Question 1: (1) Detail a scenario (real or imagined) where there is a situation which involves deviant behavior of an offender. Are there warning signs of escalation? (2) How would this behavior fall under Title IX? (3) For your discussion responses, you must detail the preventive steps that could be taken by referencing the 12 risk Factors and the 7 C’s. (at least 350 words)
Question 2: (1) Everyone knows what you “Should do” when you have information regarding a violation of Title IX. How would you approach it if a friend came to you in privacy and just wanted to talk about an incident but didn’t want you to say anything? (at least 100 words) (2) Imagine they tell you they don’t think it was really a “rape” or “they were drunk and didn’t know what they were doing” scenario? (at least 100 words) (3) What if the actor was an boss or a teacher and your friend thinks “Maybe I lead them on a little bit”–what then? (at least 100 words) (4) After learning about Title IX, preventive steps and deviant behavior, does Title IX do enough? If not how would you improve it? (at least 300 words)
Question 3: (1) What do you think the study of the victim can tell investigators in cases of Sexual Assault? (at least 300 words) (2) It appears as if there is nothing that can be done about being a victim. It is as if you just have to get “lucky.” Should universities require courses like this for incoming students? If they were to do so, how will that play into a victimology? (at least 300 words)
Question 4: (1) What parts of Title IX requirements would assist you in the victimology of a criminal offense? (2) How would these requirements help? (3) What role would these requirements play in creating that victimology? (at least 350 words)
Question 5: (1) Is it fair to put all the blame on a suspect who never had a chance? (at least 150 words) (2) If there were warning signs and behavioral issues from early childhood that gave potential indicators, can we be as hard on a suspect as someone that had a productive childhood but turned into an offender? (at least 150 words) (3) Do characteristics of offenders overlap? (at least 100 words) (4) Do predatory offenders prefer one method of attack or one particular victim? (at least 100 words) (5) How does these characteristics relate to Geberth’s 3 components of Human Sex Drive. (at least 100 words)
Question 6: (1) While we cannot always act in a criminal sense based on mere deviant behavior regarding sexual conduct, should a university act on certain allegations? Would acting on allegations based on alleged deviant sexual behavior be a violation of an individual’s Constitutional rights and Due Process? (at least 300 words) (2) Discuss how the behavioral analysis of an offender can guide an investigation. In what ways is the guidance positive? In what ways is it not? (at least 300 words)
Question 7: Discuss behavioral analysis of an offender and how it relates to victimology. (at least 350 words)
Question 8: (1) As an officer assigned to a sexual assault or sexual harassment case, how do you go about gaining the victim’s trust? (at least 300 words) (2) Why is having a victim assist with the victimology important to the case investigation? (at least 150 words) (3) What would be a good time to coordinate the victim in assisting with the victimology? (at least 150 words)
Question 9: How can certain perceived events interfere with an investigators judgement in a sexual assault case? Is there a comparison of this perception to the DD-12 Risk factors? (at least 350 words)
Question 10: This assignment requires you to research a sexual assault/sexual harassment, or improper student teacher relationship case emphasis to a case where the school failed in application of Title IX, Clery Act and VAWA.
Describe the following:
the motivation and MO of the offender
the category of behavioral analysis according to Turvey
how this case would violate sections of Title IX
Legal issues surrounding Title IX, Clery Act and VAWA
All papers must be written under the following conditions:
APA formatting and citation methods – papers must contain five (5) references from the course material and five (5) additional references for outside sources. A paper that does not adhere to the APA citation methods and required references will not be eligible to receive a letter grade of an A.
Each paper should at a minimum have a well developed introduction, body and conclusion. Papers should also contain a well-developed thesis statement.
Papers should be written in third person.
Papers should be 3-5 pages in length, double-spaced. Use 12 point font and Times New Roman font.
When questions are posed for a paper, failure to address the questions will be a 5-point penalty for each question that is not addressed.