Is205 business process management project


I uploaded the rubric it’s under the specification, what you should do I need you only to do phase 1 and 2 pleaseyou can choose a Saudi company for example “stc” company or “Sdaia” or “alhabib hospital “ but please tell me which one you choose Also I uploaded a 2 samples of the project

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Is205 business process management project
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Semester 232
Description of the project
1. Select a company or any organization to conduct your research on business process
management. You ask your parent, your uncle, aunt, or just anyone who can assist you or
allow you to conduct the study.
2. Once you are able to select an organization and the people who can assist you, create a
process architecture for the organization that you identified. Then explain about the process
3. Identify the department that you are going to work with. For example, finance, human
resource, IT service, Sales, Marketing, Warehouse, etc.
4. Identify some of the processed that is quite simple but probably need to be improved
5. Select one process from these and perform BPM by following the cycle. Here we will start
with process analysis.
6. Start the analysis on the process by performing the following:
a. Identify the original problem of the process ± too slow, people are not happy, too
many negative outcomes, etc.
b. Tell about the process in written text and identify what the process is all about in
terms of the steps involve, the actors of the process, the artefacts (data or
information documents used), and the relationship with other departments, if any.
c. Draw D³WR-EH´process model from b above ± 1) Simple with no pools and
lanes; 2) Process model with pools and lanes and artefacts.
d. Analyze the issues and problems that you can see from the existing process in
terms of the cost, time (efficiency), quality (errors, customer satisfaction), and
how to increase positive outcomes and avoid negative outcomes.
7. Re-design the process by doing the following:
a. Suggest how you are going to improve the process that you analyzed earlier.
b. Use the knowledge in the lecture about how to re-design a process.
Conclude and suggest what needs to be done afterword in order to complete your BPM
Complete your project and provide project progress report.
10. Presentation date: 7 May 2024
11. Final report date: 6 May 2024
12. Project report template: will be provided
13. Rubric: will be provided
14. Note: Marks will be strictly made based on rubric
Project Section
References and
Documents to be submitted
interview them
Field visit
Phone interview
Chapter 1 ± Process Identification
a) Introduction
b) Your project objectives
c) Briefly about BPM
d) Introduction about the
e) Organization process
Sample business
case for BPM:
Literature ± from
articles, book,
Chapter 2 ± Literature Review
a) What is BPM ± working
b) Benefits of BPM
c) Organizations that use
d) How they use BPM
e) How do BPM help
improve the company
Use information in
Chapter 3 ± Methodology
Describe how you conduct BPM
using the BPM framework and
x Process identification
x Process discovery
x Process analysis
x Process re-design
x Process implementation
x Process control and
16 April
16 April
review ±
A study report
of other case
discovery and
Use of UML
or BPMN 2.0
to produced a
revised model
and suggest
solution for
the purpose
Conceptual diagram to
illustrate the current
step by step process
Model existing process
using BPMN 2.0
Identify performance
indicators and process
outcome ± positive or
negative value
A report on existing process
and workflow with issues and
problems. Simulate the
problems and needs for
improvement using process
mapping tools or simulation
Identify the process to be
improved by your team and
discuss why
Provide the feasibility of
choosing to improve the
Literature Review
Due date
27 Feb.
27 Feb.
areticalor 7march
Process reDesign
x Analysis
BPM model
Reports and
Conceptual diagram or
illustration ± based on own
process, and
³DVLV´model using sequence
and BPMN 2.0 diagram
Conceptual diagram to
illustrate the propose
step by step process
Model existing process
using BPMN 2.0
Identify performance
indicators and process
outcome ± positive or
negative value
Report guideline and
6 May
6 May
Analysis report of proposed
solution to the process problem
Sequence diagram and BPMN
2.0 diagram
Final report and presentation

IS205 Project
Prince Sultan University
Collage of computer science and information system
Supervised by: Dr. Nor Shahida Binti Mohd Jamail
Najla AlFaleh
Nafla AlQahtani
Aldanah AlNamlah
Sarah AlSenan
1 | Page
Table of content:
Chapter 1
Project objectives
Briefly about BPM
Introduction about the organization
The orgnaization’s vision
The orgnaization’s mission
Orgnaization’s structure
Orgnaization’s process architecture
Literature review
What is BPM
Orgnaization that use BPM
How they use BPM
How do BPM help improve the company
Chapter 3
Process Identification
Process Discovery
Process Analysis
Process Redesign
Process Implementation
Process Monitoring and Control
Chapter 4
Report on the existing process
Process to be improved
As-Is Model:
Chapter 5
Process redesign
To-be model
To-be process analysis report
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Chapter 1
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Process Identification
I) Introduction:
In this project, we will be analyzing and addressing a critical business process of one of the most
well-known and innovative companies in the world, Apple Inc. As a global technology giant,
Apple’s success is largely attributed to its ability to streamline processes and offer seamless
experiences to its customers. Apple is renowned for its exceptional quality and customer service,
which makes it crucial for the company to have efficient business processes in place. Our aim is
to delve into the company’s operations and identify any bottlenecks or areas that require
optimization. We will explore the concept of Business Process Management (BPM), which
involves optimizing and automating processes to increase efficiency and reduce costs.
