hw and da(u3.2, u3.3, u3.4)


this would be the statitiscs homework I have to do, please follow instructions in the documents attached. these are important homework that is large portion of my grades, so please do your best job

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hw and da(u3.2, u3.3, u3.4)
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U3.2 DA
Answer the following questions on your own paper and upload your work into Canvas. Be sure to
write your name on your answer sheet, number your answers, show your work, organize your
work in a logical and readable order, and upload a single submission (if you have multiple pages
of work, take pictures of your work and copy/paste/drop into a single document).
Researchers investigated students’ attitudes about the use of “Content Warnings” on sensitive
lecture content*. Researchers put students into one of three groups: no CW, low CW, and high
CW. In the low CW group, students received only one CW while those in the high CW received
four CWs. The lecture material was identical for all three groups.
Students rated their attitudes about the use of CWs on a scale of 1 – 7, where higher values
indicate better attitudes.
Use the tutorial posted in Canvas to see how to run the analysis using VassarStats. Then, answer
the questions below.
Low CW
High CW
1. Review the output. List the means for each condition. (Hint: be sure to label the means so
that your reader knows which mean goes with which condition.)
2. Review the ANOVA Summary table. Is there a significant effect for the CWs on students’
attitudes? (Hint: look at P in the table. If it is less than .05 then the researcher would
reject the null hypothesis. If it is greater than .05 then the researcher would retain the
null hypothesis.)
3. The result of the F-test tells you whether or not there’s an effect. Post hoc tests are
necessary if the researcher rejects the null hypothesis with more than two groups. Post
hoc comparisons identify the pairs of means that are statistically different from one
another. Which pairs of conditions were statistically different? (Hint: look at the Tukey
HSD Test table.)
4. Based on the F-test and post hoc tests, which condition produced the best attitude
toward CWs? Which condition produced the worst attitude toward CWs? (Hint: You may
have to look back at the means to determine this.)
This is a friendly reminder that this study and the data listed above are entirely fictitious and do
not originate from any real study (that I know of).
U3.2 HW
Due 11/14/2021 by 11:59 p.m. in Canvas
Answer the following questions on your own paper and upload your work into Canvas. Be sure to
write your name on your answer sheet, number your answers, show your work, organize your
work in a logical and readable order, and upload a single submission (if you have multiple pages
of work, take pictures of your work and copy/paste/drop into a single document).
The following data summarize the result from an independent-measures study comparing three
treatment conditions.
SS = 32
T = 32
SS = 35
T = 36
SS = 39
N = 24
G = 74
Use ⍺ = .01 to determine whether there are differences between conditions.
1. Step 1
a. State the hypotheses in symbols NOT words.
2. Step 2
a. Go to vassarstats.net. Select Distributions | F-Distributions | enter dfbetween in the
first prompt and dwithin in the second prompt.
3. Step 3
a. Calculate MSbetween
b. Calculate MSwithin
c. Calculate the test statistic.
i. If you need to find the formulas for these tests, view the formula sheet in
the Course Resources button on the landing page of Canvas.
4. Step 4
5. Step 5
a. Calculate effect size.
b. Interpret effect size: is there no effect size, a small effect size, a moderate effect
size, or a large effect size?
c. Determine if you made an inferential error in step 4.
6. Step 6
a. If it’s warranted, calculate Tukey’s HSD.
i. Go to vassarstats.net. Select Utilities | Statistical Table Calculator | Critical
Values of Q | enter k and dfwithin into prompts. Choose q for the original
b. Calculate all pairwise comparisons.
7. Are the results sufficient to conclude that there is a difference between groups and if so,
which ones?
U3.3 DA
Answer the following questions on your own paper and upload your work into Canvas. Be sure to
write your name on your answer sheet, number your answers, show your work, organize your
work in a logical and readable order, and upload a single submission (if you have multiple pages
of work, take pictures of your work and copy/paste/drop into a single document).
This data set provides heart rates of male and female runners and generally sedentary
participants following 6 minutes of exercise.
Quasi-Independent Variables:
• Gender – Participant’s gender (Female, Male).
• Group – Group of ‘Runners’ (averaging more than 15 miles per week) and ‘Control’ group
(generally sedentary participant).
Dependent Variable:
• Heart Rate – Heart rate after six minutes of exercise.
The output below demonstrates the use of a 2 x 2 between subjects ANOVA. Specifically, it tests
whether heart rates differ between gender and groups.
