I have a question in accounting and I need help


The topic is “Acquisition” and identify either a “problem” or an “Opportunity” ….. Have you seen or heard of the recent “Acquisition” of Australian Mining Company Newcrest by American Mining Company Newmont? I am thinking …. what “problems” was Newcrest facing that led the Board and Shareholders make the decision to see Newcrest to Nemont…..This might direct you to start writing along these lines.

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Appendix 1 – Project Reference Map
For each credible resource used (e.g. journal articles or textbooks) complete the project reference map
(template provided here) and provide this as Appendix 1 of your assignment. In your Project Reference
Map provide the full reference, and specific details of the information that has been used from the
credible resource for your project report. It is important that the information provided in the summary
section of the Project Reference Map aligns with the text of the assignment where the credible academic
reference has been cited. Likewise, it is important that the information provided in the summary section
of the Project Reference Map aligns with the original source text of the credible academic reference.
Provie the full
Does the source
cover a theory or
an analytical
framework (or
Provide the
chapter/section and
page number (if
applicable) where
the information that
has been used is
located in the
Provide a brief
Indicate the
summary of the
section where this
content used from this source is used in
your assignment?
Project Level
Comment :The following is an example to give you an idea
of a project statement could look like. It is about a fic onal
company ‘Your Fishing Boat’ (YFB) with a focus on opera on
in a fic onal country ‘Industria’.
We are providing this example for your learning. Comments
regarding strengths and weaknesses (areas of improvement)
are provided for your guidance.
Please review the comments provided carefully.
Policy and procedures with respect to Academic Integrity
apply to the use of all examples. The content of your
submission should be uniquely yours.
Student name
Student number
Please make sure that you reference all the literature and
ideas that you are using.
Please complete the Project Reference Map for all credible
academic sources used.
Project statement
Comment: The tle page includes all the necessary
informa on and is well-forma ed.
Assignment tle
An inves ga on of customer and fishing boat owner reten on within Your Fishing Boat.
Marke ng Management
Consumer behaviour
Word count: 538
Comment: The tle of the report clearly presents the topic
and includes the name of the business. It is expressed in
noun phrases.
1. Background ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Theme and problem (or opportunity) ………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Purpose of research ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
List of theories and frameworks (with academic references) ………………………………………….. 3
List of business theories ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3
List of analy cal frameworks (methods or tools)……………………………………………………. 4
Methodology and methods ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Case study research methodology ……………………………………………………………………….. 5
Secondary data………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
References ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Appendix 1 – Project Reference Map………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Comment: In the background sec on a brief descrip on of
the case organisa on and/or industry is provided.
Your Fishing Boat (YFB) is among the top 10 fishing boat producers in the world,
with more than 3,000 sales loca ons and 1 million sales a year (FISH 2020). Similarly,
in Industria YFB has become the third-largest fishing boat company, holding 28%
market share, 100 sales loca ons, circa 15,000 boats sold annually, with a revenue of
I$180 million in 2019 (YFB 2020; FISH 2020).
Comment: Data has been used to present an accurate
picture of the state of the industry and the business. This is
referenced to credible sources.
Comment: This sec on describes the problems and
opportuni es that the case organisa on YFB and/or industry
Theme and problem (or opportunity)
According to an IBISGlobe industry outlook by FISH (2020), the fishing boat industry will
likely face a slowdown in growth over the next ten years (2020–2030), implying new
challenges for fishing boat producers to retain market share and growth.
According to FISHING (2020), 30 per cent of fishing boat owners sell their fishing boat
within 2 years and never go out boa ng again. This is an opportunity for YFB to focus
on the reten on of its current customers to avoid losing 30 per cent of poten al
Comment: This sec on begins with a link to the general
current situa on as outlined in the previous sec on (growth).
Comment: The circumstances giving rise to the problem (or
opportunity) are introduced and supported by a credible
Comment: The issue facing the business is supported with
customers. YFB will have to inves gate the reasons why customers decide to sell their
boats and leave the market. YFB needs to address iden fied issues such as quality issues,
perspec ves and experiences of boa ng and loyalty etc. to enable be er reten on of its
customers. This will contribute to maintaining market share and revenues in Industria.
Purpose of research
The purpose of this research is to evaluate consumer behaviour within the fishing boat industry
Comment: The ac on the business needs to take in order to
address the problem is stated.
Comment: Based on informa on provided in the
‘Background’ and ‘Project theme and opportunity’
sec ons, this sec on briefly outlines what the purpose of
undertaking the research is. It is linked to what was discussed
in the previous two sec ons.
and to iden fy why owners leave the market to address the poten al issues such as quality
Comment: The purpose statement includes the expected
outcome for the business.
perspec ve, experience and loyalty to make recommenda ons to improve reten on of the
Comment: The purpose of the report is clearly iden fied.
An academic repor ng verb has been used.
customer base of YFB.
List of theories and frameworks (with academic references)
List of business theories
The following contemporary business theories are proposed to be reviewed:

