I need help with my anatomy/ultrasound hw


Please complete the following review on the attachment For number 16, please feel free to create your own Willis diagram

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I need help with my anatomy/ultrasound hw
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West Coast Ultrasound Institute
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Name ___________________
Outline for exam #1
1. What are the three different layers of a vessel?
2. Which of the three layers are thinner in venous circulation?
3. Define the systemic circulation, and how blood flows through it, from
beginning to end track the blood movement.
4. Define the pulmonary circulation, and how blood flows through it,
from beginning to end track the blood movement.
5. Define the following vessels.
A) Arteries –
B) Arterioles –
C) Capillaries –
D) Venules –
E) Veins –
F) Vasa Vasorum –
6. Define the aortic arch.
7. What are the first three branches off of the aortic arch?
8. Define the common carotid arteries, and where does each originate
from? What do they bifurcate into?
9. Define the ICA.
10. What are the 4 segments/portions of the ICA?
11. What is the first branch of the ICA?
12. This branch in #11 has 4 branches of its own, what are their names,
define each one, and what structures do they supply blood flow to?
A) _______________B) _______________C) _______________D) _______________3|Page
13. Define the external carotid artery. What are the 8 branches off the
ECA, and what does each one delivers blood supply for?
A) ______________B) ______________C) ______________D) ______________E) ______________F) ______________G) ______________H) ______________14. Define the vertebral arteries. Where do they originate from, where
do they travel through and finally what do they become?
15. Define the Circle of Willis.
16. Label the circle of Willis. (The red handout) Blank one out and then
hand write the name of the vessels in, and attach to the end of this
17. What vessels make up the anterior circulation?
18. What vessels make up the posterior circulation?
19. How much blood (Percentage and volume) is delivered to the brain
via the ICA?
20. How much blood (Percentage and volume) is delivered to the brain
via the vertebral arteries?
21. What are other major collateral pathways other than the circle of
22. Define the Arterial system.
23. What is the stroke volume and how much is it for a resting pt?
24. What is the cardiac output and how do we calculate it?
25. What is the cardiac output for a resting patient?
26. If my patient has a heart rate of 80 beats per min. and a stroke
volume of 75ml, what is the CO?
27. What two criteria must be met for blood to flow?
28. What creates an arterial reservoir?
29. Blood flow in the arteries because of the pressure gradient created
by ___________.
30. What creates potential energy in the arteries?
31. What creates kinetic energy in the arteries?
32. What are the three different types of energy in the body?
A) __________________
B) __________________
C) __________________
33. Define each of the three types of energy found in the body.
A) __________________B) __________________C) __________________-
34. Define the resistance to flow.
35. Define the hematocrit.
36. What is the formulas, (all three and define all variables with
appropriate units) for calculating the resistance?
37. Energy is lost as a result of what two things? Give examples
38. Define Poiseuille’s Law. What is his formula? What are the
relationships in the formula? What does each variable mean? When
do we use this formula?
A) Q =
B) P1 =
C) P2 =
D) ΔP =
E) Pie =
F) L =
G) η =
H) r =
39. Define the Bernoulli’s law
40. Explain the continuity rule.
41. Write both formulas for the Bernoulli’s Law.
42. If we scan the ICA prox and find a stenotic blood flow velocity of 2.5m/s,
what would be the change in pressure?
43. If we scan the tricuspid valve and measure a stenotic velocity of 4.2m/s,
what would be the pressure gradient?
44. What does triphasic mean?
45. What does Biphasic mean?
46. What does monophasic mean?
47. What is the cause of the first phase?
48. What is the cause of the second phase?
49. What is the cause of the third phase?
50. Define the Reynold’s equation 51. Define all the variables in the Reynold’s equation, and know the
relationships between the variables.
52. What the Reynold’s number for laminar flow? _________________
53. What the Reynold’s number for disturbed flow? _________________
54. What the Reynold’s number for turbulent flow? _________________
55. Define the Doppler shift equations, and write them both out.
56. Define each variable in the Doppler equation and their units. Know all the
relationships in the Doppler equation.
A) Fo =
B) 2 =
C) V =
D) ϴ =
E) Cosϴ =
F) C =
10 | P a g e
57. What are the 4 Doppler modalities?
58. Which two Doppler modalities present the Doppler information as color?
59. Which two Doppler modalities present the Doppler information as a graph
where we can measure PSV and EDV as needed?
60. What is the cos0o? _______
61. What is the cos30o? ________
62. What is the cos45o? __________
63. What is the cos60o? ___________
64. What is the cos90o? ________
65. What is the best Doppler angle? _____________
66. What is the worst Doppler angle? ____________
67. What is the usable angle range for vascular? And Why?
11 | P a g e

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