

Extra Credit – Informational Interview (optional – 5 points)

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This informational interview can be one of two different types. Either explore what a successful leader does or examine an occupation you are interested in. Schedule a call with a person, 30 minutes or less and explain what this project is and what your interest is. The questions you ask will be slightly different but pick 4 or 5 questions to start with. After the person answers it is ok to probe further if you want to learn more. If you want to record the interview you must obtain the persons permission first and you can also say that is only used for this class. After the interview be sure to thank the person.

Leadership interview

The goal of this assignment is to provide you the opportunity to listen to an accomplished leader discuss his or her views on leadership and consolidate, think through and apply the material of BUS 160 to your future. Be sure to choose an excellent leader with a reputation as an effective leader to maximize your learning. Schedule a 20-30 minute call/meeting with this leader (not SJSU faculty) and ask some of the following questions. Thank that person for their time spent with you.

Possible questions:

1. What is the scope of your responsibilities?

2. Can you tell me about an effective leadership experience you had. Be prepared to ask follow- up question about this experience.

3. What factors made this a success story?

3. What is the most challenging part of being a leader?

4. How would your subordinates describe your leadership style?

5. How do you make important decisions?

6. Do you have any suggestions about how to use power at work?

7. What advice would you give to someone who wants to become an effective leader?

Occupational interview

The goal of this type of interview is to learn more about a specific profession or occupation and/or type of work in a specific organization. Schedule a call, 30 minutes or less and

Possible questions:

What types of job titles would you find in this profession or occupation?
What are some of the responsibilities typically given to more junior employees?
Can you describe the organization culture you currently work in or another one you are familiar with
Can you provide any guidance or suggestions how a new employee could be successful in these role?
You can also ask about starting salary, benefits and other areas of interest

Write up your interview and post to canvas by the due date

Name of person you interviewed: ____________________________________Date interviewed: ______

Job title or position within the organization: _________________________________________________

Note: Be mindful about the amount of time they have, 20-30 minutes should be enough

List the question you asked and what the person’s response was