Humanities Question


2 courses. Texas State and Local Government (75860) and Introduction to Psychology (77423)Please put 115 days if you want the bid to be selected

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Humanities Question
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Dr. Rose Hattoh
Course Title:
Introduction to Psychology
Course Abbreviation/
Section Number/
Synonym Number
PSYC 2301-031-77417
PSYC 2301-037-77423
PSYC 2301-044-77429
PSYC 2301-045-77430
Instructor’s Office:
SAC ROOM 1313.6
Phone Number
(512) 223-9209 (SAC)
[email protected]
Instructor’s Office Hours
ON-LINE, (email, and Blackboard collaborate) every day except
Wood, S., Wood, E., & Boyd, D. (2017)
Mastering the World of Psychology: A Scientist
Practitioner Approach (6th ed.). Pearson
Refer to the next three pages (2-4) for instructions on how to access the above eBook.
This syllabus will give you all the information you will need about the course. Please print a copy and
read it carefully.
Login to Blackboard the first day of class, click on Discussion Board, and complete the required
Mandatory Course Orientation: Getting to know you, on or before January 26th, 2024. Students who
fail to meet the deadline will be dropped from the course
Email instructions: Please use your ACC email address when emailing me and remember to include the
course name and course section number in all your emails.
First Day Inclusive Access
To enhance your learning experience and provide affordable access to the right course material, this
course is part of an inclusive access model called First Day. This means the cost of the eBook is added to
your tuition at the time of registration enabling you to have access to the Course Materials-Revel
through Blackboard on first day of class. You can easily access the required materials for this course at a
discounted price, and benefit from single sign-on access with no codes required.
Registration Instructions
To access Course Material-Revel from Blackboard:
1. Login to Blackboard
2. Click on Course Materials- Revel from the left navigation bar and locate the B&N First Day
Make sure you turn off popup blockers and have cookies enabled.
Under My Courses, your Pearson materials tied to this course will appear.
3. Select Launch Courseware.
Link User Accounts, if needed
4. Link your Blackboard user account to either an existing Pearson account if you have
one, by entering your Pearson Username and Password OR create a new user
Pearson account by selecting Create an account.
5. After linking your accounts, select Continue.
6. If prompted, read and accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and select
Continue to agree to Pearson’s End User License Agreement.
Access your Pearson course materials:
Once registered, you can now access your eBook through the Course Materials-Revel on
For Help and Support:

Link to Customer Care website and FAQs:
Open a ticket online for the Customer Care team:
Email the customer care team:
Call the Customer Care team: 1-844-9-EBOOKS (1-844-932-6657)
You may choose to opt out and receive a refund. However, it is not recommended that you OptOut of this program. If you “Opt Out” of receiving and paying for your materials via this
program, you will be responsible for purchasing your course materials at the full retail price.
To opt-out of the First Day:

Login to Blackboard, click on Course Materials-Revel, and then click on “Want to OptOut?”
Select your reason for opting out, and click “Opt Out” to confirm. The last day to opt out
for Spring 2024 semester is 5:00 pm, on January 31st, 2024.
You are now Opted-Out and can Opt In again until the deadline. To do so, select Opt-In
Course Description
Credit Hours: 3
This Course is a survey of introductory topics such as learning, memory, sensation and
perception, personality, life-span development, physiological basis of behavior, stress and health,
psychological disorders, social psychology, and research methods. Additional topics such as
language development, states of consciousness, and psychotherapy may also be included as
determined by the instructor. The Honors course provides a more in-depth introduction to the
science and profession of psychology with emphasis on developing oral and written
communication skills as they relate to the analysis and discussion of research and controversial
issues in psychology.
Course Rationale:
The rationale for a course in Introductory Psychology, also known as General Psychology, is to
introduce students to the scientific study of behavior and the mind. Knowledge of this discipline
will provide students with knowledge of why people and animals do the things they do and think
the ways they think.
The common course objectives or goals include the following: The student will be able to discuss
representative theories, findings and/or principles concerning the following topics:

Research Methods
Life-Span Development
Physiological Basis of Behavior
Cognition (including Sensation, Perception, and Memory)
Stress (as well as intellectual, social, physical, and emotional health)
Psychological Disorders
Social Psychology
According to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s Lower Division Academic
Course Guide Manual:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

Identify various research methods and their characteristics used in the scientific study
of psychology.
Describe the historical influences and early schools of thought that shaped the field of
Describe some of the prominent perspectives and approaches used in the study of
Use terminology unique to the study of psychology.
Describe accepted approaches and standards in psychological assessment and
Identify factors in physiological and psychological processes involved in human
Program Level Student Learning Outcomes:

