I have assembly language question


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I have assembly language question
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This outlook email assignments you will need my password and email to complete this assignment

Import the CSV file “Import Contact List,” that you saved in Activity 3-1.

Add a picture for each contact from the pictures that you saved in Activity 3-2.

Categorize the contacts into three groups by their title, and color code the category group.

Send an email to the administrator and teacher group. The body of the email is below in the first bullet. Additionally, please attach resumes for Greg and Johanna that you saved in Activity 3-2.

“Good afternoon, I am attaching the resumes of our final two candidates for your review to potentially fill the technology teacher position. Please share your feedback, and let me know if you think we need to schedule a second interview. Thank you!”

Share your teacher contact list with the assistants.

Lesson 4

In this activity you will customize your reading options. Please work through the various steps in this activity.

In this activity you use voting and tracking options. You will use the the attachment to complete the activity. Please work through the various steps in this activity.

In this assessment, you will be working with the calendar to create appointments and meeting in Outlook. Follow the directions below.

Create an appointment for an interview for Greg from unit 3 on July 19th, 2023 at 1:00 PM.

Categorize this appointment as “Interview” and color code

Send this interview to the administrator from unit 3 contacts.

Create an appointment for an interview for Greg from unit 3 on July 19th, 2023 at 2:00 PM.

Categorize this appointment as “Interview” and color code

Send this interview to the administrator from unit 3 contacts.

Create a meeting for July 19th, 2023 at 5:00 PM to celebrate the conclusion of this course with 5 of your classmates and and the administrator from unit 3 contacts.

If you are the recipient of this meeting, decline the request.

As the sender, once you have received at least one decline, reschedule for July 20th, 2023 at 5:00 PM.

Requirements: outlook email | .doc file | Assembly Language

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Gregory Shannon
543 Cherry Hill Drive
Chattanooga, TN
To obtain a full-time position as a Technology Teacher.
Technical Skills

Experience with both Windows and Macintosh platforms
Technology and tool skills: Visual Basic, HTML, Lingo, XML, JavaScript, CSS,
Software: jEdit, Adobe Creative Suite, AVID, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel,
Relevant Coursework Completed

Web Site Design & Technology
Interactive Media Implementation
Theories of Interactive Computing
Fundamentals of Interactive Multimedia
Principles of Imaging for New Media
Programming for New Media
Information Design for New Media
Programming for Designers
MFA Computer Graphics Design Rochester Institute of Technology
B.A. New Media Design
Rochester Institute of Technology
B.S. Information Technology
Trevecca Nazarene University
Employment History
Java Developer
Westin and Sons
Chattanooga, TN
Trevecca Nazarene University Nashville, TN
References available upon request
Johanna Kiersgaard
4258 West 47th Street
New York, New York
To obtain a full-time position as a Technology Teacher.
Technical Skills

Experience with both Windows and Macintosh platforms
Language skills: Visual Basic, HTML, Lingo
Software: Director, Authorware, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Adobe Photoshop,
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Corel Draw, Illustrator, Flash
Relevant Coursework Completed

Web Site Design & Technology
Interactive Media Implementation
Theories of Interactive Computing
Fundamentals of Interactive Multimedia
Instructional Technology
Visual Basic
M.S. Information Technology
B.S. Computer Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Carnegie Mellon University
Employment History
Senior Developer
Program Developer
Ecofriendly Travel
New York, NY
Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA
References available upon request

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