International Economics Question


The title of the required research paper: Dark Side of Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries . Conclusions and Recommendations: are required length of paper: between 1500 and 2000 words. Footnote When using the idea of someone else , and “Inverted commas” for someone else’s text. References: must be cited . Plagiarism :is not tolerated! The structure and contents: Must be prepared in accordance with the attached Research Writing Instructions

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ASSIGNMENT – Term Research Project – 20%
Your task is to create a research project that comprises a thorough analysis of the current
understanding of the subject, a well-defined hypothesis, a description of the experimental or
observational methods you intend to employ to test your hypothesis, and an examination of how
your research will enhance the field of study. To start working on your proposal, you must
conduct extensive research to determine the studies that have been carried out and the
unanswered questions in the field. As you write, you should continue to conduct research in the
library to assist you in delving further into the topic, formulating your ideas, and developing your
methods. You should be prepared to allow for this iterative process between research and
writing as you contemplate and reconsider your project ideas and commence drafting your
proposal. Please refer to the instructions below for more detailed guidance.
Title of the Paper
(Research Project Writing Instructions)
Author’s Name
Place, date
1. Abstract
The objective of this very short statement is to tell the reader something about the purpose of
the course work and its content. You should explain what you intend to do and why. Then you
should tell the reader what you did and what you would recommend.
The Abstract should be written at the end, when you have finished your work and the structure
is complete. It may duplicate some statements included in the Introduction and/or
Conclusion. The length of the Abstract should be no more than 50 words.
2. Introduction
The Introduction provides reader with an overview of the paper:

introduce the topic, relevance/reasons for the topic to be researched;

identify your primary aims and objectives;

outline the key areas to be covered/define research questions;

describe methodologies used while conducting research (in one paragraph).
The background section, if needed should be short and focused on the topic, real statistical
data can be included, if needed.
3. Title 1
This chapter gives you an opportunity to show the reader that you have learned to analyze and
to synthesize the views of others in relation to your paper.
You will summarize contents of books, articles, laws and/or regulations that have direct
relevance to your course work. You should compare and contrast ideas, theories, legislation
and/or views relevant to your proposed topic.
(Possibilities: present situation, practice in your country, regulations and practice,
experiences from other countries, trends, and examples in different fields of border guard
At the end of this chapter, identify the principal research questions/objectives to be
addressed. Explain what is under researched and why and how particular research questions
were selected. This will form the basis of your subsequent writing.
(You may categorize collected information/data by titles and sub-titles, if necessary)
4. Findings and Discussion
You might divide this chapter into two – Analysis of Findings and Discussion.
This is the most important part of your work. Your findings may be derived from the analyses
of literature, legislation, statistical data, interviews or any viable combination of instruments used
for collection of data and information (from your country and/or other countries, agencies,
systems, etc.)
Discuss your findings and link important points of this chapter back to principle ideas in
previous chapters with the evidence obtained in your own research.
End this chapter with a brief summary of your findings. This gives you the entry in the
concluding chapter.
5. Conclusions and Recommendations
Again you can divide this chapter into two parts.
The Conclusions and Recommendations chapter gives you the opportunity to evaluate the
effectiveness of your research work and to offer recommendations, if desired.
Conclusions can be rather short, because the main body of the analysis and synthesis of
material will be taking place in the chapter of Findings and Discussion.
In the Conclusions be sure that all of the questions raised in the Introduction have been
addressed. Weigh the final results of your research against the aims and objectives of the
final report. Deviations from expected, for example, can be important and interesting.
Recommendations are important. Ideas for further examinations or for implementations in the
working areas, strategies advocated for better management of the issue are particularly useful.
6. References
This part gives you the opportunity to show to the reader what sources were used in your work.
All books, articles, sources of data and web sites used must be listed. Additional sources
consulted should be also placed in the literature.
Entries should be placed in alphabetical order. Web sites should be grouped together
separately at the end of the chapter.
Layout of the course work
For the front page follow the example of this document!
Use Arial fonts with 1.5 line spacing and justify the text. The text should be broken into
paragraphs for readability and there should be a free line between each paragraph.
The texts should also be divided into section and sub-section, with section titles (font 12
bold) and sub-title (font 11 bold).
Lists and bullet points should only be used sparingly.
When using the idea of someone else (but not the exact words), there should be a footnote.
When copying parts of someone else’s text (use sparingly), the text should be between
“inverted commas” and there should be a footnote. Make sure to keep track of sources and
Plagiarism is not tolerated!
In the table below you can find some instructions for citing.
Type of Entry
Book with single
Komisar, Lucy. The New Feminism. New York:
Franklin Watts, 1971.
1. Lucy Komisar, The New Feminism (New York:
Franklin Watts, 1971), 79.
Book with more
than one author
Ginsberg, Eli and Robert M. Solow, eds. The
Great Society.New York: Basic Books, 1974.
2. Eli Ginsberg and Robert M. Solow, eds., The
Great Society(New York: Basic Books, 1974), 11.
Book with
corporate author
International Monetary Fund. Surveys of
African Economies. Vol.7, Algeria, Mali,
Morocco, and Tunisia. Washington, D.C.:
International Monetary Fund, 1977.
3. International Monetary Fund. Surveys of African
Economies. Vol.7, Algeria, Mali, Morocco, and
Tunisia.(Washington, D.C.: International Monetary
Fund, 1977).
Chapter from a
Phibbs, Brendan. “Herrlisheim: Diary of a
Battle.” In The Other Side of Time: Combat
Surgeon in World War II. Boston: Little,
Brown, 1987.
4. Phibbs, Brendan. “Herrlisheim: Diary of a
Battle.” In The Other Side of Time: Combat
Surgeon in World War II. (Boston: Little, Brown,
1987), 117-63.
Journal article
Bodonski, Ilya. “Caring among the Forgotten.”
Journal of Social Activism 14 (fall 1989):11234.
5. Bodonski, Ilya. “Caring among the Forgotten.”
Journal of Social Activism 14 (fall 1989):112-34.
article with no
Wall Street Journal 1 November 1992.
6. Editorial, Wall Street Journal, 1 November 1992.
Encyclopedia Britannica 11th ed., s.v. “cold
7. Encyclopedia Britannica 11th ed., s.v. “cold war.”
Davidoff, R. A. Migraine: manifestations,
pathogenesis, and management.
Contemporary neurology series, vol. 42.
Philadelphia: F.A.Davis, 1995.
8. Davidoff, R. A. Migraine: manifestations,
pathogenesis, and management. Contemporary
neurology series, vol. 42. Philadelphia: F.A.Davis,
Electronic source
“Jericho Walls.” In History Log9008 [electronic
bulletin board]. S.1 27 August 1990- [cited 15
December 1990]. Available form listserv @
9. “Jericho Walls.” In History Log9008 [electronic
bulletin board]. S.1 27 August 1990- [cited 15
December 1990]. Available form listserv @
The length of paper should contain no more than 2000 words.

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