Interdisciplinary Lesson


For this assignment, you will create an interdisciplinary lesson that targets objectives for your content area and grade level, along with targeting one objective for English/Language Arts/Reading for your grade level. Keep the following in mind as you prepare your lesson plan:

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Include the grade and content area in which you are pursuing licensure.
Find a piece of reading that you will share with your students. This can be a storybook, a nonfiction book, a set of instructions, a poem, a song, an article, a current event article, an excerpt from a book, a single chapter from a novel, a short story, or any other type of reading you can think of. Make sure to include a link to the piece of reading or include the full text of the reading in your lesson plan document. Many storybooks are on YouTube, so a link to the YouTube video of someone reading the book is acceptable. Include an explanation regarding why you chose this piece of reading and how it connects to your content area.
Copy/paste the number/letter code and full wording of each state standard you plan to target for your content area and grade level. Copy/paste the number/letter code and full wording of ONE state standard for English/Language Arts/Reading (ELAR) for your grade level that you plan to target in your lesson. Do not include extra standards. Only include the standards you will use to create your objectives.
Create a properly written objective for each state standard that you have referenced. You should include at least 2 objectives, but no more than 4 objectives in total.
Include a warm-up for your lesson that introduces the topic of the piece of reading you will share with your students and that introduces your objectives.
Instructional Strategies: Explain how you will use high-yield strategies to teach your objectives and guide the learning. Explain how you will include one specific literacy strategy to teach your ELAR objective. This should be the most detailed section of your lesson plan and should be highly focused on what you will do and not what your students will do.
Include a list of materials needed for the lesson including technology
Include a lesson closure / formative assessment. Note you must address BOTH components in order to earn full points on the rubric. Your closure activity may include a formative assessment component, but if you are combining the two, you must make this explicit in your plan. Make sure to show evidence of directly teaching the skills and concepts you plan to assess in the instructional strategies section. The assessments you plan need to make sense with the lesson you plan in the instructional strategies section. This is where you can explain what your students will do.
Include a plan for summative assessment. Make sure to show evidence of directly teaching the skills and concepts you plan to assess in the instructional strategies section. Your summative assessment needs to directly assess the skills and concepts from your direct teaching in the instructional strategies section.
Provide a plan to reinforce your objectives either through homework or during class the next day.

