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Each group has to choose any five products that are available in the local market.Collect information regarding the Product name and brand name, function of product, name and address of manufacturer, country of origin, weight /volume, durability (PAO / Best before), date of production / batch #, Ingredients list (INCI names, in descending order of mass,…), instructions of use and storage, warning related to ingredients, any other warning etc.Include clear product pictures (front and back), package inserts, claims and advertisements. Enlist all the ingredients and their role in the formulations.Discuss each ingredients separately.Look for their incompatibility.

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Objective: Product Research Assignment will allow students to
explore and research cosmetic formulations available in local
● Each group has to choose any five products that are available in the local market.
● Collect information regarding the Product name and brand name, function of product,
name and address of manufacturer, country of origin, weight /volume, durability (PAO /
Best before), date of production / batch #, Ingredients list (INCI names, in descending
order of mass,…), instructions of use and storage, warning related to ingredients, any
other warning etc.
● Include clear product pictures (front and back), package inserts, claims and
● Enlist all the ingredients and their role in the formulations.
● Discuss each ingredients separately.
● Look for their incompatibility.
The label of a cosmetic product must display certain information as set out in the Regulation.
For the KSA market, the label of cosmetic products should be in English or Arabic.
*Minimum date of durability is the date the cosmetic product will remain safe for use if stored
under appropriate conditions. If a cosmetic product has a minimum date of durability of over 30
months, then a period after opening (PAO) is required.
PAO is the length of time after opening for which the product is considered fit for use by the
consumer. An ‘open jar’ symbol followed by the period (in months and/or years) shows the PAO.
Minimum date of durability and PAO are not random figures. Rather, they are determined as part of
testing required to be detailed in the cosmetic product safety report (CPSR) and evidence to support
the declared minimum date of durability and PAO must be included in the CPSR.
International Nomenclature for Cosmetic Ingredient (INCI)
Saudi Labelling Requirements
Ensure your cosmetics labelling is conforming to the latest requirements from authorities when
importing cosmetics in Saudi Arabia.
The Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) has set some specific requirements regarding
labelling when exporting or importing cosmetics to Saudi Arabia.
Labelling Requirements Cosmetics Products
Required on both primary and secondary packaging in English or Arabic (information marked
with * is required in both English and Arabic):

Product name and Brand name
Function of product (unless it is clear) *
Name and address of manufacturer
Country of origin
Weight /volume
Durability (PAO / Best before)
Date of production / batch n°
Ingredients list (INCI names, in descending order of mass,…)
Instructions of use and storage *
Warning related to ingredients *
Any other warning *
Type of warnings to be indicated for products packed in ampoules / vials (in English and Arabic)
● Cosmetic Product for external use
● Take proper precautions when opening
● Avoid contact with eyes
Other Labelling Requirements

No medical claims
Claims shall be substantiated
No picture/visual that could be offensive to GCC customs and value

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