Additionally, we will provide an overview of Apple’s architecture and highlight key facts about
the company’s operations. As a company that operates in a highly competitive and constantly
evolving industry, Apple must continuously improve its business processes to maintain its
position as a leader in innovation and customer satisfaction. Our analysis and recommendations
will provide valuable insights for Apple to improve its processes and ultimately enhance its
customer experience.
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Project objectives:
Our aim is to apply our knowledge of business process management, process design and
architecture gained from the course.
Specific objectives:
The main aim is to scrutinize and recognize an issue in the business processes of Apple, such as
a time-consuming approval procedure for a specific task. The subsequent goal is to simplify
communication via BPM techniques, with the intention of discovering a resolution.
What is BPM?
BPM stands for Business Process Management. It is a methodology used to optimize an
organization’s business processes. The primary objective of BPM is to identify, design, execute,
monitor, and improve workflows and procedures to enhance productivity, efficiency, and overall
performance. This involves the use of process modeling, analysis, and automation tools to
identify inefficiencies and bottlenecks in the workflow and to streamline and optimize the
processes. Through BPM, companies can achieve maximum efficiency, reduce costs, and
improve customer satisfaction.
Types of BPM:
There are three primary types of BPM:
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● Vertical BPM: This type of BPM focuses on a specific industry or vertical, such as
healthcare, finance, or manufacturing. The processes are optimized to meet the specific
needs of the industry.
● Horizontal BPM: This type of BPM focuses on a specific business process across
different industries, such as procurement or human resources. The processes are
optimized to meet the needs of the specific business process, regardless of the industry.
● Full-stack BPM: This type of BPM covers all aspects of an organization’s business
processes. It involves end-to-end optimization of all business processes, from the initial
design to the final delivery.
Introduction about the organization:
Apple Inc. is a multinational technology company headquartered in Cupertino, California, United
States. The company was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne in April
1976, and has since become one of the world’s leading technology innovators. Apple designs,
develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services. The company’s
products include the iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV. Apple is also known for its
software ecosystem, including the iOS operating system, iTunes, and the App Store. The
company is recognized globally for its innovative products, sleek designs, and commitment to
sustainability. With a market capitalization of over $2 trillion, Apple is one of the world’s most
valuable companies.
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The Organization’s Vision:
Apple’s vision is to create innovative products that enrich people’s lives and enhance their daily
experiences through simplicity, user-friendliness, and aesthetic design. They aim to focus on a
few key projects, maintain a high degree of quality, and collaborate to lead in every area of the
The Organization’s Mission:
Apple’s mission is to design and develop high-quality products that seamlessly integrate
hardware, software, and services. They strive to create a unique user experience that exceeds
customer expectations and sets new standards in the industry. Apple’s mission also includes a
commitment to sustainability, privacy, and security in their products and operations.
The Organization’s Objectives:
customer satisfaction,
financial performance,
sustainability, employee development, and global expansion.
Organization’s Structure:
Apple’s organizational structure is hierarchical, with several layers of management, and it is
designed to ensure that the company’s operations are efficient and effective. The company is led
by a Board of Directors, which is responsible for setting strategic direction and overseeing
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Organization’s Process Architecture:
Apple’s process architecture is focused on optimizing the various stages involved in creating and
delivering high-quality products to its customers. The company has a highly structured process
architecture, with each stage of the product development process designed to meet the company’s
high standards. At the core of Apple’s process architecture is a focus on user experience, with an
emphasis on creating products that are intuitive, easy to use, and aesthetically pleasing. This
emphasis on design extends to every aspect of the company’s operations, from product design to
the layout of its physical stores. Apple’s process architecture also places a strong emphasis on
quality control, with rigorous testing and review processes built into each stage of the product
development cycle. The company’s commitment to quality is reflected in its low defect rates and
high customer satisfaction ratings. Finally, Apple’s process architecture is designed to be highly
efficient and streamlined, with a focus on minimizing waste and maximizing productivity. The
company uses a variety of process automation tools to speed up the development and
manufacturing processes, allowing it to bring new products to market quickly and efficiently.
