Individual Research Journal2



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Individual Research Journal2
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(2 of 4 Journal Entries)


1. Write a Personal 2-page Narrative on current research process. Must include:

Updates on work, questions you a grappling with, concepts you are considering, research you are doing. See below for areas of focus.
Assimilation of weekly readings and how they relate to your research topic.
Optional: Questions to your follow classmates — requests for their ideas/thoughts.

2. Respond to a classmate.

More examples of what you can focus on over the course of the next four weeks:

Marketing research to find key data points to further define/strengthen your thesis question or statement.
Example: If 31% of Gen Z population identify as LGBTQ, and this is number is growing, then why are fashion companies only dedicated X% of their products and services to this population?
Research of current studies and/or market research available in your topic area. How do these studies correlate with your area of focus? Are there ways to build on what’s already been done?
Develop an Annotated Bibliography that includes books, articles, journals and studies. You will be presenting a final Annotated Bibliography towards the end of course, so developing this now will be helpful!
Research chosen methodologies to determine how best to achieve the results you are seeking. What will you need to do to set up an ethnographic study or an interview? What are the timelines? Is there any money needed to complete your research? What budgets will you need?
What issues of integrity and ethics will you need to consider in your research? Learn more here.
Each week you are given readings. How do these readings relate to your research topic? Have they sparked any new ideas, or changed your mind about anything?