Theory of mul dimensional brand loyalty (Sheth & Park 1974)
Comment: In this sec on relevant specific contemporary
business theories and analy cal frameworks from the
academic literature are listed.
These theories and frameworks that you provide should be
closely connected to your project.
For each business theory and framework listed, at least one
academic reference is provided.
Comment: A brief introductory sentence is provided.
Comment: The theory and reference is listed.
The theory and the three dimensions that are present when brand loyalty prevails are relevant
for YFB as it can serve as the theore cal underpinning for an inves ga on into customer
reten on from a loyalty perspec ve.

Comment: A brief explana on of how the theory is
relevant to the problem/opportunity is provided.
Theory of planned behaviour (Chou & Hsu 2020)
The theory allows to iden fy key factors that mo vate customers and as such is a relevant
theory for customer reten on for YFB.

Stakeholder theory (Fares, Chung & Abbasi 2021)
The theory is relevant because customers are stakeholders of YFB, and its reten on is the center
of inves ga on of the research problem.
List of analy cal frameworks (methods or tools)
The following analy cal frameworks (methods or tools) are proposed to be reviewed:

Porter’s five forces (Bruijl 2018) can be applied to inves gate the impact of the five forces
on YFB’s reten on of customers.

SWOT analysis (Helms & Nixon 2010) allows to inves gate strengths, weaknesses,

Marke ng mix (Wichmann et al. 2022) allows to inves gate YFB’s marke ng strategy as it
opportuni es and threats of YFB’s strategy to retain customers.
relates to customer reten on.
Comment: The analy cal framework (model or tool) is
Comment: Followed by a brief explana on how the
analy cal framework can be applied to the problem or
Methodology and methods
Case study research methodology
The research methodology used will be case study research (Yin 2018). A comparison single case
study will be conducted with YFB being the case organisa on which will be compared to the
Comment: In this sec on the methodological approach to
the research, case study research methodology, is clearly
Next you briefly state the data you will use and the data
Comment: It is clearly stated that case study research
methodology will be used. A reference has been provided.
fishing boat industry.
Comment: It is clearly stated that a single case study
approach will be used and that YFB is the case organisa on.
Secondary data
The secondary data sources include industry reports, annual reports, sta s cal data and
journal ar cles. Table 1 provides details and examples of specific data sources.
Comment: The table is clearly introduced and content is
explained. It is important that any table or figure is properly
introduced and explained.
Table 1 – Secondary data sources
Comment: A proper tle is provided and follows Style
Data type
Example with Reference
Industry reports
FISH (2020)
Annual reports
BOATING (2020); FISHING (2020)
Sta s cal sources
Industrian Bureau of Sta s cs
Journal ar cles
Ruff (2019); Tall (2020); Eel (2020)
Source: created by the author for this assignment.
Comment: Useful reports and journals are named.
Presumably the writer has checked that these sources
contain appropriate and sufficient data for the purpose of the
Comment: The source of the table is provided.
Primary data will not be collected and analysed. Organisa onal consent will be contained
for internal secondary data.
Comment: It is clearly stated that NO primary data will be
used and that the need for organisa onal consent has been
Boa ng 2020, Annual Report 2019, viewed 06 May 2020,
h p://www.boa ng.com/annual2019.
Bruijl, G 2018, The relevance of Porter’s Five Forces in today’s innova ve and changing
business environment, viewed 6 May 2022, h p://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3192207.
Chou, S & Hsu, C 2016, ‘Understanding online repurchase inten on: social exchange theory
and shopping habit’, Informa on Systems and eBusiness Management, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 1945.
Eel, T 2019, ‘The fishing boat industry’, Industrian Fishing Journal, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 813–
Fares J, Chung KSK & Abbasi A 2021, ‘Stakeholder theory and management: Understanding
longitudinal collabora on networks’, PLoS One, vol. 16, no. 10.
h ps://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0255658FISH 2019, ‘Best boats for Fishing’, FISH.ORG,
viewed 06 May 2020, h p://www.fish.org/publica ons/bestboat.
