Improvement on methodology


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Quantitative Research Methodology
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Quantitative Research Methodology
2.1 Design
In this quantitative research, the primary objective is to examine the relationship between
the frequency of social networking media use and the phenomenon of self-comparison among
people. Employing a within-groups approach, the study is planned to assess participants based on
their individual social media utilization frequency and their inclinations towards engaging in
self-comparison behaviors. The recognized factors for examination encompass the frequency of
social media usage and the degree to which people involve in self-comparison exercises within
the online social circle.
Individuals shape the cases under examination, as they will be asked to respond to a set
of carefully developed measures, incorporating the Social Media Use Frequency Scale (SMUFS)
and the Self-Comparison Scale (SCS). This within-groups approach permits for a nuanced
investigation of how varieties in social media utilize recurrence may connect with contrasting
levels of self-comparison inclinations, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the
dynamics at play within the domain of online social intuitive.
2.2 Participants
A sample measure of 300 participants has been deliberately chosen through comfort
inspecting, drawing people from differing online stages and communities. This approach points
to capture a wide representation of social media clients and their comparing engagement in selfcomparison behaviors. The participants’ statistic data, including factors such as cruel age, sex
distribution, instruction level, and relationship status, among other germane variables, will be
meticulously collected and analyzed. This comprehensive statistic profiling encourages a
nuanced understanding of the assorted characteristics inside the test populace.
To explain the central inclinations and varieties inside these statistic factors, factual
measures such as the cruel and standard deviation will be computed. To ensure moral research
hones, members given educated assent before engaging within the study. They eagerly shared
their statistic details and completed the assigned surveys through an online stage, cultivating an
available and efficient information collection prepare. This approach guarantees the differing
qualities and inclusivity of the test but too follows to moral considerations in research including
human members.
2.3 Psychometric Tools
To comprehensively investigate the research questions, this think about depends on two
well-established psychometric tools, namely the Social Media Use Recurrence Scale (SMUFS)
and the Self-Comparison Scale (SCS). The SMUFS is designed to degree the recurrence of social
media use, giving experiences into participants’ online interaction designs. This scale, composed
of 15 items, utilizes a 5-point Likert scale for members to self-report their social media
utilization habits. The strength of the SMUFS is underscored by its tall reliability and legitimacy,
as substantiated by discoveries from earlier studies.
On the other hand, the SCS is employed to assess individuals’ tendencies to lock in in
self-comparison within the setting of social media interactions. With 20 things utilizing a
comparative 5-point Likert scale, the SCS delves into the intricate nuances of self-evaluation and
comparison behaviors. The decision to utilize these particular scales is established in their
established psychometric properties, ensuring the estimation tools’ unwavering quality and
legitimacy for capturing the expecting develops. To evaluate the consistency of both scales,
Cronbach’s alpha will be computed, affirming the reliability of the collected information. This
fastidious approach to selecting and advocating the psychometric tools improves the study’s
validity and the validity of the obtained comes about.
2.4 Procedure
The overarching aim of this investigate is to scrutinize the impact of social media
utilization recurrence on individuals’ proclivity to engage in self-comparison. To achieve this
objective, members will be selected through online stages, leveraging the openness and diversity
inherent in virtual communities. Prior to their inclusion, members will be properly informed
around the research’s reason and methods, and their voluntary support will be unexpected upon
the arrangement of informed assent. The information collection prepare will be executed in an
anonymous way to encourage ingenuous and uninhibited responses from members.
Online stages encourage the consistent administration of the ponder rebellious. The tools
contain Social Media Use Frequency Scale (SMUFS) and the Self-Comparison Scale (SCS).
Participants will be empowered to precise their social media habits and self-comparison
tendencies through the completion of the surveys. This deliberate approach ensures that the
ponder captures a comprehensive and diverse run of perspectives on the interplay between social
media usage recurrence and self-comparison behaviors, cultivating a robust establishment for
ensuing analysis and translation of the findings.
2.5 Statistical Analysis
The statistical investigations for this inquire about will be meticulously conducted
utilizing the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) computer program, a broadly
utilized tool for quantitative data examination. To provide a comprehensive overview of the
