project. Consider also where you might go to get additional information that could assist you in completing the work. Write in paragraph form. This must be 100–150 words. If you use any source materials for ideas (beyond the feasibility article in the Reading section), present full APA reference entries at the end of the document. Since sources are really only for main ideas or general understanding, in-text citations would not be logical and should not be present in the document. Note that you can complete this proposal entirely without source material. Additional Parameters This must be completed using your critical thinking and knowledge gained throughout the program instead of the direct use of source materials. Any resources that may be necessary for the completion of the proposed project (such as vendors, tutorials, open-source materials, etc.) should be identified by name and full URL. Proofread your work for grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and formality. While first-person writing is allowed and logical in parts, limit it where possible. Directions for Submitting Your Assignment Name your Word document with the following convention: IT599-Proposal-LastName-FirstName (using your own name). Make sure you read all instructions carefully and review the grading rubric before submitting to the Dropbox for Unit 1. Plagiarism You are expected to be the sole author of your work and that it is not copied from sources, as plagiarism will not be tolerated. In accordance with the University's academic integrity policy, your assignment will be automatically submitted to Turnitin. Plagiarism of words, ideas, images, or other intellectual property violates the University honor code, and any offense may be subject to disciplinary action. For more information on University’s plagiarism policy, refer to the current University Catalog. Review the Unit 1 Assignment Rubric before beginning this activity. The proposal must be submitted in the given template to earn points for this assignment. Unit 1 Assignment Dropbox Hide Assignment Information Turnitin™ This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Hide Rubrics Rubric Name: IT599 Unit 1 Assignment Rubric Print Criteria 1 Level III Max Points 10 points Level II Max Points 8.5 points Level I Max Points 7 points Not Present 0 points Criterion Score Project Viability and Acceptance ● Asks for and receives approval for the project prior to proposal submission. ● Asks for approval after submitting the proposal. ● The project is subsequently approved. ● Asks for approval after submitting the proposal OR does not ask for approval. ● The project is subsequently approved but may require modifications. Does not meet this criteria. Score of Project Viability and Acceptance, / 10 Criteria 2 Level III Max Points 20 points Level II Max Points 17 points Level I Max Points 14 points Not Present 0 points Criterion Score Executive Summary and Qualifications ● Summarizes the project in a paragraph of 100–150 words. ● Explains student qualifications to do this project in a paragraph of 80–100 words. ● Summarizes the project in a paragraph but might not meet the length requirement. OR ● Explains student qualifications to do this project in a paragraph but might not meet the length requirement. ● Summarizes the project in a paragraph but might not meet the length requirement OR the executive summary does not truly summarize the project - - AND ● Explains student qualifications to do this project in a paragraph but might not meet the length requirement. Does not meet this criteria. Score of Executive Summary and Qualifications, / 20 Criteria 3 Level III Max Points 20 points Level II Max Points 17 points Level I Max Points 14 points Not Present 0 points Criterion Score Purpose and Stakeholders ● Explains purpose of the project, including the problem or the need it intends to fix, in a paragraph of 100–150 words. ● Provides a bulleted list of at least four people or groups/entities and their roles who are considered stakeholders, including funding, development, and end-users. ● Explains purpose of the project, including the problem or the need it intends to fix, in a paragraph but might not meet the length requirement. OR ● Provides a bulleted list of less than four people or groups/entities and their roles who are considered stakeholders, including funding, development, and end-users. ● Explains purpose of the project, including the problem or the need it intends to fix, but might not meet the length requirement or be presented in paragraph form as required, AND/OR ● Provides a bulleted list of less than four people or groups/entities and their roles who are considered stakeholders, including funding, development, and end-users. Does not meet this criteria. Score of Purpose and Stakeholders, / 20 Criteria 4 Level III Max Points 20 points Level II Max Points 17 points Level I Max Points 14 points Not Present 0 points Criterion Score Resources and Cost Estimate – must be presented in embedded Excel to earn these points ● Estimates costs of labor, hardware/software, technology services, licensing/legal/consulting fees, etc., with dollar amounts. ● Determines reasonable costs, showing descriptions, line item totals, and a grand total. ● Presents this section in embedded Excel, with all calculations done by formulas. ● All content is clearly visible in the proposal document. ● Estimates costs in dollars but might leave out one area: labor, hardware/software, technology services, and licensing/legal/consulting fees. ● Determines reasonable costs, showing descriptions, line item totals, and a grand total. ● Presents this section in embedded Excel, with most calculations done by formulas. ● All content is clearly visible in the proposal document. ● Estimates costs in dollars but might leave out one area: labor, hardware/software, technology services, and licensing/legal/consulting fees. ● Determines reasonable costs, showing descriptions, line item totals, and a grand total. ● Presents this section in embedded Excel, but calculations might not be done by formula. ● Some table content might not be visible in the proposal document. Does not meet this criteria. Score of Resources and Cost Estimate – must be presented in embedded Excel to earn these points, / 20 Criteria 5 Level III Max Points 10 points Level II Max Points 8.5 points Level I Max Points 7 points Not Present 0 points Criterion Score Schedule Overview ● Identifies 4–6 major milestones and estimates how long each is logically expected to take. ● Uses a Word table to present this information. ● Identifies only three major milestones and estimates how long each is logically