Identifying Legal Issues in Nursing



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Identifying Legal Issues in Nursing
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Using the following two resources, locate a legal case involving a nurse.

Nursing Reference Center Plus
Tip: Do a keyword search on a type of legal case (negligence, malpractice, etc.) and then use the checkboxes on the left-hand side of the results to limit the results to Legal Cases.
Legal Eye Newsletter
Tip: Click on the link for Publisher’s Site to be brought out to the website.

Initial Post

In your initial post address the following prompts and/or questions.

Summarize the case you selected. Make sure to include:
Key legal components of the case that were errors.
The outcome of the case (if there is an outcome of the case).
Explain possible actions to prevent a recurrence of this situation.

Response Post

In your reply post, write a reflection on one student’s initial post and address the following prompts and questions:

Select a colleague’s post you found interesting. Describe what you found most interesting and explore how the case can impact your nursing practice.

Initial post requirement must be 250 words minimum and done by Wednesday night at 11:59pm. The 2 peer responses must be 150 words minimum each and must be completed by Saturday night at 11:59pm.