I need 3 small programs, using the if statement and nested if statement using && and ll logic.


As mentioned above. I need three small programs using if statement in Pseudocode, and the if nested statement using && and ll logic. I will provide a Microsoft Word document with explanations of what has to be done for you to understand it better. Please no AI to ensure work is legit you know these things are sensitive while in school.

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I need 3 small programs, using the if statement and nested if statement using && and ll logic.
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Write a java program to calculate the circumference for the rectangle, triangle and the square
The circumference for:
Rectangle = 2L +2W
Triangle = Side1 + Side2 +Side3
Square = 4 X Side
When the program executes, the user is to be presented with 3 choices.
Choice 1 to calculate the circumference for the triangle
Choice 2 to calculate the circumference for the square
Choice 3 to calculate the circumference for the Rectangle
Based on the user’s selection the selected shape’s circumference is calculated
Submit: The Design in pseudocode
Screenshots of the output for all shapes
The Source codes
Note the output should look like :
Side =
Circumference =
Length =
Circumference =
Triangle :
Side 1 =
Side 2 =
Side 3 =
Circumference =
Hint = use if statements
Width =
In order for someone to vote in the he/she must meet the following conditions
must be 18 years or older, must be registered voter, must not have a criminal
record, must be a US citizen.
Write two a java programs to check for voters eligibility
1. using the nested if statement
2. using the and && and or II logic.
the source codes for both programs
and the SCREENSHOT of OUTPUT for ALL scenarios for both programs.
make sure to add comments!
no design (pseudocode)
Write the whole program.

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