I need your help to write a report about steam cycle power plant


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MEC571 Power Plants and Thermal Systems
Final Exam – Final Report (Semester 2023/2024-01)
1) General Guidelines:
a) Each student should submit his own report individually. (Group Report is not accepted)
b) The submission should be done through Google Classroom platform. If not successful, you
might send the report by email to [email protected] .
c) Deadline of submitting the Final Report is Saturday 11th November 2023 (11:59 p.m.).
d) Submit the report in pdf format (not MS Word). Also, name the file as: MEC571_YourIDNumber.
e) Plagiarism is prohibited, and students should follow Alasala plagiarism policy. In other words,
avoid copying from internet, other resources, or from other colleagues (i.e. you can get information
and knowledge from internet and other resources, but do not copy-paste).
2) Report Format & Content:
a) The font should be (Calibri or Times New Roman only) and its size should be 12. You can use bold,
italic, and underlined font formats as needed. The headings font size should be 14.
b) The paragraph line spacing should be 1.5.
c) All tables must have a heading on top. All figures and charts must have a caption on bottom.
d) The height of the Figures should be less than 3”.
e) You need to balance the number of figures and text in the report body. The recommended number
of pages excluding the appendices could be between 10 and 20 pages. Also, the expected number
of figures and tables are approximately between 6 and 10.
f) The content of the report can be written based on your knowledge and learning outcomes through
the whole course lectures and assignments, and it is not limited to the detailed suggested topics
which are listed in the next point. The content should be related to Steam Cycle Power Plants.
g) The detailed report format and content can be described as follows (Recommended):
 Cover page (1 page):
– At the top, write College of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, MEC571
(Power Plant and Thermal Systems), Semester 2023/2024-01. In the Margin, show Alasala
Colleges Logo.
– Then, write the report title (you should make your own title), “Final Report”, your name, your
ID#, instructor name. At the bottom, write the date.
 Table of Contents (1 page).
– Main Headings with page numbers.
– Sub-headings – if applicable – with page numbers.
 Abstract (max. 1 page).
1. Introduction (2-3 pages):
– Start by writing general background about conventional (fossil-fuel based) power plants and
the associated technical, economical, and environmental aspects. You can compare
conventional power plants with non-conventional Renewables power plants.
– You might briefly cover the history of conventional power plants, and compare between
various conventional power generation technologies (e.g. Steam, gas, nuclear, etc.).
– You might focus on describing your project (Steam Cycle Power Plants) while enriching this
part with previous research studies.
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MEC571 Power Plants and Thermal Systems
Final Exam – Final Report (Semester 2023/2024-01)
– You might give examples of old and current commercial power plants around the world and
especially in Saudi Arabia. It is recommended to include numbers and statistics.
– It is expected that you will include several citations based on the utilized references.
– At the end of this section, write briefly the objective of your project and report, then give a
brief description of the next sections (Methodology, Results & Discussion).
2. Methodology (2-3 pages):
– You can use the content of your group presentation which were submitted in Assessment #3
(Group Project).
– You can also use other information from other resources such as the textbook and other
internet resources.
– You might describe in details different equipment in your project.
– You might also describe in details how the project system works.
– It is recommended to include figures and tables – if needed -.
– You might need to include citations based on the utilized References (Very Important !!).
3. Results and Discussion (4-8 pages):
– You can show here some equations, data, results, parametric analysis, etc. (mainly from
Assessment #3) while discussing in details different operation scenarios.
– You might also use other information and knowledge from other resources such as the
textbook, lecture slides, other resources (e.g. from internet).
– It is recommended to include figures and tables – if needed -.
– You might need to include citations based on the utilized References (Very Important !!).
4. Conclusion (1-2 pages):
– Write first the objective of your report. Then, describe briefly the methodology. After that,
summarize the results and outcomes of your project.
– In the second part, discuss some general recommendations and expected future work.
5. References:
– It is more professional to use books and papers as References.
– Note: It is recommended to utilize scholar.google.com search tool. As some references might
require subscription (not free), it is recommended to get the needed references from
Academia.edu or ResearchGate.com.
– The typical number of references can be between 10 and 50. It can be less or more.
6. Appendices (no limit):
– The important and main figures and tables should be embedded in the middle of the report.
– You can include in this part (Appendices) additional less important figures, tables, and texts
which could show your hard work. Remember that your report shall not exceed 20 pages
other than appendices.
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