expected to take. ● Uses a Word table to present this information. ● Identifies only three major milestones but might not estimate how long each is logically expected to take or presents incomplete information. ● Uses a Word table to present this information. Does not meet this criteria. Score of Schedule Overview, / 10 Criteria 6 Level III Max Points 10 points Level II Max Points 8.5 points Level I Max Points 7 points Not Present 0 points Criterion Score Feasibility (PM) or Completion Plan (Specialist) ● PM track: Adequately explains the project's technical, operational, economic, and legal feasibilities using proper terminology in 120–150 words presented in paragraph form. ● Specialist track: Explains how much of the project is expected to be completed during the course, with description of relevant current skills/experiences, in 100–150 words presented in paragraph form. ● PM track: Explains the project's technical, operational, economic, and legal feasibilities in paragraph form using proper terminology, but might not meet the minimum length requirement OR leaves out one of the four feasibility areas. ● Specialist track: Explains in paragraph form how much of the project is expected to be completed during the course but leaves out a description of relevant current skills/experiences OR does not meet minimum length requirements. ● PM track: Explains the project's technical, operational, economic, and legal feasibilities in paragraph form but might not meet the minimum length requirement OR leaves out one of the four feasibility areas OR does not use the terminology to make the content clear. ● Specialist track: Explains in paragraph form how much of the project is expected to be completed during the course but leaves out a description of relevant current skills/experiences AND does not meet minimum length requirements. Does not meet this criteria. Score of Feasibility (PM) or Completion Plan (Specialist), / 10 Criteria 7 Level III Max Points 20 points Level II Max Points 17 points Level I Max Points 14 points Not Present 0 points Criterion Score Writing, Formatting, and other Basics ● Completes the cover page content. ● Deletes the one section not relevant to the chosen track. ● Retains the single-spaced paragraphing format. ● Proofreads for writing formality and accuracy. ● Completes the cover page content but may have missed an item. ● Deletes the one section not relevant to the chosen track. ● Retains the single-spaced paragraphing format. ● Submits with minor writing issues. ● Completes the cover page content but may have missed an item. ● Does not delete the one section irrelevant to the chosen track OR does not retain the single-spaced paragraphing format. ● Submits with writing issues. Does not meet this criteria. Score of Writing, Formatting, and other Basics, / 20 TotalScore of IT599 Unit 1 Assignment Rubric, / 110 Overall Score LEVEL III 93.6 points minimum LEVEL II 77.1 points minimum LEVEL I 1 point minimum NOT PRESENT 0 points minimum Rubric Name: IT599_2006D_-1 Print Criteria Mastery 5 points Proficient 4 points Practiced 3 points Emergent 2 points Introductory 1 point No Progress 0 points Criterion Score IT599_2006D_-1: Decision Analysis and Project Leadership: Analyze information technology opportunities to determine the necessary scope, schedule, resources, and stakeholders to produce the optimal solution. Student work indicates the ability to analyze information technology opportunities to determine the necessary scope, schedule, resources, and stakeholders to produce the optimal solution and use the knowledge gained to successfully complete the entire activity. Student work indicates the ability to analyze information technology opportunities to determine the necessary scope, schedule, resources, and stakeholders to produce the optimal solution and use the knowledge gained to successfully complete most of the activity. Student work indicates the ability to analyze information technology opportunities to determine the necessary scope, schedule, resources, and stakeholders to produce the optimal solution and use the knowledge gained to successfully complete more than half of the activity. Student work indicates some ability to analyze information technology opportunities to determine the necessary scope, schedule, resources, and stakeholders to produce the optimal solution and use the knowledge gained to successfully complete some but less than half of the activity. Student work indicates little ability to analyze the methods ethical hackers use to perform reconnaissance and social engineering and use the knowledge gained to attempt the activity. Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Score of IT599_2006D_-1: Decision Analysis and Project Leadership: Analyze information technology opportunities to determine the necessary scope, schedule, resources, and stakeholders to produce the optimal solution., / 5 TotalScore of IT599_2006D_-1, / 5 Overall Score 5: MASTERY 4.5 points minimum 4: PROFICIENT 3.5 points minimum 3: PRACTICED 2.5 points minimum 2: EMERGENT 1.5 points minimum 1: INTRODUCTORY 0.5 points minimum 0: NO PROGRESS 0 points minimum Associated Learning Outcomes IT599_2006D_-1 Assessment Method: Overall Rubric Score Required Performance: 0: No Progress Submit Assignment (0) file(s) uploaded to submit After uploading your file(s), you must click Submit button below to complete the submission. .. Add a File Unit 1 Discussion Project Ideas (Graded Discussion) In your initial post, share your capstone project idea(s). This is a brainstorming place, so it is okay to share more than one idea and decide on what you want to really do later. The feedback you receive here may help with your final decision. Additional parameters: Identify if you are interested in the Project Management or IT Specialist track. Your initial post must be at least 100 words in length. Discussion rules for this unit follow typical University posting rules in traditional courses. These are: Write a descriptive subject line for your initial post — not your name, course or unit number, or the title shown above for this discussion

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Project Name
Client Name
Proposal prepared by
Contact email
Preparation date
IT599 Project Proposal
page 2
Executive Summary
Content here
Content here
Content here
Content here
Resources and Cost Estimate
Content here
Schedule Overview
Content here
Feasibility Comments
Content here (delete this section if you are taking the IT Specialist role)
Completion Plan
Content here (delete this section if you are taking the Project Management role)

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