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Chapter 2
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Literature Review
Business process management (BPM) is a systematic approach for overseeing an organization’s
operational procedures in an effort to increase its effectiveness, efficiency, and adaptability. BPM
entails analysis.
To meet organizational goals and objectives, business processes are designed, put into action,
monitored, and continually improved.
Advantages of BPM:
BPM has a number of advantages for businesses, including:
1. Increased effectiveness: BPM enables businesses to streamline operations, cut waste, and
boost output.
2. Greater agility: Businesses can adjust to shifting market conditions, customer demands, and
legal obligations more swiftly thanks to BPM.
3. Improved customer experience: BPM may raise the standard and consistency of customer
interactions by streamlining corporate procedures.
4. Better decision-making: Businesses can make better choices thanks to real-time data and
analytics that BPM offers.
5. Improved collaboration: Collaboration between teams and departments is encouraged by
BPM, which improves communication and helps teams solve problems more efficiently.
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BPM is utilized by a large variety of companies in a wide range of sectors, including
manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and government. A few businesses that utilize BPM are:
1. IBM: IBM uses BPM to enhance internal operations, automate manual labor, and boost
2. GE: GE employs BPM to raise customer satisfaction, cut expenses, and improve product
3. Siemens: Siemens employs BPM to streamline operations, enhance client relations, and lower
4. The City of New York: To enhance service delivery, raise transparency, and cut costs, the City
of New York employs BPM.
How BPM is used by organizations: Depending on their aims and objectives, organizations use
BPM in various ways. Typical applications of BPM in organizations include the following:
1. Process analysis: Organizations examine their current business procedures to find
inefficiencies and potential opportunities for improvement.
2. Process design: Businesses create innovative, more adaptive, efficient, and successful
3. Process implementation: To automate manual operations and cut down on errors,
organizations put new procedures and systems in place.
4. Process monitoring: Businesses keep an eye on their procedures to make sure they are working
properly and to spot any problems.
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5. Process Improvement: Over time, organizations continuously enhance their processes by
identifying areas for improvement using data and analytics.
How BPM helps an organization get better: BPM may help an organization get better in a
number of ways, including:
1. Enhanced efficiency: BPM can assist firms in lowering expenses and boosting productivity by
streamlining business processes.
2. Higher quality: BPM may assist businesses in reducing errors, standardizing their processes,
and raising the caliber of their output.
3. Improved customer service: BPM can increase the consistency and speed of client
interactions, resulting in improved levels of customer satisfaction.
4. Greater agility: BPM enables businesses to more swiftly adjust to shifting market conditions
and customer demands, giving them an advantage over rivals.
5. Improved compliance: BPM can assist businesses in adhering to legal obligations and
lowering the risk of non-compliance.
In conclusion, BPM is an effective tool for businesses aiming to streamline their operations,
increase productivity, and raise customer happiness. Employing BPM enables firms to increase
flexibility, cut expenses, and boost overall performance, which will result in greater profitability
and expansion.
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Chapter 3
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In this chapter we will describe how we conducted the BPM using the framework and lifecycle.
Starting from process identification, after that, process discovery, followed by process analysis;
then process redesign, process implementation, and finally process control and monitoring.
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Process Identification:
Apple process identification refers to the methods and tools used to identify the
different processes and operations performed by Apple devices, such as iPhones,
iPads, and Macs. This involves analyzing resource usage of the hardware components
to determine what functions they are performing and how they are interacting with
other components. This information is used to optimize the performance of the device,
solve issues, and improve user experience. Examples of Apple process identification
tools include Activity Monitor, top, and ps commands in Terminal.
Process Discovery:
Apple’s process discovery involves identifying each step in their product
development process and determining the effectiveness of each step. This
1. Ideation: The process of generating new ideas for products. Apple uses
brainstorming sessions and customer feedback to determine product ideas.
2. Concept Development: Once an idea is identified, Apple teams explore the
feasibility and potential profitability of the idea. They create product
concepts, develop prototypes and conduct market research to validate the
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3. Design: Apple’s design process is focused on creating products that are both
visually appealing and functional. Teams collaborate to create product
designs based on customer wants and feedback.
4. Development: This step puts the product into production. The engineering
team uses software tools to develop the product, and they test, refine and
optimize it.
5. Testing: The product goes through testing to ensure it meets Apple’s high
standards for quality and usability. Apple uses internal testing, as well as
product testing with real customers, to ensure that the product will be
successful in the market.
6. Launch: The product is released to the market through Apple stores,
third-party retailers, and online sales channels. Apple uses a sophisticated
marketing strategy to drive awareness and demand for the product.