FISH 2020, ‘Fishing Report 2019: The 2019 IBISGlobe Report’, FISH.ORG, viewed 06 May
2020, h p://www.fish.org/publica ons/the-2019-global- report.
FISHING 2020, ‘Annual Report 2019’, FISHING.COM, viewed 06 May 2020,
h p://www.fishing.com/annual2019.
Helms, MM & Nixon J 2010, ‘Exploring SWOT analysis – where are we now?: A review of
academic research from the last decade’, Journal of Strategy and Management, vol. 3, no. 3,
pp. 215-251.
Professional Academy 2020, Marke ng theories – explaining the consumer decision making
process, viewed 01 May 2020, h ps://www.professionalacademy.com/blogs-andadvice/marke ng-theories— explaining-the-consumer-decision-making-process.
Ruff, T 2019, ‘Boa ng for fun’, Industrian Boa ng Journal, vol. 157, no. 1, pp. 112– 125.
Ryals, L 2012, Managing customers profitably, John Wiley, North Ryde.
Sheth, JN & Park, WC 1974, ‘A Theory of Mul dimensional Brand Loyalty’, NA ‐ Advances in
Consumer Research, vol. 1, pp. 449–459.
Comment: A reference list is provided at the end of your
Project Statement. All references that were referred to
within the document must be listed here in alphabe cal
Please review Style Guide (Harvard)on how to present the
literature you have used in a reference list.
Tall, S 2020, ‘Buying and selling of boats: What drives consumer behaviour?’, Journal of
Consumer Behaviour, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 12–35.
Wichmann, JRK, Uppal, A, Sharma, A & Dekimpe, MG 2022, ‘A global perspec ve on the
marke ng mix across me and space’, Interna onal Journal of Research in Marke ng, vol.
39, no. 2, pp. 502-521, h ps://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijresmar.2021.09.001.
Yin, RK 2014, Chapter 2 ‘Case study research designs’, Case study research: design and
methods, 5th edn, Sage, California, pp. 49–63.
Your Fishing Boat 2020, YFB About Us, viewed 01 May 2020, h p://www.y .com/about/.
Appendix 1 – Project Reference Map
The following project reference map provides an overview of all credible academic sources
used in the project statement.
Does the source Provide the
cover a theory or chapter/sec on and page
an analy cal
number (if applicable)
framework (or
where the informa on
that has been used is
located in the source.
The ar cle was reviewed
Sheth, JN &
Theory of
Park, WC 1974, mul dimensional using the following
‘A Theory of
brand loyalty
mul dimension
al brand
Loyalty’, NA ‐
Advances in
There are no page
numbers provided in the
Research, vol.
online document.
1, pp. 449–459.
Provie the full
reference as
per Style
Chou, S & Hsu, Theory of
C 2016,
‘Understanding behaviour
inten on: social
theory and
shopping habit’,
Informa on
Systems and
vol. 14, no. 1,
pp. 19-45.
Page 24
It is important that the informa on provided in the summary
sec on of the Project Reference Map aligns with the text of
Provide a brief summary Indicate the
the assignment where the credible academic reference has
of the content used from sec on
been cited. Likewise, it is important that the informa on
this source.
where this provided in the summary sec on of the Project Reference
source is Map aligns with the original source text of the credible
used in youracademic reference.
In the sec on ‘Theory of Sec on 4.1
brand loyalty’ the authors List of
theorize three
dimensions that are
present when brand
loyalty prevails. The
authors then hypothesize
seven types of brand
In the sec on
‘Determinants of
different types of brand
loyalty’ the authors
review possible
determinants of
behavioural brand loyalty.
The authors find
“mul ple types of brand
loyalty and mul ple sets
of determinants”.
The ar cle was viewed via The “theory of planned
Sec on 4.1
the following weblink:
behaviour (TPB) to
List of
iden fy the key factors
that mo vate online
customers, including their
Relevant sec on:
beliefs (trust in product,
‘2. Theore cal background trust in informa on,
and hypothesis
website design), a tude,
and inten on.”
Relevant sec ons within
the ar cle used: ‘Theory
of brand loyalty’ and
‘Determinants of different
types of brand loyalty’
Comment: The project reference map is provided as
appendix one.
All credible academic sources used in the project statement
have been listed.
In the map, a brief explana on of where the informa on was
taken from those sources and what it contains should be
Fares J, Chung Stakeholder
KSK & Abbasi A Theory
theory and
collabora on
networks’, PLoS
One, vol. 16,
no. 10.
h ps://doi.org/
The ar cle was viewed
using the following
Bruijl, G 2018,
The relevance
of Porter’s Five
Forces in
innova ve and
viewed 6 May
The ar cle has been
reviewed using the
