I need help answering the discussion board questions.


These 6 Discussion board question I need to reply to my classmates. Example, I really like how you pointed out or thanks for sharing your thoughts. I know you know how to write it’s me but just letting you know it does not need to be wordy.1. Having different abortion laws in each state can cause a lot of problems. It can be confusing for people who need abortion care and might force them to travel long distances to get it. Some states might have really strict laws that make it nearly impossible to get an abortion, while others might have more lenient laws. This creates inequality and makes it harder for everyone to access reproductive healthcare. An article that talks about this is “Abortion Access in the U.S.: What a Post-Roe World Could Look Like” by Alice Miranda Ollstein and Katie Jennings, from Politico. It explains how overturning Roe v. Wade could lead to a jumble of different abortion laws across the country, making it harder for people to get the care they need. 2. Roe v. Wade was a legal case in the United States that was decided by the supreme courts in 1973. This was about the right to abortion, which means the right for women to end her pregnancy. The case started when a women named Norma McCorvey, who went by Jane Roe challenged a Texas law that made it illegal to have an abortion except in certain cases. The Supreme Court ruled that women have the constitutional right to have an abortion under the 14th Amendment, which protects a persons liberty. This decision made abortion legal in the United States. It gave the rights to women who were pregnant to decide to have an abortion. The decision to over turn Roe v. Wade marks a significant shift in abortion law. The decision was made by the Supreme Court. This change likely occurred because of the change in the composition of Supreme Court, with their different views on abortion rights. 1. Yes Means Yes law means that there is an affirmative, conscious and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity. It is different from “No Means No” because it requires the individuals to be able to say yes. “No Means No” would require someone to be conscious in order for them to say no while “Yes Means Yes” required someone to be conscious in order for them to say yes. If someone is not conscious then they cannot say yes and therefore cannot engage in sexual activity. “Yes Means Yes” shifts the focus away from victims proving that they really said no. 2. I believe that it is important for schools to educate students on what are healthy and unhealthy sexual relations. It is important to teach these students what consent is. Society tends to focus on teaching ways to prevent someone from being sexually assaulted by telling us to be cautious but I think that we need to be focusing on teaching everyone that sexual assault is not okay. 1. In the title Enloe’s it says “It takes more than two: the prostitute, the soldier, the state and the entrepreneur” because they are all involved in this act. The practice started in order to make money from young girls that hit puberty and are sold to soldiers that are stationed overseas and mostly they are American soldiers. Most of the women are from Asian decent and are moved to different countries. The buyers are married men, bar & brothel owners, police officers, mayors, soldiers,etc. As the article mentions a lot of people play a part in these unlawful act’s. 2. Sex economy arrangements can have far-reaching, and often negative, consequences for women in poor countries. They may face economic coercion, limited educational and employment opportunities, and systemic inequalities that force them to engage in sex work for survival. Furthermore, the stigma and marginalization associated with sex work may worsen their vulnerability, maintaining cycles of poverty and exploitation. Furthermore, the presence of military personnel, often from other countries, can raise the risk of violence, abuse, and the spread of sexually transmitted infections, jeopardizing women’s well-being.

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