The output below reflects the results of a two-way ANOVA of differences in heart rates between
Males and Females, Runners and Controls and their interaction. All terms are statistically
Mean Square
< .001 < .001 0.110 0.413 Gender x Group 1 1794.005 7.409 0.007 0.004 Descriptives Heart Rate Gender Female Male Group Control Runners Control Runners Mean 148.000 115.985 130.000 103.975 SD 16.271 15.972 17.100 12.499 N 200 200 200 200 Descriptive plots Marginal Means Marginal Means - Gender 95% CI for Mean Difference Gender Marginal Mean Lower Upper SE Female 131.992 130.465 133.520 0.778 Male 116.987 115.460 118.515 0.778 Marginal Means - Group 95% CI for Mean Difference Group Marginal Mean Lower Upper SE Control 139.000 137.473 140.527 0.778 Runners 109.980 108.453 111.507 0.778 The above plot shows the results. There is a clear difference between the Control group and the group of Runners, both for Females and Males. Women appear to have a higher heart rate than men. The fact that the two lines are not exactly parallel signifies the interaction effect, which suggests that the differences between the Males and Females is larger in the Control group than in the group of Runners. In the narrated PPT and in class, we’ve defined main effects as a difference in marginal means in a 2 x 2 table. You have all the information in this output to complete a similar 2 x 2 table. 1. Complete this 2 x 2 table using the relevant information from the output (you do NOT need to do any calculations). The white cells of the table should contain the means for the variable pairs (e.g., the mean for Control, Female; the mean for Control, Male; etc.). The gray cells should contain the marginal means for the QIVs. Gender Females Males Marginal Means for Group Control Group Runners Marginal Means for Gender In the narrated PPT and in class, we’ve defined interactions as non-parallel lines in a graph. You have all the information in this output to complete a similar graph. 2. Complete this graph using the relevant information from the output (or the table you completed in #1) using the x-axis and legend included on the graph. The y-axis is incomplete. You’ll need to add the heart rate values to the y-axis. (Note: Be careful! The graph below is NOT just a duplication of the graph in the output!) References: Moore, D. S., McCabe, G. P., and Craig, B. A. (2012). Introduction to the Practice of Statistics (7th ed.). New York: Freeman. Wood, P.D, Haskell, W. L., Stern, M. P., Lewis, S. and Perry, C. (1977). Plasma lipoprotein distributions in male and female runners. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 301: 748763. U3.3 HW Answer the following questions on your own paper and upload your work into Canvas. Be sure to write your name on your answer sheet, number your answers, show your work, organize your work in a logical and readable order, and upload a single submission (if you have multiple pages of work, take pictures of your work and copy/paste/drop into a single document). Repeated-Measures ANOVA 1. The repeated-measures ANOVA can be viewed as a two-stage (two-parsing) process. a. How is the first parsing in the repeated-measures ANOVA alike or different from the first parsing in a one-way ANOVA? b. How is the within-groups variance further parsed in the repeated-measures ANOVA? c. Name the source of variance in which the variance due to individual differences is eliminated by virtue of the repeated-measures design. d. Name the source of variance in which the variance due to individual differences is removed mathematically. Factorial ANOVA 2. The following matrix presents the results from an independent-samples, factorial ANOVA with a sample of n = 10 in each treatment condition. Note that one treatment mean is missing. a. b. c. d. How many total participants were there in this study? What value for the missing mean would result in no main effect for factor A? What value for the missing mean would result in no main effect for factor B? What value for the missing mean would result in no interaction? U3.4 DA Answer the following questions on your own paper and upload your work into Canvas. Be sure to write your name on your answer sheet, number your answers, show your work, organize your work in a logical and readable order, and upload a single submission (if you have multiple pages of work, take pictures of your work and copy/paste/drop into a single document). A researcher is investigating the relationship between shyness and salary*. The researcher measures shyness (in which higher values on the measure indicate greater shyness) and salary for a group of employees.*This is a fictional study with fictitious data. Use the tutorial posted in Canvas to see how to run the analysis using VassarStats. Then, answer the questions below. Data: Shyness 53 27 34 22 57 33 43 27 33 45 38 41 Salary 35500 40000 39000 41500 40500 42500 41000 45500 42500 41500 38500 39500 1. Review the output. List the means for each variable. (Hint: be sure to label the means so that your reader knows which mean goes with which variable.) 2. Review the r table. a. Find r among the Data Summary output. What is the value for r? b. What is p if this had been a one-tailed test? What is p if this had been a two-tailed test? c. Remember that the threshold for rejecting/retaining is p ≤ .05. Should the researcher reject or retain the null hypothesis if it had been a one-tailed test? Should the research reject or retain the null hypothesis if it had been a two-tailed test? 3. With the results of the study, is there a significant relationship between shyness and salary if the test is a one-tailed test? if the test is a two-tailed test? Purchase answer to see full attachment