following link:
Porter’s Five
The authors describe the Sec on 4.1
aims of the stakeholder
List of
theory and explain that
the stakeholders are a key
group that can impact an
organisa on to achieve
its objec ves.
Relevant sec on:
‘Literature review: Origins
of STM’
Page 3.
The following sec on has
been reviewed: “The
Thinking Behind Porter’s
Five Forces Framework”
star ng on page 1 and
Sec on “The Thinking
the sub-sec ons on the
Behind Porter’s Five Forces five forces: “Rivalry
Among Exis ng
Compe tors”, “Threat of
New Entrants”,
Pages 1 to 4.
“Bargaining Power of
Suppliers”, “The
Figure 1 on page 4.
Bargaining Power of
Buyers” and “Threat of
Subs tute Products and
Services” in which
Porter’s Five Forces are
explained in detail (pages
2 to 4).
Figure 1 on page 4
provides a graphical
illustra on of Porter.
Sec on 4.2
List of
analy cal
Helms, MM & SWOT analysis
Nixon J 2010,
SWOT analysis where are we
now?: A review
of academic
research from
the last
decade’, Journal
of Strategy and
vol. 3, no. 3, pp.
Wichmann, JRK, Marke ng Mix
Uppal, A,
Sharma, A &
Dekimpe, MG
2022, ‘A global
perspec ve on
the marke ng
mix across me
and space’,
Interna onal
Journal of
Research in
Marke ng, vol.
39, no. 2, pp.
h ps://doi.org/
Case Study
Yin, RK 2014,
Chapter 2 ‘Case Research
study research
designs’, Case
study research:
design and
methods, 5th
edn, Sage,
California, pp.
The ar cle has been
accessed through the
University Library and is
available online.
The following sec ons are
SWOT History and SWOT
The sec on SWOT History Sec on 4.2
provides an overview of List of
the development of the analy cal
SWOT analysis.
The sec on SWOT usage
discusses the applica on
of the SWOT analysis.
Comment: The specific page number where the
informa on has been taken from the credible source
should have been provided here.
If no page number is available, then this should be stated
The ar cle has been
accessed through the
University Library and is
available online.
The following sec ons
have been reviewed:
1. Introduc on, and
2. Global drivers of the
marke ng-mix evolu on
Table 1.
The book chapter has
been accessed through
the University Learning
material’s resources.
Sec on ‘Case Study
Design’ was reviewed.
Pages 49 to 50.
In the Introduc on
sec on, Marke ng Mix is
defined and briefly
In the second sec on of
the ar cle, “three
fundamental shi s that
have occurred in the
marketplace: (i) advances
in technology, (ii)
socioeconomic and
geopoli cal shi s, and
(iii) environmental
changes.” are discussed
as part of the marke ng
mix evolu on.
Table 1 summarizes the
“Global drivers and their
effect on the principal
On pages 49 and 50, Case
Study Research
Methodology is briefly
Sec on 4.2
List of
analy cal
Comment: The specific page number where the
informa on has been taken from the credible source
should have been provided here.
If no page number is available, then this should be stated
Sec on 5.1
Case Study
Methodolog Comment:
The summary provided here is too
broad. The text of the assignment is “The research
methodology used will be case study research (Yin 2018)”.
Even though Yin (2018) may explain Case Study Research
over pages 49 and 50, a clearer link between the summary
provided in the Reference Map and the text of the
assignment must be provided.
Where exactly does Yin (2018) define Case Study Research
[subject title
[Student name]
[Student number]
[Title of assignment]
[Theme Selected]
Word count: […insert word count here…]
Table of contents
[update the ToC by right-clicking on the ToC and selecting Update field] [ TOC not included
in the word count]
Background ………………………………………………………………………. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Theme and problem or opportunity …………………………………….. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Purpose of the research ……………………………………………………… Error! Bookmark not defined.
Theories and frameworks …………………………………………………… Error! Bookmark not defined.
Methodology and Secondary data ……………………………………….. Error! Bookmark not defined.
References ………………………………………………………………………………….. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix 1 –Project Reference Map ………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Appendix 2 – [… Title of Appendix 2…] ……………………………………………………………………………………… 6
Appendix 3 – [… Title of Appendix 3 …] …………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
[…Briefly describe your chosen case organisation(s) or industry.…]
Table 1: [… Title of table …]
Source: [… explain where the data originally comes from; e.g. provide citation of Annual
Report …]
Figure 1: [… Title of figure …]
