IPE Question Development & Interview HLST 2003


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IPE Question Development & Interview HLST 2003
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1. Students will describe a health professional’s and organization’s responsibility in the prevention of medication errors.

2. Students will give examples of the importance of written and verbal communication with other professionals in the prevention and reporting of medication errors.

3. Students will illustrate that teamwork and collaborative care are essential skills in medication safety and prevention of errors.

4. Students will generate a plan for their role as a leader to support a culture of safety in their organization.


Medication errors are one of the leading causes of adverse patient incidents in health care settings and often result in medical malpractice cases. As such, medication safety is a concern and interprofessional education is vital for preparing healthcare administration students for their roles as clinical department leaders and well as general administrative leaders that set safety, budgetary, and culture standards that can mitigate medication errors. Knowing about and valuing the skills and responsibilities of other team members and respecting each person’s role in the team leads to more effective communication and collaboration in the context of medication safety. The purpose of this project is to offer students an opportunity to become familiar with a patient’s healthcare team, including pharmacists and others that may be involved in the medication care-giving chain. Emphasis is placed on relating the knowledge and skills to real-world applications in healthcare settings. Through an interprofessional interview with a healthcare professional (e.g. nurse, nurse aide, physician, pharmacist, OTA, SLP, Rad Tech, etc) students will better understand their professional roles and those of others around the theme of medication safety and prevention of medication errors.


1. Interprofessional Mini-series: Students will watch parts of an interprofessional mini-series developed by Texas Tech Health Sciences Center. Each interprofessional video promotes leadership and professional development in the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) “core” competency domains including (1) roles and responsibilities, (2) interprofessional communication, (3) values/ethics, and (4) teams and teamwork.

a. The Reason I Jump: An Interprofessional Mini-series: This interprofessional video includes the professions of occupational therapy, nursing, medicine, pharmacy, athletic training, emergency medical services, and speech-language pathology. The trailer for The Reason I Jump: An Interprofessional Mini-Series can be viewed at:.

b. Change of Heart: An Interprofessional Mini-series: This interprofessional mini-series includes the professions of nursing, pharmacy, medicine, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech-language pathology. The trailer for Change of Heart: An Interprofessional Mini-Series can be viewed at:.

2. Interprofessional Interview: After viewing the mini-series, students will work in assigned IPE groups to develop a set of interview questions for the healthcare professions.

Each student within the group will select a healthcare professional to interview about their roles and responsibilities in medication safety and reporting medication errors.

File should contain:
Name of individual being interviewed and by which studentName of profession of each individual
A minimum of ten thorough interview questions

Cant use same question as the one in file uploaded….

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Group 3 IPE Question Development and Interview Compilation
HLST 4003 Dr. Bower
1. Group Member: Blakely Thevis
Interviewee: Crystal Thevis, RRT 2
Name of Interviewee’s Profession: Respiratory Therapist
2. Group Member: Robert Worley
Interviewee: Mary Grace Littlefield, OTA
Name of Interviewee’s Profession: Occupational Therapist Assistant
3. Group Member: Danielle Robinson
Interviewee: Mikaela Kirkendoll, RN
Name of Interviewee’s Profession: Registered Nurse
4. Group Member: Callie Rogers
Interviewee: J. Eric Rogers, ACNP-BC
Name of Interviewee’s Profession: Critical Care Nurse Practitioner
5. Group Member: Analiese Thomas
Interviewee: Mickey Carroll
Name of Interviewee’s Profession: Pharmacist
Group 3’s Interview Questions:
1. Can you summarize your outlook on the causes and frequency of medication errors?
2. If you were to make a medication error, what would your plan of action be to correct that
error/handle the situation?
3. What do you think would be the best advice to give a new graduate on handling medication
4. What are the most common Verbal Communication mistakes within your workplace?
5. How often do you think professionals in your field make errors and do not report them?
6. Why do you think professionals who make errors do not report them?
7. Have you ever come across a written error and had to rectify the situation? If so, how did you
handle it?
8. How do you ensure clear and effective communication in your workplace to maintain
Medication Safety?
9. Do you think that healthcare professionals who make medication errors should be prosecuted?
10. Why do you think so many medical errors occur in your profession?

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