Interpreting Graphical Presentation



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Interpreting Graphical Presentation
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Step 1: Click the link below, then click on “Research Topics” or use the search function to begin browsing articles for this assignment. Select and read two articles.

CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE ARTICLES: Pew Research CenterLinks to an external site.

Step 2: Answer the discussion questions below in an essay/paragraph format.

Links to an external site.Two Article Summaries: Explain the purpose of the two articles you selected (200 to 250 words)
Explain the goal of the research studies you selected
Explain the questions that were asked to the participants within each study you read
Summarize the main findings of each research study
Include a link to each research study you examined
Two Interpretations of Graphic Presentations: Interpret a graph from each article (200 to 250 words)
Provide your interpretation of one graphical presentation in each of your articles (two graphs total).
Explain the type of graphs that were used, and what was being measured in the graphs you selected.
Describe and explain what the graphs can tell us about the people who completed the survey, what insights can the data provide us?
Apply and/or integrate at least two concepts or quotes from our textbook or video lesson as you describe and explain each graph.
underline (or make bold) your two concepts or quotes.
Explain in your opinion why the selected graphs are effective graphical presentations, provide your reasoning