Intro to Film Studies Discussion Week 1


Discuss how clothing expresses something about Katniss’s character. Specifically identify what her clothes tell us at the beginning of the film when she is with her family and how that differs from her designer dress before the games begin?Consider things like style and color, quality, materials, etc.,along with Katniss’s emotions/character in your response. This discussion question is an example of our class engaging in a formal analysis.What is the film’s overall message (or criticism) of society and how does it make comparisons to Hitler’s Germany, as discussed in the PDF article? What aspect of our culture is the film calling into question by creating a futuristic dystopia? (Dystopia: the opposite of utopia.) Specifically discuss the PDF article on how the visual design of The Hunger Games is similar to buildings in Nazi Germany. What is the film saying about how one small group has wealth and power while most people live in poverty and have little agency by comparing it’s society to the totalitarian regime of Nazi Germany? Through this discussion question we will be performing an ideological analysis and identifying implicit meanings. To receive full credit, be sure to refer to exact arguments used in the PDF article.Post a substantive and referenced response to each discussion questions(s) (250-300 words)The two questions above are related to the first Hunger Games Movie. Also attached is the pdf file which is to be used for part 2. Please take note that both parts are 250-300 words each with APA 7th edition citation.

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