HW425 Unit 7


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HW425 Unit 7
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Create a Program Logic Model (students may create their own or use the template in course resources)
Create a program logic model that:
Accurately depicts the relationship between:
Program inputs,
Program outputs
Program outcomes
Reflects the placement of program activities and objectives within the logic model.
Write 1 – 2 paragraphs that explain the program logic model.
Develop a Program Implementation Plan (3 – 4 paragraphs)

This portion includes a program implementation plan that:

Describes who will adopt the program,
Accurately identifies potential barriers to program adoption,
Offers suitable strategies to address barriers to program adoption
Describes who will implement the program,
Accurately identifies potential barriers to program implementation,
Offers suitable strategies to address barriers to implementation
Establishes a reasonable program implementation timeline.

I have written a majority of the essay, but need assistance fine-tuning and have been stuck on these last two sections for a while.

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Unit 7: Designing the Intervention & Planning for Implementation
A theory is described as an explanation which is a substantiated explanation of aspects of
the world that have incorporated laws, hypotheses, as well as facts (AMNH, 2019). Theories are
necessary in the design of health intervention programs because they give insight on why people
do or don’t practice healthier lifestyles (Glanz, 2022). Theories provide a structural based
approach in explaining properties of health behaviors and bring recognition to effective strategies
in the management of health and behavioral issues in the community. They are used to guide the
implementation of health interventions by providing information necessary to indicate the
effectiveness of health promotion interventions and improving the outcomes (Jongen et al. 2017).
Social Cognitive Theory
This theory was developed in 1986 and states that learning occurs in a social context with
reciprocal interactions between an individual, their environment, and their behaviors. One key
feature of the SCT is the emphasis on social influences on external and internal social
reinforcements (LaMorte, 2022). SCT’s basic premise is that people learn from their own
experiences as well as by observing the actions of others and the subsequent results thereafter.
(Glanz, 2001). The main constructs behind SCT are self-efficacy, observational learning, and
reinforcements. Self-efficacy is one’s belief in their capability to perform specific actions in
order to achieve a desired outcome, as well as outcome expectancies, which are one’s beliefs
about potential consequences of their actions. (Connor & Norman, 2015, pp 225-226).
This model was chosen for the planned implementation of a mental health program for
adults in Onslow County, NC. Due to the lack of public resources and immediate mental illness
aid, there has always been a stigma surrounding mental illnesses. Public stigma is the general
negative perception of those with mental illnesses, such as stereotypes, discrimination, and
prejudice. However, internalized stigma, which is the belief that the negative perceptions apply
to the individuals with mental illnesses, affects 21.7% of people suffering with affective
disorders and 41.7% of people with psychotic disorders. (Catalano et al., 2021). Internalized
stigma has become an obstacle in recovery for those with mental illnesses.
Social cognitive theory is based around the internal and external surroundings of an
individual which then affects their perception of themselves. In order to change the stigmas
against seeking assistance for mental health illnesses, the social cognitive theory is a powerful
tool in creating a narrative that depicts mental health in a positive light. Common barriers to
seeking help are primarily lack of knowledge, lack of resources, and lack of general awareness.
An increase in educational campaigns showcasing success stories of individuals seeking and
benefiting from mental health help will challenge stereotypes and promote acceptance in the
community of Onslow County.
SCT Based Program Activities
The constructs surrounding the social cognitive theory include self-efficacy,
observational learning, and reinforcements. Self-efficacy is the belief of one’s abilities and
competencies, therefore it’s crucial to incorporate activities that highlight these beliefs. A
program activity which addresses self-efficacy is goal setting. Realistic goal setting of long- and
short-term goals should be matched to the individual’s level of perceived self-efficacy. Goals
should be challenging but attainable to boost resiliency and any large goal should be broken
down into smaller, more tangible steps which then lead to a sense of task mastery, increasing
self-efficacy (Lefever, 2017). Observational learning, which is the process of watching others
and then modeling the behavior that has been witnessed can be translated into a program activity
where there are guest speakers who are survivors of mental health traumas and successfully
sought help, it’s also important to reference any setbacks or relapses in mental health struggles
and normalize that part of a healing journey. For instance, annually, the United States Navy will
conduct a training on suicide awareness which showcases the stories of multiple survivors of
depression, suicidal ideation, sexual assault, and various factors leading to possible suicide
(OPNAVINST 1720.4B, 2018). The construct of reinforcements can be seen in a program
activity as an incentivized rewards program that recognizes and encourages positive behaviors
with certificates and badges to acknowledge progress and signify specific milestones along the
individuals’ mental health journey as well as positive rewards like public recognition, such as
social media shoutouts or community events where the individuals are acknowledged in their
progress and efforts.
Enhancement of mental health literacy within the community is one of the program
objectives for improving the mental health issue in Onslow County. Miscommunication and lack
of understanding is typically due to cultural misunderstandings, the usage of medical
terminology, and a general lack of familiarity with the healthcare topic at hand (SAMHSA,
2. Integrate mental health services into primary care settings to improve accessibility and early
3. Integrate and offer alternative forms of counseling at primary care visits such as pastoral
counseling services, substance abuse counseling, and anger management courses.
These final objectives are the expansion of mental healthcare services by incorporating
telehealth/remote mental health services that will be readily accessible to anyone in the
community and ensuring that mental health support is available to all community members
regardless of financial situation or background by the 2026 CHNA. These objectives will be
achieved with the implementation of a digital therapeutics or DTx, which is a digital software
made to treat or alleviate a disease, disorder, or condition by creating a medical intervention that
has a positive therapeutic impact on the individual’s health. According to SAMHSA, DTx have
improved access to care, client engagement, and health outcomes as well as reducing the cost of
care. DTx services have shown to be instrumental in engaging with hard-to-reach populations
such as veterans, LGBTQ+, and those living in rural locations. DTx’s also decrease the financial
burden of seeing an in-person clinicians and will be a beneficial tool for those who are uninsured
and underinsured.
Tailor the Program
A tailored program activity is meant to reach one specific person rather than a large
group of people, strategies are also based on individual factors related to the desired behavioral
or health related outcome (Kreuter & Skinner, 2000). For the mental health program initiative,
it’s important that program objectives and activities be tailored according to the individual. The
target population for this program are adults in Onslow County. One of the necessary steps to
tailor these program activities will be conducting a needs assessment or survey. For a program to
flourish, it’s vital to have input from the target population, a survey directed towards the target
population will gather information about challenges faced or interests with current resources and
will determine what parts of a program may need to be altered, as well as provide feedback on
whether individuals would participate in a mental health program. There will also be pilot tests
conducted with a small portion of the population to evaluate and adjust as needed as well as
continuous evaluation of the program after implementation. To tailor the activities to meet the
needs of the residents of Onslow County will require support from community stakeholders as
well as members of the community who can provide
SCT Program Logic Model
Short Term
Long term
Funding Sources
Establish a
partnership with
the Onslow
Hospital and
Camp Lejeune
Naval Medical
This will create
an accessible
location for
active duty and
civilian members
of the
community to
receive adequate

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