International Law Question


1. Revise the paper that is attached…. It is called a Topic Proposal Paper; the teacher will have comments for you to revise. post your revised introduction. The Research Question must be in the 3rd paragraph in BOLD type. Follow the research question with your argument. Then include paragraphs 4 and 5. No references needed. The topic proposal is the introduction.

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International Law Question
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Sample: Under what conditions is North Korea more likely to turn to military actions or threats towards its neighbors? In this paper, I argue that North Korea is more likely to turn to military actions or threats towards its neighbors when it needs to obtain aid due to domestic collapse, when it perceives escalation from the West, and when its leader fears a coup from the inside.

Tip: See how the answer above directly answers the research question? Go ahead and use language from the question itself in the ‘answer’ to make it direct and clear.

2. Also, you will answer these questions below about themes in the literature review. I have an outline literature review that talks about the themes. APA Style You will also have to revise the outline for literature review based on the example from last year. No plagiarism and no AI.

For the forum, post your RQ (Research Question), followed by 2-3 paragraphs that discuss the scholarly literature from one of your main themes. Remember that each paragraph should have 1 main point. Include the in-text citation (author, year). At the end of your paragraphs, include the full citations for all authors that you cited in APA style at the end. After your citations include a full outline of your lit review.

See the example from last year:

RQ: What factors have increased ethnic conflict in Southeast Asia?

The theories discussing ethnic conflict within international relations are often complicated and very distinct from one another. On one side you have primordialists, or essentialists, who argue that the ethnic tensions between groups are deep rooted and historical, therefore ethnic conflict is inevitable (Varshney, 2007). The most well-known primordialist is Donald Horowitz (1993) who argues that because of this deep-rooted hatred for one another, it makes democratization hard and there will always be an excluded ethnic group, thus resulting in ethnic conflict or violence. On the other side of the argument, you have scholars from the constructivist perspective who assert that the primordialist description of ethnic conflict is pessimistic (Chandra, 2005). In response to Horowitz, Chandra does not believe deep-rooted “ancient hatreds” play into modern ethnic conflict or that democratization plays into causing ethnic conflict, rather ethnicity is one of the factors that sustains democracy (2005).

In response to both theories, some scholars completely disagree with both assertions. Dodeye Uduak Williams (2015) is critical of both theories and says that ethnicity is too complicated to make so “over-simplistic” like primordialism and constructivism have. The author claims that such a narrow and one-dimensional explanation of ethnic conflict will solve nothing (2015). Similarly, to William’s assertion, Bruce Gilley (2004) claims that constructivism and primordialism both isolate ethnic conflict into a broad category which it simply cannot fit in. The author states ethnicity plays a role in identity and conflict, yet the two often get conflated with one another, this creates a “messy descriptive label for a bunch of unrelated phenomena” (2004).

Chandra, K. (2005). Ethnic Parties and Democratic Stability. Perspectives on Politics, 3(02).
Gilley, B. (2004). Against the concept of ethnic conflict. Third World Quarterly, 25(6), 1155–1166.
Horowitz, D. L. (1993). Democracy in Divided Societies. Journal of Democracy, 4(4), 18–38.
Varshney, A. (2007). Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflict. In The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics (pp. 274–294).
Williams, D. U. (2015). How Useful are the Main Existing Theories of Ethnic Conflict? Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(1).

Literature Review Outline

Theme 1: Ethnic conflict (3 pages)

– Define ethnic conflict—How am I approaching the subject? What definition am I using? What has been said about ethnic conflict?
– Primordialism and constructivism
– Security dilemma
Theme 2: Important factors leading to ethnic conflict (2-3 pages)
– Postcolonialism
– State building/democratization
– Economy
Theme 3: Ethnic conflict in Southeast Asia (2=3 pages)
– What is with the newfound prevalence?
– Important factors specific to SEA

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Research Question: What factors impact the capacity of states to negotiate cooperative
water rights?
1. Introduction (1-2 pages)
a. Describe the topic, why it is important to International Relations
b. Give a “big picture” of the literature review
c. State the thesis – why is it important to explore this topic?
2. Theme A (2-3 pages) Water rights
a. Overview of the theme that will be talked about
b. Explain why your research question is relevant to this theme
3. Theme B (2-3 pages) International Law & treaties
a. Overview of the theme that will be talked about
b. Explain why your research question is relevant to this theme
4. Theme C (2-3 pages) Negotiate Water rights
a. Overview of the theme that will be talked about
b. Explain why your research question is relevant to this theme

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