Internal and External criticism and evaluating mid range theories


Making judgement as to whether a theory could be adapted for use in research is very important. Describe the internal and external criticism that is used to evaluate middle range theories. I need 3 references less than 3 years, 0 plagiarism, I send some example than one of my friend made. Is the word that I send you. Thanks so much for your help

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Internal and External criticism and evaluating mid range theories
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Evaluating Middle-Range Theories with Internal and External Criticism
Institution: MRU
Course: Advanced Theoretical Perspectives for Nursing
Instructor: Dr. De La Noval
Date. 1/9/2024
Evaluating Middle-Range Theories with Internal and External Criticism
One of the cornerstones of scientific progress is developing new theories that explain and
describe phenomena. However, not all theories offer correct ideologizations. Therefore, taking a
systemic approach to evaluating current theoretical frameworks before applying them for
initiating further research is essential. This venture focuses on determining the integrity of this
theory to guide successful empirical inquiry that survives critical review (Alharbi & Baker,
2020). The formal criticism processes gauge two critical dimensions for theory evaluation—its
internal coherence and external applicability.
Internal Criticism
Investigating the internal coherence of a theory means exposing its conceptual depth. So,
the concepts, definitions, propositions, and relationships that make up the theory should be
logically accurate and consistent within their limits. Ideally, concepts should be presented with
apt definitions so that readers can understand their intended meanings. Similarly, the proposed
relationships between concepts should demonstrate sound connective reasons for how the theory
suggests phenomena function (Elliott, 2023). It also has to ensure that key ones have an adequate
translation into operational definitions containing measurable variables and testable hypotheses
that can be applied in the real world rather than staying in conceptual abstracts not anchored in
External Criticism
The external criticism dimension is based on conceptual soundness developed as
matching theory and context practicalities. Since theories are intended to represent phenomena
outside their abstract universe as accurately as possible, the collection of corroborating empirical
evidence is necessary. External horizon pertains to the ‘contextual plausibility’ of generalizations
or assumptions that underpin a theory and evaluations of how well a theory corresponds to or
predicts practical phenomena exemplified through research findings. So, a theory based on
antiquated premises of societal, cultural, or technological settings will cease to be applicable
unless efforts are made to refine it. Similarly, theories that generate hypotheses that research
never supports become doubtful (Rivera et al., 2022). Therefore, it is prudent to systematically
evaluate its premises as they relate to current realities and accumulate knowledge for the rightful
usage of a theory in investigations geared towards acquiring generalizable insights.
Therefore, proper due diligence in judging a theory’s internal consistency and external
applicability allows well-founded selective decisions about future theoretical developments.
Researchers who want their investigations credible must use the theories not mindlessly but with
constructive skepticism. This knowledge stems from deliberate involvement in the assessment of
theory evaluation developed based on internal and external criticism.
Alharbi, K. M., & Baker, O. G. (2020). Jean Watson’s middle range theory of human caring: A
critique. Int. J. Adbanced Multidiscip. Sci. Res, 3, 1-14.
Elliott, T. H. (2023). Theory analysis and evaluation of emancipatory nursing praxis: A theory of
social justice in nursing. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge.
Rivera, D., Jukkala, A., & Rohini, T. (2022). Introduction to rivera’s gender affirming nursing
care model: a middle-range theory. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 40(3), 255-264.

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