7. Maintenance: After the product is launched, Apple’s teams continue to monitor
customer feedback and use data analytics to determine areas for improvement.
Updates and revisions are made to the product, and new features are added to
keep the product relevant.
Process Analysis:
Apple devices employ a unique combination of hardware and software to efficiently
process user input and perform tasks. The following is a brief overview of how
Apple devices process information:
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1. Chipset: Apple devices use custom-designed processors, including the
A-series and M-series chips. These chips are designed to work optimally
with the iOS and macOS operating systems and provide high levels of
performance and efficiency.
2. Memory: Apple devices come with varying degrees of memory or RAM,
which is used to store data temporarily while apps are running. The more
memory a device has, the faster it can switch between apps and perform
3. Input: Apple devices use touchscreens, keyboards, and other input methods
to receive user input. The touchscreens are designed to be highly responsive
and support multi-touch gestures, such as pinch-to-zoom and swiping.
4. Display: Apple devices feature high-resolution displays that are optimized
for color accuracy and brightness. This allows users to view images and
videos in stunning detail.
5. Operating System: Apple devices run on the iOS or macOS operating
systems, which are designed to work seamlessly with Apple’s custom
processors. These operating systems provide an easy-to-use interface and
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include features such as Siri, an intelligent personal assistant.
6. Apps: Apple devices run a wide range of apps, including both built-in and
third-party apps. These apps are optimized for Apple’s hardware and
software, ensuring smooth performance and high levels of user satisfaction.
7. Cloud Services: Apple devices are integrated with iCloud, Apple’s
cloud-based service, which allows users to store and sync data across
multiple devices. This helps users to access their data from anywhere and
ensures that their data is always backed up.
Overall, Apple devices employ a combination of optimized hardware, software, and
cloud services to provide users with a high-quality user experience and efficient
processing capabilities.
Process Redesign:
Apple has undergone numerous process redesigns over the years in order to improve its
operational efficiency and stay ahead of its competitors. Some of the notable process redesigns
implemented by Apple are:
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1. Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing: Apple has been using JIT manufacturing since the
1990s, which involves producing goods only as they are needed, reducing inventory, and
lowering costs.
2. Lean manufacturing: Lean manufacturing is a production process that focuses on
reducing waste and increasing efficiency. Apple has implemented lean manufacturing to
streamline its operations, reduce costs, and increase the speed of production.
3. Supplier relationship management: Apple has a close relationship with its suppliers and
works closely with them to improve quality, reduce costs, and optimize their supply
chain. This has led to a more efficient supply chain, which significantly reduces time to
4. Continuous improvement: Apple has implemented a continuous improvement process
that involves constantly reviewing and analyzing its processes and making changes to
optimize them. This has led to increased efficiency and effectiveness of its operations.
Process Implementation:
Apple’s approach to process implementation involves several key steps:
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1. Defining the process: Apple starts by defining the process and the outcomes it is intended
to achieve. This involves identifying the inputs, the steps involved, and the desired
2. Mapping the process: Apple uses process mapping tools to visually represent the process,
including the flow of inputs, steps involved, and outputs.
3. Assigning roles and responsibilities: Apple assigns clear roles and responsibilities for
each step in the process to ensure accountability and alignment.
4. Identifying metrics and performance targets: Apple sets metrics and performance targets
to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the process.
5. Implementing the process: Apple puts the process into action and monitors progress
against the metrics and targets.
6. Continuous improvement: Apple continuously reviews and improves the process to
ensure it stays relevant and effective. This involves feedback from stakeholders, data
analysis, and identifying areas for improvement.
Overall, Apple’s process implementation approach is focused on clarity, accountability, and
continuous improvement to drive better outcomes.
Process Control and Monitoring:
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Process control and monitoring on an Apple devise refers to the ability to manage and monitor
the various processes and tasks that are running on the device. Some of the ways in which this
can be achieved on Apple devices include:

Using the built-in task manager: The iPhone or any apple device has a built-in task
manager that allows you to see the apps running in the background and close them if
necessary. To access the task manager, double-click on the home button.
● Using third-party apps: There are several third-party apps available on the App Store that
offer more advanced process control and monitoring capabilities. Some of the popular
options include System Activity Monitor, Battery Life, and iStat.
● Limited background activity: Since iOS 13, iPhones have also introduced limited
background activity to ensure better battery life and overall performance. This means that
apps running in the background are subject to certain limitations to prevent them from
draining battery life unnecessarily.
