Introduction to HTML


Create a mockup of your personal website and your first home page. Your personal website should contain at least three pages (HTML documents). Your mockup should contain mockups of each HTML document. You should follow a similar format as the sample mockup provided here . Your 5-6-page document should include the following:
A description of the site’s organizational structure.A description of each page that you’d like to add to the site and its specifications, including color schemes, the size of logos and images, and the fonts being used.sample_mockup.docx
Create your first home page. Your home page must include the following elements:
At least one heading.At least two paragraphs.You must use FileZilla to upload your HTML document to your Rasmussen FTP account. You must include the URL to your new website in your document. Your URL should follow this format:…
Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

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Introduction to HTML
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accumsan risus faucibus ac. Nulla consequat posuere eros tempus
suscipit. Proin viverra purus et venenatis dignissim. Suspendisse in
auctor enim. Duis lobortis quam a metus sodales bibendum. Etiam
vitae elit consequat, ullamcorper purus id, bibendum velit. Proin
facilisis diam orci.
Vivamus congue justo vitae nisi facilisis facilisis. Morbi vehicula
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vel nisi molestie interdum tempor lobortis orci. Ut erat tortor,
fermentum sed nisl ac, efficitur semper urna. Sed varius hendrerit
sapien id tincidunt. Curabitur et turpis et odio congue vulputate.
Donec vehicula tincidunt ligula, nec dictum dolor imperdiet eu.
Pellentesque laoreet, metus eu sollicitudin hendrerit, erat nisi
congue ipsum, id fringilla est odio at dolor. Proin malesuada nisl nec
laoreet aliquam. Duis vel pretium eros.
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