Series 1
Series 2
Series 3
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Source: [… explain where the data originally comes from; e.g. provide citation of Annual
Report …]
Theme and problem or opportunity
[…Briefly state the theme of your project. Describe the problem or opportunity facing the
case organisation or industry that will be the focus of your research project in no more
than three sentences. Provide evidence to support the problem or opportunity.
Purpose of the research
[…Outline an achievable and realistic purpose for your research, in 1–2 sentences.…]
Theories and frameworks
[…Business theory: List three (3) specific contemporary business theories closely related
to the identified problem or opportunity. For each theory, briefly explain its relevance to
the problem or opportunity (one sentence), and provide at least one credible academic
source for each theory listed. Do not list frameworks, strategies, or models.
Analytical frameworks (methods or tools): List three to five (3–5) analytical frameworks
that could be applied to analyse data. For each analytical framework, briefly explain its
relevance to the problem or opportunity (one sentence), and provide at least one
credible academic source.…]
Methodology and Secondary Data
[…Case study research methodology: Briefly describe the methodological approach (i.e.,
case study research methodology).
Secondary data: Briefly describe the secondary data proposed to be used for the analysis
of the problem or opportunity. List the sources of the secondary data to be used. Provide
at least one reference for each source.…]
[…On a separate page, type references here, in alphabetical order. This section is
excluded from the word count. This assessment requires you to use a minimum
of eight (8) credible academic sources. You may also use credible company, industry,
government and media sources to support your statements, but these will NOT count
toward the minimum required credible academic sources for your assessment. Many
web-based sources are not sufficiently rigorous and credible for use in academic
assessments and will NOT count toward the minimum required credible academic
sources for your assessment.
You must appropriately acknowledge all sources of information in your assessment with
the Harvard author-date style of referencing. This includes the use of Generative Artificial
Intelligence tools, such as ChatGPT.
Appendix 1 – Project Reference Map
[On a separate page… This section is excluded from the word count.]
For each credible academic source used (e.g. journal articles or textbooks), you need to provide
the full reference of your credible source and specific details of the information that has been
used from the credible academic source for your assignment.
Full reference Theory or
framework (or
Provide the
A brief summary of
chapter/section and the content used
page number of the from this source.
Where this source
has been used in
your assignment.
Appendix 2 – [… Title of Appendix 2…]
[On a separate page… Title of Appendix 2… This section is excluded from the word count.]
If you have used internal (not publicly available) secondary data sources, include a signed
Organisational Consent as Appendix 2.
Appendix 3 – [… Title of Appendix 3 …]
[On a separate page… Title of Appendix 3… This section is excluded from the word count.]
Declaration (example) to include as an appendix to your assessment if you use Generative AI in
your assessment otherwise delete.
I acknowledge the use of ChatGPT on [date] to [specific use].
The prompts used include [list of prompts].
The output from these prompts was used to [explain use].
Welcome to Project
In this subject, you will embark on an independent research project to identify and explore a
problem or opportunity in your chosen organization or industry. You will draw on the skills
and concepts gained so far. Your investigation will result in a project report. The report will
be framed by the project statement that you develop in the first assessment, and supported
by your review of theories and frameworks, and development of methodology and
methods, in the second assessment.
Your project journey is meticulously structured to guide you through a series of progressive
steps, ensuring that you identify a problem or opportunity, articulate a clear project
statement, critically engage with relevant theories and frameworks, and analyze secondary
data to inform your project report. Each step is punctuated by milestones, serving as
checkpoints to validate your progress and direction.