Overall, process control and monitoring on an iPhone can help improve the overall performance
of the device and increase battery life. It’s important to regularly check for apps running in the
background and close them if necessary to ensure optimal performance
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Chapter 4
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Process discovery and Analysis
Report on the existing process
● Apple’s Product Development Team
● Apple’s Quality Assurance Team
● Apple’s Marketing Team
● Apple’s Supply Chain Management Team
● Apple’s Sales Team
The Process:
Apple’s process for developing iPhone devices involves collaboration between several teams.
The product development team designs and creates the iPhone, ensuring that it meets Apple’s
standards for innovation, design, and performance. The quality assurance team then tests the
iPhone to ensure it meets Apple’s rigorous quality standards. The marketing team then creates
campaigns to promote the iPhone and increase its demand in the market. The supply chain
management team ensures that the iPhone is manufactured efficiently and that components are
sourced sustainably. Finally, the sales team works to distribute the iPhone to consumers and
businesses around the world.
Event: Apple’s iPhone Development Process
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● Design and create iPhone devices that meet Apple’s standards
● Test iPhones to ensure they meet quality standards
● Develop marketing campaigns to promote iPhone devices
● Ensure efficient and sustainable manufacturing of iPhones
● Distribute iPhones to consumers and businesses
Process to be improved:
Although Apple’s process for developing iPhone devices is efficient, there is always room for
improvement. One area where Apple could improve is in the supply chain management process.
Currently, Apple relies on several suppliers to manufacture iPhone components. By
consolidating its suppliers, Apple could streamline the manufacturing process, reduce costs, and
improve sustainability. Additionally, Apple could use artificial intelligence and machine learning
to optimize its supply chain, improving forecasting accuracy and reducing waste. By making
these improvements, Apple could enhance the efficiency of its iPhone development process,
reduce costs, and increase sustainability.
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AS-IS Model:
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Chapter 5
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Process Redesign
The process problem identified in the iPhone manufacturing process is the high rate of defects in
the production line, leading to a decrease in product quality and customer satisfaction. The
defects can range from minor cosmetic imperfections to more severe issues that affect the
device’s functionality.
Proposed Solution:
The proposed solution to the iPhone manufacturing process’s high defect rate is the
implementation of an automated quality control system. The automated quality control system
would use machine learning algorithms to identify defects in the production line, including
cosmetic and functional issues. The system would be capable of detecting defects at every stage
of the manufacturing process, from the initial assembly to the final testing and packaging. The
proposed automated quality control system would offer several benefits to the iPhone
manufacturing process. Firstly, it would reduce the number of defects in the production line,
leading to an increase in product quality and customer satisfaction. Secondly, it would streamline
the manufacturing process by identifying defects earlier in the process, reducing the need for
rework and saving time and resources. Finally, the system would provide valuable data insights
into the manufacturing process, allowing for continuous improvement and optimization.
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TO-BE Model:
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To-be process analysis report
In the to be model, we have ensured that the device would have a full quality control throughout
the whole process of building an iPhone. The process would begin by supply chain and that
would be getting raw materials specifically for Apple. And also added machines that would
make the process easier, and machines that are generated to be used specifically for Apple and
iPhone, therefore the machine would simply detect any glitch or defects from developing to the
final stages of distributing to consumers. Therefore, less number of flaws would be in the
production process, help us detect any minor mistakes from the beginning of the process, as well
as aim for future improvements.
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Ultimately, the project effectively applied the Business Process Management (BPM) knowledge
to analyze and optimize a critical business process at Apple Inc. By utilizing the BPM
framework and lifecycle, the project gained a comprehensive understanding of the organization’s
corporate environment and identified areas of concern. The as-is model was used in process
discovery to analyze the most problematic process and generate solutions. Process analysis
further enhanced the understanding of specific tasks and identified crucial actors and activities.
After analyzing the process, the decision was made to adopt automation during the process
redesign, which greatly improved the process’s efficiency as evidenced by the to-be model. The
project recommends a gradual implementation approach to avoid major hitches due to the
significant change. Furthermore, process monitoring and control are crucial in maintaining a
smooth-running process by continually updating and amending it to align with changing
technologies and emerging problems. Through the project’s successful application of the BPM
framework and lifecycle, it identified Apple’s business process and process architecture,
analyzed the identified process, redesigned and optimized the process, and focused on process
control and monitoring to ensure continuous improvement.
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Proposal for
Instructor name: dr.Nor
Done By:
Mishael Alhargan
Sara Alsaadan
Dana Aljebreen
Lulu Almisfer
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Process Identification
Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
Project objectives:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Introduction about Saudi Aramco……………………………………………………………………………………………….3
Brief about BPM………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4
Mission statement of Saudi Aramco……………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Objective statement of Saudi Aramco…………..