Internet of Things (IoT) – work


Internet of Things (IoT) – working in an Arduino environment. The aim of the project is to develop a complete IoT application for the collection of environmental data, using: – Temperature/humidity sensor type DHT11 or equivalent – IoT node type ESP32 with WiFi connection – LCD display, breadboard, LED, connection components – IoT platform ThingerIO (free access).

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Internet of Things (IoT) – work
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1. Job description:
The work concerns the recording of the knowledge and experiences gained by the
students from the lectures of the course. Students are asked to develop a complete IoT
application . The topic to be developed can be varied with the consent of the teacher.
Students must:
(a) research the literature on the chosen topic;
(b) to express in the work a critique of the subject.
(c) present their findings orally accompanied by observational material.
It is reminded that.

The work will be performed individually or in groups of up to three people. The
role of the members should be distinct (eg one responsible for the embedded
system and one for the IoT platform ).

The work will be submitted by the end date of the lectures.

The work will be presented orally accompanied by supervisory material ( slides
) during the examination of the course. During the presentation, the contribution
of each author should be clear.

There should be a clear reference to the sources (texts, figures, images).

The practical part of the work (code, implementation, measurements) will be
included in an appendix and will be presented during the examination.

Emphasis is placed on the overall approach and development of the subject and
especially on the students’ experiences from the course.
Students are encouraged to use any information available online, critically and always
citing the source. Writing and/or presenting the paper in English is also encouraged.
2. Subject of the work :
The aim of the work is to develop a complete IoT application aimed at collecting
environmental data, using:

Temperature / humidity sensor type DHT 11 or equivalent
ESP 32 type IoT node with WiFi connection
LCD screen , breadboard , LED , connection parts
IoT platform ThingerIO (open source)
IoT hub
To create an IoT node with the ability to measure the temperature and humidity of the
surrounding area.
Temperature recording with 1 o C resolution
Humidity recording with 1% resolution
Presentation of the measurements on a local screen
Count refresh every two seconds.
Local status indication via LED
Ability to connect to the internet via WiFi
Connecting an IoT node to an IoT platform
To connect the IoT node to an IoT platform through a suitable wireless link and
corresponding M 2 M communication protocol .
i. Secure connection via WiFi and IP
ii. Temperature and humidity transmission every two seconds
iii. Local indication of connection status on the screen
Create a dashboard
To create a data display interface ( dashboard ) and capture the prices and their
evolution in real time.
i. Recording (saving) of measurements with recording of arrival
ii. Display of the last temperature and humidity measurement (
real time )
iii. Create a graph with the hourly time evolution of the
temperature in the last 24 hours.
iv. Calculation and visualization of the average temperature per
v. Creation of a graph with the time evolution of the humidity in
the last 10 minutes.
Dashboard control
To demonstrate elementary control of the integrated system through the dashboard .
i. Connecting an LED to a pin of the IoT node
ii. Creating an interface to control the LED from the dashboard .
iii. LED state change through the dashboard .
3. Structure of the work:
The following describes the typical structure of the paper.
Introduction ( 1 page)
Definition of chosen topic, relation to the subject, research approach, basic
bibliography, specifics, final deliverable, structure/contents, team responsibilities.
IoT Relationship (1-2 pages)
Description of the subject (2-XX pages)
Conclusions (1 page)
Bibliography / references
Code etc.

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