INVS Writing Questions


Question 1: You receive a complaint of a sexual assault that took place six months earlier. The suspect, who is now eighteen, was seventeen years old when he allegedly committed the sexual assault. The victim is fifteen years old now and at the time of the alleged sexual assault. (1) How are you going to handle the interview of the suspect? After a thorough investigation, you determine that Probable Cause exists that the suspect committed the sexual assault. (2) How are you going to handle the arrest and the booking procedure? (*Note: 200-250 words; read the scenario above and answer the 2 given questions).

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Question 2: Watch the video () and answer the following questions (* Note: at least 250 words):

Do you think this is an efficient system to identify and report suspected child abuse?
Currently in the State of Connecticut, those that fail to report in a timely manner that are mandated reporters by statute, can and may be charged with a Class A Misdemeanor. Research a case that this has occurred. What were the circumstances?

Question 3: Read the articles “Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect on Adult Survivors” and “Constitutional Law. No Constitutional Deprivation Occurs upon Transfer of a Delinquent, Adjudged as Such Pursuant to Federal Juvenile Delinquency Act, from Institution for Rehabilitation of Juveniles to Federal Penitentiary.” Do you think, based on this article, that we, states, should consider raising the age? Why or why not? (* Note: at least 250 words)

Question 4: What are the common characteristics (list at least three) between a victim of abuse and human trafficking based on the course material? (* Note: 200-250 words)

Question 5: Watch the video () and answer the following questions (*Note: at least 250 words):

Even though Matthew Deiaco has not been convicted at the time of this interview, do you believe his accounts of how he groomed girls?
What more do you think needs to be done to bring attention to this growing issue?

Question 6: Read the article “Federal and State Responses to Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking:The Evolution of Policy” and answer the following questions (*Note: at least 250 words):

Why do you think that it is difficult for accurate research to be conducted as to the number of human trafficking victims?
Research California’s current policy on human trafficking and give a brief analysis as it compares to this article.

Question 7: Based on “FBI Response to Child Abduction,” how often do you think children are reported abducted and are actually a victim of human trafficking? Find an article to support your answer. (*Note: 200-250 words)

Question 8: In 250 words or less, create your own scenario to complete the attached forms “GENERAL ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE (GAQ).”

Question 9: Watch the video () and discuss where you think he falls as a child molester or pedophile? (* Note: 200-250 words)

Question 10: Research a case local to you that occurred within the last 6 – 12 months where someone was investigated, charged, or convicted of child abuse utilizing a digital device. Give a summary of the case. (*Note: at least 250 words)


Question 11: Read the article “MMPI Profiles of Child Abusers” and answer the following questions (*Note: 200-250 words):

Do you think there is an identifiable pattern to those that abuse?
Do you think those abused are more likely to be abusers? Why or why not?