IDS 403 Module Three Activity Guidelines and Rubric



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IDS 403 Module Three Activity Guidelines and Rubric
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For this activity, you will analyze your technology’s role in the event using one of the general education lenses and recommend strategies for using this kind of analysis to meet your personal goals. In this module and the next, you will draft the critical analysis section of your project. It also provides an opportunity to obtain valuable feedback from your instructor that you can incorporate into your project submission.


In this activity, you will begin the critical analysis section of your project. Include diverse perspectives from varied sources to support your points. You should continue to gather the sources you will integrate into your final project, which will include two resources from the Module Resources sections of this course and two resources that you find through your own research using the Shapiro Library. Look to the SNHU Shapiro Library for assistance in finding evidence and resources from outside the course.

You are not required to answer each question below the rubric criteria, but you may use them to better understand the criteria and guide your thinking.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Integrate reliable evidence from varied sources throughout your paper to support your analysis.
It is important to draw from a diverse pool of perspectives from varied sources to support the analysis. This is different from the Citations and Attributions rubric criterion.
Reliable evidence from varied sources should be interwoven throughout the paper itself, while citing and attributing sources will be represented as APA in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your work.
You will be evaluated on both criteria.
Analyze your technology’s role in the event through one of the general education interdisciplinary lenses to determine the technology’s impact on various institutions.
Apply the perspective of the general education lens to your technology’s role in your selected event. Then determine how the topic might affect institutions such as politics, community, family, economy, education, or market-driven organizations.
Analyze how social practices have been shaped by the technology involved in the event.
How have social practices been influenced by the technology involved in the event? For example, consider practices such as communication, cultural expression, governance, or caregiving.
Describe at least one limitation of the technology involved that could benefit from change.
Consider how your technology has been discussed and represented in relation to your event. How might the technology have changed to better support the event?
What to Submit

Submit your short paper as a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.


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IDS 403 Module One Activity
Molly LeCompte
IDS 403
29 October 2023
IDS 403 Module One Activity
The previous generation of years have seen numerous examples of astonishing
technological advancements. The Internet constitutes a technology that has significantly
influenced cultural, social, and global occurrences. The rise of the Internet has completely
changed how we interact, conduct business, and interact (Namisango et al., 2023). Humans may
now contact each other more efficiently irrespective of what part of the globe they are in the
universe, thanks to technology that has shrunk across borders.
I utilize the Internet regularly; therefore, I have firsthand knowledge of the technology. I
use it for business, pleasure, and communication. Additionally, I have observed the sound effects
of the Internet on activities related to culture and society. For instance, with the advent of the
Internet, the campaign known as #MeToo probably would have seemed conceivable (Huang &
Luo, 2018). The people who used to remain voiceless now have a voice thanks to the advent of
the web. It has additionally facilitated uniting those who hold similar principles and points of
view from every corner of this planet (Namisango et al., 2023).
Furthermore, the Internet has made it easier for like-minded people who live far apart
from one another to establish relationships. There are now many internet communities and
groups where individuals who share the same values and ideas may interact and support one
another. People may now locate people who relate to and comprehend their lives, contributing to
solidarity and shared experiences.
History and Humanities Lens
Examining the Internet and its influence on cultural, social, and international phenomena
is possible via the prism of history. The background history of the Internet is lengthy and
intricate. It is believed that the US military originally developed it in the course of the 1960s as a
means of exchanging data across computer systems. Internet access was available to the general
public and educational establishments in the early seventies. The Internet started to be utilized
for business reasons in the course of the 1980s. The world’s giant web was introduced in the
1990s, increasing public participation in the world’s largest website. Analyzing the Internet and
its effects on cultural, social, and international events is possible via the humanities perspective.
The World Wide Web has profoundly impacted the way we communicate and collaborate. It has
also made a significant impact on how humans represent themselves (Namisango et al., 2023).
Memes and GIFs are examples of novel expressiveness modes that have emerged due to the
Internet. Additionally, it has brought in new ways to socialize, such as social networking sites
and web-based dating.
Natural and Applied Sciences and Social Science Lens
Assessing the World Wide Web and its impact on cultural, social, and international
activities may be done via the lenses of both the applied and natural sciences. A sophisticated
network of linked computers is the world’s largest network (Namisango et al., 2023). The
Internet’s influence on cultural, social, and international events may be investigated using
scientific methodology. The advent of the Internet has dramatically impacted the way humans
socialize and interact with others. Subsequently, it has also had a significant impact on how
companies do corporation operation activities. Understanding the Internet and its effects on
interpersonal, cultural, and international events is possible via the perspective of social science.
The Internet has dramatically influenced how we interact and connect. It has also had a
significant impact on how we undertake professional work. The Internet has impacted how
humans socially interact with one another. It has additionally had an impact on how we engage
with one another culturally.
Namisango, F., Kang, K., & Rehman, J. (2023). Examining the relationship between
sociomaterial practices enacted in the organizational use of social media and the
emerging role of organizational generativity. International journal of information
management, 71, 102643.
Covering the Arab Spring’s social media impact via communication and media studies
Molly LeCompte
5 November 2023
“Revolutionary Ripples: Unveiling the Impact of Social Media on the Arab Spring
through Communication and Media Studies”
Social media shaped the 2010–2011 Arab Spring. The Arab Spring transformed society
with anti-regime uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya. Facebook and Twitter helped organize,
mobilize, and distribute information in this revolutionary movement (Moldovan, 2020). The.
These technologies helped people communicate and coordinate unprecedented protests.
Technology facilitated decentralized collaboration and cut communication obstacles, driving
Social media’s organizational and unanticipated effects were crucial during the Arab Spring.
While once considered a force for democratic empowerment, the technology’s effect went
beyond politics. Social media became virtual public squares for resistance and resilience
narratives, contradicting dominant media narratives. Technology amplified different
perspectives, highlighting underrepresented and ignored tales.
Social media has a major impact on Arab Spring culture and society. It gave voice
to the disadvantaged and challenged authoritarianism, changing political power. Technology also
helped shape global perceptions of the events, creating camaraderie and connection among
participants and supporters (McDonald, 2019). The accounts on social media showed how
technology affected individuals participating in the social upheaval and the quest for freedom.
It was difficult to choose a general education multidisciplinary lens to analyze this
technological event. However, Communication and Media Studies provides a holistic view of
technology, society, and culture. This lens illuminates how communication technologies are
influenced by social processes, revealing social media’s revolutionary impact during the Arab
Spring. The desire to understand the complex links between technology, society, culture, and
media drove the decision.
The Arab Spring shows how social media may change global events. Technology helped
organize demonstrations and changed the narrative terrain, making it more inclusive and linked.
This article will critically examine social media’s roots, technical impact, societal effects, and
unanticipated outcomes during the Arab Spring via Communication and Media Studies.
Gálvez, C. (2019). Evolution of the field of social media research through science maps (20082017). Communication & Society, 32(2), 61-75.
McDonald, D. A. (2019). Framing the “Arab Spring”: hip hop, social media, and the American
news media. Journal of Folklore Research, 56(1), 105-130.
Moldovan, R. (2020). The social media revolution that failed: Lessons from the Arab
Redefining Community in Intercultural Context, 9(1), 257-269.

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