IDS204 > 22451 Deriving Insights from Evid. > Data Visualization



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IDS204 > 22451 Deriving Insights from Evid. > Data Visualization
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-** Our World in Data:**

Gapminder: Gapminder contains a wealth of data and visualization tools about important global trends. Some climate change related variables you can find in Gapminder include greenhouse emissions, material footprint, types of energy used, and sustainability from a large number of countries, In addition to examining how a variable changes over time for a given country, Gapminder allows for making comparisons among countries and investigating relationships between different variables. You can get information on the source of the data you use by clicking on the question mark next to the variable on the graph.
The World Bank provides free data for the public to use on a variety of topics. Search for climate change data and you can also navigate to specific countries.

Background reading (ONLY for students interested in climate change as a topic for Assignment 2):

*All topics of interest to students are welcome and students are not restricted to climate change as a topic.

NASA. (n.d.)._ What is climate change_? Why/Use: On this website you can find information on the evidence, causes, effects, and solutions of climate change. This should illuminate some of the data that scientists collect used both to determine past climates and to predict changes.

Packages to create visualizations

You may use the software package of your choice. Some resources below:

CODAP, website link
Python, we suggest [matplotlib]( (or Seaborn:
Excel: Microsoft Office Tutorials. (2015). Create a chart from start to finish. Retrieved July 11, 2015 from
Google sheets

IMPORTANT NOTES for students:

Appendix: You will need to create an Appendix (will not count towards your word) in the same document you will submit in which you take a screenshot of your raw data used for each of your figures. You can go something like Figure 1 Raw data, Figure 2 Raw data etc. For your “ready made” one no raw data are requested. Failure to submit the clear screenshots representative of your data WILL impact your grade.

**Be ready to discuss the details of your submission with your peers and instructor in the classroom

Assignment Information

600-800 words EXCLUDING References/Title page



Learning Outcomes Added
Visualizations: Interpret, analyze, and create data visualizations.
HypothesisDevelopment: Evaluate the link between hypothesis-driven research and the theories or observations that motivate it.

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Assignment due Saturday, March 16, 2024 by 11:00pm
In this assignment you will generate data visualizations from data sets provided below and formulate hypotheses based
on the patterns you identify.
LO: #hypothesisdevelopment
Part 1
(a) Brief introduction of the data you
are presenting. Begin with a concise
introduction to the dataset you are
working with. Provide context about
its source, relevance, and any key
attributes. (More than one data set
can be used; most importantly that
the datasets are complementing each
other and together supporting the
hypothesis you will be developing)
(b) Create a minimum of two data
visualizations that adhere to best
practices for clarity and effectiveness.
It is highly encouraged for high
grades to also add a “ready made”
third visual from Gap Minder or Our
World in Data that would also support
your hypothesis.
Gradable LOs
LO: #visualizations
Briefly mention the datasets you employed and JUSTIFY why
you selected them. Explain why the datasets you chose are
the most relevant. What is it about the dataset that makes it
the best to use? You need to JUSTIFTY that the three datasets
you selected are complementing each other. Explain how
this is so.
Mention the hypothesis( You need to have already created
the visuals from (b) for this) that you develop from the data
trends observed from your selected data visualizations.
LO: #visualizations
You are required to have at least 2 visualizations. This means
you need two create two visualizations from the data you
obtain from the data sets of your choice. You should create
TWO visuals using the data.
Carefully analyse the trends from the visuals you create to
develop your hypothesis (You should have mentioned it in
your introduction) Now you will be explaining from here
Make sure you support your hypothesis with studies that
have carried out. NB you can find studies that focus on the
trends you have observed eg if its about forest cover changes
in Zimbabwe or Carbon Emmissions in Canada
Make sure all your visuals are clearly labeled and have
appropriate captions (If you do not know what captions are –please kindly ask our good uncle Google)
Ensure that your visualizations are
well-labeled, appropriately scaled,
and visually appealing.
Your visualizations should
complement each other and should
help you develop your hypothesis in
part 2 of the assignment. Please
ensure a strong connection between
your visuals and the well thought
hypothesis you will develop.
(c) Include figure captions. For each
visualization, include descriptive
figure captions. These captions
should not only highlight essential
elements within the figure but also
provide a summary of the primary
patterns or insights revealed by the
Part 2
(a) Describe your hypothesis. Clearly
articulate your hypothesis, which
should be based on the patterns and
insights derived from your data
visualizations. Explain the research
question or idea you aim to explore
through your hypothesis.
**** Make sure there is no disconnect between any of your
visuals and your hypothesis and the articles you select
LO: #visualizations
Caption coment is above. It is a good idea to use uncle
google to find out how captions are inserted…Avoid manually
inserting them.
LO: #visualizations
This is the critical component.
Derive a hypothesis from the trends observed in your visuals.
Create a story that is easy to to follow.
-How is your hypothesis going to be tested i.e how is research
going to be conducted?
-What will be IV and DV for your study?
-Link your hypothesis to existing research
***Make sure you have citations APA FORMAT
(b) Explain how it builds on the data
visualizations you present and any
related readings.
LO: #visualizations
Make reference to the figures in your write-up
e.g The figures show that Climate change positively aect the
production of cars in developing countries. This confirms
several studies for example Aleoa, (2013) found that Climate
change led to Russian car manufactury increase. In Canada,
from 1990 to date car production has increased by 15% due
to climate change (Marbha, 2012 Kats & Daggs, 2022).
LO: #visualizations
-How is your hypothesis going to be tested i.e how is research
going to be conducted?
-What will be IV and DV for your study?
-Link your hypothesis to existing research
***Make sure you have citations APA FORMAT
LO: #visualizations
What atrributes make your hypothesis plausible?
Derive your justification from the visualizations and from
other studies that have been conducted.
Describe how your hypothesis is
grounded in the data visualizations
you presented in Part 1. Discuss any
relevant readings or prior research
that influenced the development of
your hypothesis. This is highly
encouraged and expected for high
(c) Explain how your hypothesis can
be tested. Provide specific
predictions that can be measured
using empirical evidence. Clarify the
type of data or experiments required
to support or refute your hypothesis.
(d) Explain how the hypothesis is
plausible. Discuss why your
hypothesis is plausible based on your
understanding of the dataset, the
context, and any prior knowledge.
Highlight any logical reasoning or
assumptions that support the validity
of your hypothesis.
Every component is going to be graded.
Students are strongly necouraged to demonstrate a clear understanding of they present.
The professor should not have to search for an answer in a paper. Obscurity aects the quality of the presentation.
I expect all students to pay attention to the APA format on paper presentation and adhere to it.
You are expected to do proper intext citations and a reference list.
Though there is no required minimum number of citations, I strongly encourage you not to use less than 4 (Proper journal
articles or academic books). Over and Above the encouraged 4 JOURNAL ARTICLES, you may cite any other source you find to
be relevant to your presentation.
Key take aways
Good introduction, good visualization, good hypothesis, good explanation of the hypothesis, linking of research to existing
body of knowledge, strict aherence to the APA Format, clarity of structure and ideas, GOOD conclusion…will score good

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