Step 1: Identify a problem or opportunity
o Milestone 1: Choose your topic and discipline
Step 2: Your project statement
o Milestone 2: Assessment 1
Remember, there is no textbook for this subject. You are the author of your own learning
experience, supported by a wealth of resources embedded within the learning materials and
beyond. You are expected to venture into independent research, adding depth and breadth
to your work.
Step 1: Identify a problem or opportunity
Key questions
In Project, you have the chance to focus on a real-world problem or opportunity, connect it
to theory, do some analysis, and come up with some recommendations to take it to the next
step. As a manager, think about what keeps you awake at night. You could analyze the
external environment and internal capabilities of a case organization and make appropriate
recommendations to seize an opportunity, or analyze current policies and/or practices and
make recommendations for improvement. As you hone in on your project topic, consider
the following points:

Is there a case organization or industry you would like to focus on?
Do you have a problem or opportunity in mind within your case organization or
industry? What is happening in your external operating environment that could point
to an opportunity? Alternatively, what policies and/or practices are currently
inadequate (resulting in poor performance)?

Do you have access to secondary data aligned with the problem or opportunity
(i.e. that you could analyze)? Primary data must not be used in Project.
Identify a problem or opportunity
Your most important first task is to identify a suitable problem or opportunity to
investigate. Your project should relate to a chosen case organization (s) or industry and
address an issue of strategic or functional importance to the organization (s) or industry.
Once you have decided on a problem or opportunity, you will use the knowledge obtained
from the learning materials, readings, and your own literature searches to investigate it and
identify potential solutions or improvements in the form of recommendations. This section
will help you decide on a problem or opportunity, or if your decision is practical within the
subject and time constraints.
In this section, you will:

Reflect on the themes to help with identifying a problem or opportunity within your
chosen organization (s) or industry.
Identify a problem or opportunity within an organization or industry that will be the
focus of your investigation.
Explore themes
If you do not already have a problem or opportunity in mind, it is useful to draw on your
experiences in previous subjects. In the past, you have explored a range of disciplines,
concepts, theories, and frameworks. Consult your relevant textbook(s) and subject learning
materials to confirm. Doing this will provide direction for searching the literature, which, in
turn, will provide direction for what secondary data you will need to collect and analyze to
provide justified recommendations for your report. Some themes are listed below.

Strategic Management
Marketing Management
Finance and Corporate Governance
Human Resource Management/Leadership
Entrepreneurial Management
Logistics and Supply Chain/Operations Management
Strategic Management

Environmental analysis and its strategic implications
Competitive strengths assessment
Evaluating a company’s resources, capabilities and competitiveness
Evaluating competitive strategies: generic, strategic alliances and partnerships,
Mergers and Acquisitions, vertical integration, outsourcing, expanding into foreign
markets or diversification
Building an organization capable of good strategy execution
Topic: Acquisitions
Theories and frameworks
Consider which theory or theories might be relevant to your topic. Theories help us to
explain and provide new approaches to understanding a phenomenon or an issue under
Consider which analytical frameworks (methods or tools) are relevant to the problem or
opportunity you have identified. Think about how you could apply the analytical framework
to analyse the secondary data and inform your recommendations.
Sources of secondary data
What secondary data do you have access to? Secondary data is information and data
previously collected by researchers or organizations that is readily available. If you do
not have, or cannot obtain access to, secondary data that aligns with the problem or
opportunity, you will need to adjust your focus. You must obtain organisation consent to
use secondary data which is not publicly available and you must not use primary data.
Practical considerations
Remember that you will refine your problem or opportunity as you develop your project
statement. Keep the end in mind:

Is the problem or opportunity narrow enough to complete your report in the subject
Will you be able to make practical recommendations as a result of your analysis?
Milestone 1: Choose your topic and discipline
Now that we have explored possible themes and considerations, hopefully, you have:

identified a case organisation(s) or industry you want to focus on
formed an idea about a problem or opportunity within your case organization (s) or
considered secondary data that aligns with the problem or opportunity.
Topic: Acquisitions
Industry: Mining Industry
Case: Recent Acquisition of Newcrest by Newmont
1. Problem?
2. Opportunity?

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