

Use the CDLP Teacher Interview document for suggestive questions and interview the teacher you will be collaborating with to collect the following information:

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details about the content of the proposed or existing unit,
students’ experiences/response to content,
students’ challenges with the content, text, etc.
students’ interests, abilities and backgrounds that will inform planning instruction. Gather specific information as to what English Language Proficiency (ELP) levels are in the class, specific Individual Education Plan (IEP) focal points or any other specific needs to address. Remember that the design of the lessons should meet the needs of learners at all levels.

After interviewing the classroom teacher:

provide your questions and the teacher’s responses (see the Interview Guide)
describe the demographics of the class. Include all pertinent information such as gender, ELL, Special Needs, Gifted as a percentage.

Materials and Resources:

Ask for a copy of a teacher’s edition of the textbook or get a copy of the chapters in which you will be writing the lessons or any texts that the cooperating teacher wishes you to use. Text can be a very large and Multiliteracies definition.

Due Sunday by 11:59pm CT in week 2.

Collaborative Disciplinary Literacy Project.pdf
CDLP Teacher Interview Questions.pdf

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CDLP Teacher Interview Questions
Class Demographics
Total Students
Thank you so much for agreeing to help me with my project and helping me develop an
understanding of the literacy that is a part of your content area! First, I want to discuss
the requirements of this project. (Discuss cheat sheet previously shared with mentor
1. What does your typical daily lesson structure currently look like in hybrid
2. When thinking about your upcoming units/lessons, what is a content focus you
think I could work with?
3. What concepts do you see tied to this focus? (Concepts are big picture ideas not
easily defined)
4. What is the most important outcome of this unit for your students?
5. Can you describe the types of reading that students do both in and out of class
for this specific unit? Would you be able to share the main text you use for this
unit with me?
6. What do you want the students to get out of the reading for this unit? (Ex:
identify main ideas, identify main components, identify what confuses themmetacognition, determine how something works, compare/contrast, summarize,
analyze, etc.)
7. What part of this unit have students typically struggled with in the past? What
part are they usually successful with? What do you think helped them be
8. What are some questions students ask or things that confuse them about the text
you read with this unit? Do they succeed in ___________________ from the
text? How or why?
9. When students gain new content knowledge from this unit, what do you expect
them to do with that knowledge?
10. Where does this unit fit into the bigger curriculum?
11. In what ways do you measure the success of students in this unit?
12. How is content delivered to students in this unit?
13. How do students interact with the text and each other in this unit?
14. Do you have lessons I could use as a starting point for this project?
15. Do you have any routines, systems, procedures, or structures in place that you
would like me to observe while planning these lessons?

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