issues and trends in nursing


The sources should be scholarly. Library articles, government websites, textbooks are all considered credible sources.
Your posts should be substantial, demonstrating critical thought and analysis of material. Providing examples from your own experiences and what you find in your textbooks or the resources listed each week will help support your responses. In other words, all discussion responses, including peer responses should have in-text citations and references.

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issues and trends in nursing
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I will post 2 responses and questions for the class to think about as we discuss our topics throughout the week. You may respond to your peers as well as my questions. Since this is a course about issues and trends in nursing, we want to learn how to identify what those issues are. If you try to google sources for the discussion posts, you will not always find the correct answers.

Using the library to research articles will be helpful for this class. We want the best evidence to support our discussion posts. Please ensure your WCU library account is working. Support what you say with examples and connect it to the concepts we are learning and provide evidence (textbook, articles, research, etc.) to support what you are saying in initial and peer posts.

Hint: The textbook and online presentations as well as the resources provided each week will assist you in answering the discussion prompts. It is advisable to use control F (or command F on Mac) to search for key terms if using the electronic textbook or the index for a hard copy textbook.As you prepare to transition from an academic student to a newly graduated nurse in clinical practice, consider the following:

What two provisions in the ANA’s Code of Ethics for Nurses may help you in this transition?
Expand on your chosen provisions and describe how adopting them into your clinical practice will help you to be successful.

In order to receive full credit, you will need to clearly respond to both parts of the question using subtitles or bullets AND cite at least one scholarly reference in your response. You are required to participate on at least three (3) days of the week to receive full participation points.

Answering the Initial Prompt Completely and On Time

Make sure to answer the prompt thoroughly, providing details and specifics. In order to do this, it will help you if you label each part of the prompt with a heading/question separately if applicable.


Professional Issues in Nursing: Challenges and Opportunities
Author: Carol J. Huston
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Health
Edition: 6th
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
Author: American Psychological Association
Publisher: American Psychological Association
Edition: 7th