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Interdisciplinary Lesson Plan Template NEW 5400
IMPORTANT INFORMATION – I cannot grade your lesson plan if you do NOT reference
the standards properly or if you reference the introduction to the standards. The
introduction contains ZERO standards. You must scroll past the introduction to the
“Knowledge and skills” section to find the actual standards.
A standard is made up of TWO parts – a knowledge & skills statement (labeled with a
number) and a student expectation (labeled with a capital letter). There are a few
standards that do not contain student expectations, but it is just a very few specific
standards. You MUST share the entire standard. Please study what this looks like on the
There are examples of objectives that align with the standards posted in the
“Announcements” section of the course.
I check EVERYTHING you plan to make sure that what you have planned aligns with the
standards. You can have a beautiful lesson, but if it does not align with the standards,
then you will receive a failing grade. Do not ask me to give you feedback about the rest of
your lesson if you have not referenced proper standards or if you have not created
objectives that align with those standards. Standards and objectives are what EVERY
lesson is built on. As public educators, we are required to teach the standards and
understand what those standards are asking us to teach. It’s IMPERATIVE that you
complete the standards and objectives section correctly in order to receive a grade for
this assignment. I check your warm-up, instructional strategies, and assessments to
make sure that you are teaching and assessing the standards you reference
appropriately and that you interpreting the standards properly. If your standards and
objectives section is NOT correct, I send the assignment back to you to work on
completing the standards and objectives section appropriately. There is no point in
providing feedback for a lesson that is NOT aligned properly with the standards.
If you are unsure about what a standard is asking you to teach, make sure to reach out to
your mentor teacher for guidance. If you are not yet teaching, email your instructor to
seek clarification about the standards you are thinking of targeting before working on
this assignment.
This assignment is very rigorous and you need to give yourself plenty of time to study
the requirements of this assignment before beginning to work on this assignment.
Plan your lesson in the order of this template that matches the order of the rubric and include a
bold heading for each section of the rubric.
1. Provide your grade level and the area you are seeking certification to teach.
2. Provide a link to the piece of reading you will include in your lesson or copy/paste the
text of the piece of reading. Explain why you chose this piece of reading and how it
connects to your content area. The piece of text you choose to read, must connect and
support your content area.
3. Copy/paste the standards you will use to create 2-4 objectives. You must copy/paste the
full wording of each standard along with the number/letter code. You MUST have at
least ONE English/Language Arts/Reading standard in your lesson. Then you need at
least one standard from a second content area. If you teach ELAR, please target
either a social studies, science, or math standard. If you don’t teach ELAR, then include
1-2 standards for your content area and ONE ELAR standard.
4. Once you have copied/pasted the standards you need to create 2-4 properly written
objectives that align to the standards you have referenced. Six or more objectives will
not help you receive more credit. You need to keep your lesson highly focused on just 34 objectives that you will directly assess through summative assessment at the end of
your lesson. Two objectives should contain verbs from the top two tiers of Bloom’s
taxonomy to receive full credit. You learned how to create objectives in 5300. Please
create an objective for each standard you reference.
5. Create a warm-up for your lesson that introduces the connection between your
objectives across the two content areas. This should spark student interest and
motivate them to learn more or it could be a pre-assessment to inform you about what
students already know about the topic of your lesson. How will you introduce the topic
of the current event and connect it to both content areas? How will you introduce
your content objectives? How will you introduce your ELAR objective?
6. Instructional Strategies – This should be a detailed explanation of YOUR ROLE IN
THE LESSON. If you only tell me what your students will be doing, you will receive no
credit for this section. How will you use at least 2 high yield strategies to teach your
objectives and guide the learning? When will you read the chosen text and how will
you expand on key information from the chosen text? What specific literacy
strategy will you teach and model as a part of your lesson? What will you do and
say? What will you model for students? Be specific. What supports or scaffolds will you
provide in order to introduce skills or concepts step by step and not overwhelm your
students? What guided practice activities will you give your students? And how will you
guide the learning during guided practice? What questions will you ask to promote
critical thinking throughout your lesson? Your lesson should align with your objectives.
*If you show a video, then you need to detail how you will use it. Showing a video does
not replace direct teaching. Where will you stop to expand on key information and ask
*If you are having students conduct research, this does not take the place of a lesson
taught by you. Research assignments should be the extension of a well-taught lesson.
The research assignment is your summative assessment and not your instructional
strategy. You need to explain how you will prepare your students for success with
research during your lesson.
*Having an expert come and talk to your students is NOT APPROPRIATE for this
assignment. You need to explain how you will teach your objectives before an expert
ever arrives. We have experts come after we have taught students the topic ourselves
*There is a difference between an assignment and a lesson. When you only tell me what
your students will do, that is an assignment and not a lesson.
7. What materials will you need and how will you use them? How will your students use
them? You must include technology that all students use themselves to be considered
for full credit. If the teacher uses technology, this only gets you 2 points and not the full 3
points. You need to explain how you will implement an ISTE standard to receive
full credit in this section.
8. How will you assess your objectives using formative assessment? Be specific to each
objective. If you are having students provide peer feedback, then you need to teach the
students the criteria they will use to provide peer feedback as a part of your lesson in the
instructional strategies section.
9. How will you assess your objectives through summative assessment? You need to
assess 3 objectives at the top two tiers of Bloom’s taxonomy to qualify for full credit. If
questions are involved, you need to share the questions. If a rubric is involved you need
to share the rubric.. If you are assigning a project or research to assess your objectives,
you need to discuss the criteria you will use to determine your students’ proficiency
levels with each objective. The criteria on a rubric should target your objectives.
10. You need to create either a homework assignment or an assignment that you would use
to reinforce the learning in the classroom the next day. This should not be your
assessment. This should be a new activity that reinforces your objectives.
****Make sure to reference the rubric as you work on your assignment.

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