In this project, you format a business letter for Emma Cavalli to send to clients whose current home


In this project, you format a business letter for Emma Cavalli to send to clients whose current home listings are expiring. See Appendix B (online resource) for examples of business document formats and mixed and open punctuation.

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In this project, you format a business letter for Emma Cavalli to send to clients whose current home
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I noticed today that your current home listing in Fair Oaks has recently expired. My goal
is to tell you about Placer Hills Real Estate and myself. We can offer you attention and
services that are unmached by other real estate companies.
The service and experience I can offer you when helping you with you’re selling needs is
unmatched. Working together with you, I am confident that we can analyze your present
and future goals and help you obtain them. If you are curius as to the type of activity that
has been occuring in your area or you would like to discuss your needs and goals, I would
be more than happy to come by and talk with you.
A lot of detail and thought was put into your home. Your home have many unique features
and upgrades making it an excellent value among homes currently on the market in this
price range. I am also a Whitney Hills resident, and I primarily work in this area with buyers
and sellers. As a matter of fact, I have shown your beautiful home to potential buyers.
Gaining your trust and confedence for the building of a solid relationship for the future is
my number one priority. Feel free to call me to set up an appointment if you would like a
unique perspective for marketing your home from someone with thorogh knowledge and
experience with homes in your neighborhood. I look forward to talking with you soon.
Independent Project 1-4
In this project, you format a business letter for Emma Cavalli to send to clients whose current
home listings are expiring. See Appendix B (online resource) for examples of business document
formats and mixed and open punctuation.
[Student Learning Outcomes 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8]
File Needed: WD-OO-ExpiredLetter-01.docx (Available from the Start File link.)
Completed Project File Name: [your name]-WD-OO-ExpiredLetter-01.docx
Skills Covered in this Project

Open and edit an existing document.
Change line spacing.
Change paragraph alignment and spacing.
Change font and font size.
Use Show/Hide.
Format document as a block format business letter with mixed punctuation.
Move text.
Change font styles and effects.
Use Smart Lookup.
Use Immersive Reader.
Use spelling and grammar checker.
Downloading and opening project files for Office Online Projects:
Steps to complete this project:
Mark the steps as checked when you complete them.
1. Download the Start file from SIMnet.
2. Navigate to and log in to your account if necessary. Click Upload and
3. Navigate to the location where your files are downloaded.
4. Click Open to open the file in the Office Online Word app.
5. Only use the Office Online Word web app to work on and edit your project
file. Never open the start file to work on it or edit it using Google Docs.
1. Open the WD-OO-ExpiredLetter-01.docx start file.
2. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file
name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.
3. Apply the following formatting changes to the entire document:
a. Select the entire document.
b. Change the Before and After paragraph spacing to 0 pt.
c. Change the line spacing to Single.
d. Change the paragraph alignment to Left.
e. Change the font and font size to Calibri and 11 pt.
4. Turn on Show/Hide and press Enter at the end of each paragraph to add a blank line
after each paragraph (including the last paragraph).
5. Type and format the opening lines of the business letter.
a. Move your insertion point to the top of the document.
b. Type the current date (use January 1, 2020 format) and press Enter four
c. Type the following inside address and press Enter two times after the last
Mr. Rick Hermann
9035 Masi Drive
Fair Oaks, CA 95528
d. Type Dear Mr. Hermann: as the salutation and press Enter two
times after the salutation. One blank line displays between the salutation
and the body of the letter.
e. Add 72 pt. Before paragraph spacing to the date line.
6. Type the closing lines of the business letter.
a. Place your insertion point on the blank line below the last body paragraph
and pressEnter.
b. Type Best regards, and press Enter four times.
c. Type the following closing lines:
Emma Cavalli
Realtor Consultant
Placer Hills Real Estate
d. Press Enter two times after the company name and type your reference
initials in lowercase letters.
7. Move a paragraph and sentence.
a. Move the third body paragraph so it appears before the second body
paragraph. Confirm one blank line displays between each of the body
paragraphs. If a blank space displays in front of the first word in the third
paragraph, delete it.
b. Move the last two sentences in the new second body paragraph (“A lot of
detail . . .”) to the beginning of the paragraph. Verify proper spacing
displays between sentences.
8. Apply formatting to text in the business letter.
a. Select “Placer Hills Real Estate” in the first body paragraph and
apply Bold formatting.
b. Select the first sentence in the third paragraph including the period (“The
service and experience . . .”) and apply Italic formatting.
c. Select the writer’s title and apply Italic formatting.
d. Select the company name below the writer’s title and
apply Bold formatting.
9. Use Smart Lookup to research selected words.
a. Select “Fair Oaks” in the first body paragraph.
b. Click the Smart Lookup button [References tab, Insights group]. The Smart
Lookup pane opens on the right.
c. Review the research results in the Smart Lookup pane.
d. Click the X in the upper-right corner of the Smart Lookup pane to close the
10. Use the Immersive Reader feature [View tab, Document Views group] to read the first
two body paragraphs.
11. Spell and grammar check the entire document, apply changes where necessary, and
ignore proper nouns.

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