participants’ characteristics, descriptive insights will be computed, enveloping measures such as
implies, standard deviations, and frequency dispersions for both demographic factors and
reactions to the managed surveys. This initial analysis helps in establishing the pattern designs
inside the test and offers profitable bits of knowledge into the central inclinations and variability
of key study variables.
To delve deeper into the investigate questions, a Pearson relationship investigation will
be utilized to scrutinize the affiliation between the frequency of social media utilize and
individuals’ self-comparison inclinations. This method empowers the identification and
evaluation of any potential linear connections between multiple factors (Fu et al., 2020). Besides,
a one-way analysis of change (ANOVA) will be utilized to evaluate potential contrasts in selfcomparison tendencies among distinct bunches categorized based on their social media
utilization recurrence. The utilization of these statistical strategies points to disclose nuanced
designs and qualifications, contributing to a more nuanced understanding of how social media
habits may impact self-comparison behaviors among individuals within the online environment.
2.6 Ethics
Prior to the commencement of the inquire about, the think about will experience a
rigorous moral audit and gotten approval from the important morals committee, confirming its
compliance with moral measures and rules. Ensuring the welfare and rights of the participants is
vital to adhere to standards of educated consent (Harriss et al., 2019). Members will be given
with comprehensive data about the investigate, its goals, and the procedures involved,
empowering them to make educated decisions around their cooperation.
The assent shape serves as a vital document, explicitly outlining the study’s reason, the
measures in place to ensure privacy, and the rights managed to the members. This
straightforward communication points to cultivate a sense of believe and understanding between
the analysts and members, emphasizing the voluntary nature of their involvement. By
maintaining these moral principles, the think about will not only prioritize the well-being of
members but also reinforce the validity and integrity of the research prepare. The moral
framework set up for this think about underscores a commitment to dependable and respectful
inquire about practices in the domain of social science inquiry.
Fu, T., Tang, X., Cai, Z., Zuo, Y., Tang, Y., & Zhao, X. (2020). Correlation research of phase
angle variation and coating performance by means of Pearson’s correlation coefficient.
Progress in Organic Coatings, 139, 105459.
Harriss, D. J., MacSween, A., & Atkinson, G. (2019). Ethical standards in sport and exercise
science research: 2020 update. International journal of sports medicine, 40(13), 813-817.
Dr Ntaniella R. Pylarinou
Describe what you did and how did you do it
Your reader can evaluate your methods and the reliability and validity of your
Describe in detail your study, so it can be replicated
Write this section in the PAST tense
Design (Not always)
Number of participants
Selection Process
Characteristics/ Demographics
Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the sample
Twenty- seven psychology undergraduates at the University
of Bolton (12 males and 15 females) ranging in age from
18 to 31 years (M = 21.10, SD = 3.10) volunteered to
participate in exchange for partial course credit.
REMEMBER the M and SD need to be in italics
Usually included when conducting an experiment
• Details and justification on between or within-subjects, how
participants were assigned to any between-subjects conditions,
• The experiment used a 3×2 between-subjects design. The
independent variables were age and understanding of morality.
Qualitative research why? Explain
State the benefits of a qualitative research
Tell what scales, instruments and tools you
used to acquire data
•Questionnaires, existing scales, specialised equipment etc
Information on the scales
•Give name, number of items, how it was developed, by
whom, reliability and validity, coding/scoring, etc
Materials – Qualitative
Explain how many questions did you ask
Give examples of those questions
Refer to the Appendix where the interview schedule can be
found in full

A survey was constructed and used that
contained six simple yes or no questions
dealing with different types of social media
people use such as Facebook, Instragram,
TikTok, Reddit etc (See appendix).
■ Explain each step of your study
■ Information on the Documents your provided to the participants (the order in which
they were given, how long it took for them to complete the questionnaires, how long
was the interview/ focus group etc)

The participants first saw the Information
sheet which included all the relevant
information for the study and the right the
participants had. The first questionnaire the
participants saw was the demographics,
followed by the Stalking Myth Acceptance
Analysis- Qualitative only
■ Explain which methodology was used to analyse
your data
– Thematic Analysis
– Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis
■ Why is this the best method to analyse your data?
Discuss the ethics anonymity,
confidentiality and right to
withdraw, pseudonyms
(qualitative only)
You must also mention that you
got ethical approval by the ethics
committee from New York College
References to use here Oates et
al, (2021) recent BPS guidelines

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