IT-241: Operating Systems


Q1Draw four Gantt charts that illustrate the execution of these processes using the following scheduling algorithms a) What is the turnaround time and response time of each process for each of the scheduling algorithms in part a? b) Calculate the average waiting time for the first three algorithms Q2Some issues need to be considered in designing multi-threaded system. One of these issues involves Thread Cancellation. Discuss the two types of target-thread cancellation, support your answer with examples. Q3Imagine that you will design a simple scheduler for multi-processing system. For simplicity, this computing environments consisting of four single-core processers, each of these processors has a local scheduler for managing the execution of arriving jobs. The global scheduler is responsible for scheduling the jobs assigned for all the running processors.Using creativity and design thinking, propose a design for scheduling algorithm that fairly distribute the jobs and minimize the waiting time between these four processors. Justify the applicability of your algorithm with example. Hint: Combine two CPU scheduling algorithms that covered in the lecture

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