I need help on a crime forensics writing project


There are two parts (A & B) to the projectPlease use the Crime scene Research Paper Template” to answer Part AFor Part B, follow the instructions and use the template in the link provided within the instructions for the search warrant. Use the layout named “Affidavit Example” as a reference for the affidavit. (It doesn’t not have to be as long as the reference example, in fact make it as short as you can)

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Select a criminal case with a computer forensics component from the list below:
o Murder of Kari Baker
o Michelle Carter and Conrad Roy
o The Craigslist Killer
o Larry J. Thomas v. State of Indiana
o Bryan Kohberger/Idaho State University Murders
o Murder of XXXTentacion

Research a criminal case and write a research report about how the crime scene and
digital evidence were processed in that case

You must use the provided template below for the report (and DO NOT remove any of
the required section headings)

o 3-5 FULL pages single spaced, Arial or Calibri font, 12-point, 1 inch margins
o Summarize the case.
▪ Provide a brief overview of the case (Note: this should be brief; the
purpose of the paper is to analyze the CRIME SCENE processing and
should focus on the DIGITAL EVIDENCE component.)
▪ Review the evidence & any available information.
▪ Describe the process investigators used to process the crime scene in
this case.
▪ Include information about any mistakes that were made in the case
▪ What was the outcome of the case?
o 1-2 FULL pages single spaced, Arial or Calibri font, 12 point, 1 inch margins
o What would you do differently or the same?
o Were there any issues in processing the crime scene/case that had an impact
on the outcome/prosecution of the case?
o Include visuals to support your report. This may include items from the
actual case, such as: evidence logs, photos, search warrants, transcripts,
other documents presented in court. Do not just include links to sources.
Works Cited:
o Cite any sources you use in APA – both in-text and a works cited page.
o Remember, the summary section is a summary of other sources and should
include citations for everything that is not original thought – so likely EVERY
sentence in this section would include an in-text citation.

Use at least 3 reputable sources to support your report. No sources that are
not reputable should be used (Example: wikipedia, YouTube)
Ignore the “Background check” Section on the template
You are a computer forensic examiner working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The FBI
is investigating a series of threats posted on social media by James T. Buchs.
Buchs is:

a graduate student at George Mason University
studying for a Master of Arts in Political Science
currently a resident of Beacon Hall on the Science and Tech campus of GMU
During the course of the investigation, the FBI has been in contact with the George Mason University
police department and Violence Prevention Committee (VPC). Buchs has been reported to the VPC on
two previous occasions.
After evaluating the social media posts, the FBI has probable cause to believe that James T. Buchs is
a credible threat to the students and faculty at George Mason University.
Your job is to write a search warrant and affidavit to search Buch’s residence located at:
10945 George Mason Cir #212
Manassas, VA 20110
Template for Search Warrant:
• https://www.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/ao093.pdf
• There is no template, use a word document.
• Do NOT use templates you find online, these are local/state and not the same thing.
• This Affidavit document should look something like the “Affidavit example” file that was

Write your search warrant and supporting affidavit
o Warrants must specify the type of evidence that may be gathered and the locations that
may be searched. Your affidavit must be DETAILED and explain your probable cause.
o Your warrant should include:
▪ Court Authority
▪ Nature of crimes being investigated
▪ Locations to be searched
▪ Property to be searched and seized

Affidavit/Statement of Probable Cause
▪ You have to show probable cause that:
▪ A crime has been committed, and
▪ Evidence exists in the location you plan on searching.
▪ Fill in the details “how” you got to this point in your investigation. You can
come up with the back-story to explain how you got to this point in the
investigation, but follow the basic case scenario I provided.
Chronology of Events
Your “return” page should be BLANK since you have not conducted a search yet.
I have given you basic information; you will come up with the “story” to support the
rest. Remember, search warrants/affidavits must be very specific.
o This should be your narrative explaining dates/times you have observed the suspect
or gathered information via wiretaps, specifically what you observed, and how this
gives you probable cause that a crime has been committed and specific evidence of
that crime (everything you listed on the warrant) exists in the place you are
requesting to search.
o In your affidavit, you must specifically tie the crime and evidence back to the search
o These should be DETAILED and SPECIFIC documents. You can’t just throw in
“everything and the kitchen sink” – you have to have the evidence to support each
item you list in the warrant. Remember – when you get to the crime scene, you can
only take evidence listed in the warrant!
IT 357 Crime Scene Research Paper
Overview of the Case
Review of Evidence
Crime Scene Investigation Process
Mistakes or Complications in the Case
Outcome of the Case
Works Cited
Background Check

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