Understand psychological concepts and be able to recognize them in real-world contexts.
Acquire a basic understanding of major perspectives in the field.
Gain an awareness of the breadth of the academic discipline of psychology.
Understand the various research methods psychologists use and critically evaluate
General Education Student Learning Outcomes for PSYC 2301:
Critical Thinking Skills
• Gather, analyze, synthesize, evaluate and apply information for the purposes of innovation,
inquiry, and creative thinking.
Communication Skills
• Develop, interpret, and express ideas and information through written, oral and visual
communication that is adapted to purpose, structure, audience, and medium.
Empirical and Quantitative Skills
• Apply mathematical, logical and scientific principles and methods through the manipulation
and analysis of numerical data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions.
Personal Responsibility
• Identify and apply ethical principles and practices to decision-making by connecting choices,
actions and consequences.
Social Responsibility (Civic and Cultural Awareness)
• Analyze differences and commonalities among peoples, ideas, aesthetic traditions, and cultural
practices to include intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability
to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities.
• Consider different points of view to work collaboratively and effectively in pursuit of a shared
purpose or goal.
Instructional Methodology
This is an online course. Audio recordings of the lectures are provided on blackboard. Students
are to listen to the Lecture (audio) Recordings, study the online textbook for more information,
and email the professor if they have any questions.
Students are to use Blackboard for instructions, assignments, submitting assignments and
Students who are new to distance education are encouraged to review the ACC Distance
Education General Information available at
There will be four (4) multiple choice tests on Blackboard. Questions on the tests will be based
on assigned readings, audio recordings of the lectures, and videos. Each test will be made up of
50 questions worth 100 points. The tests which are open book and open notes will be made
available for three (3) days. Each test must be completed within the time allocated for it.
There are no retests in this course.
Extra Credit
There are eight (8)- chapter quizzes worth five (5) points each and two (2) Discussion Board
Forums worth three (3) points each, for extra credit.
Discussion Board
Students are to make one primary post for each of the two (2) discussion board forums (not more
than 400 words). You may respond to two (2) of your classmates’ primary posts for an additional
point, (address the students by name). Include your source and references using APA citation
format for an additional one point. The purpose of the discussion forum is to share your reactions
and insight to the readings with other students. Refer to the Discussion Rubrics on Blackboard
for the grading criteria.
Grading System
This is how your grade will be computed after each Module. This will include the test(s),
quiz(zes), and the discussion(s).
Module 1
90 or above
80 – 89
70 – 79
60 -69
Below 60
Module 2
180 or above
160 – 179
140 – 159
120 – 139
Below 120
Module 3
270 or above
240 – 269
210 – 239
180 – 209
Below 180
Module 4
360 or above
320 – 359
280 – 319
240 – 279
Below 240
This is how the final grade (after Test 4) will be assessed.
A = 360 and above
B = 320- 359
C = 280- 319
D = 240- 279
F = Below 240
Attendance/ Class Participation
Regular and timely class participation in discussions and completion of work is
expected of all students. If attendance or compliance with other course policies is
unsatisfactory, the instructor may withdraw the student from the class.
In the event the college or campus closes due to unforeseen circumstances (for
example, severe weather or other emergency), the student is responsible for
communicating with their professor during the closure and completing any assignments
or other activities designated by their professor as a result of class sessions being
Withdrawal Policy
A student may withdraw at any time during the semester until the withdrawal deadline without
academic penalty. Failure to take scheduled exams may lead to withdrawal. Although it is the
student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from the course, the instructor reserves the
right to withdraw a student for lack of progress in the course. If you stop meeting the course
requirements and are not officially withdrawn, you will then receive a grade of “F”.
If a student decides to withdraw, he or she should also verify that the withdrawal is recorded
before the Final Withdrawal Date. The Last Day to withdraw from this semester is
Monday, April 22nd, 2024. The student is strongly encouraged to keep any paperwork in case a
problem arises.
Students are responsible for understanding the impact that withdrawal from a course may have
on their financial aid, veterans’ benefits, and international student status.
Per state law, students enrolling for the first time in Fall 2007 or later at any public Texas
college or university may not withdraw (receive a W) from more than six courses during
their undergraduate college education. Some exemptions for good cause could allow a
student to withdraw from a course without having it count toward this limit. Students are
strongly encouraged to consult with an advisor when making decisions about course
selection, course loads, and course withdrawals.”
Missed Exam and Late Course work Policies
Each of the four tests will be made available to students for three (3) days, so there should be
enough time for everyone to complete it. Make-up will only be given under special
There are no make-ups for the extra credit assignments (quizzes and discussions). Students
should check their emails and the course schedules/ calendar regularly to avoid missing
announcements and assignments.
An incomplete (grade of “I”) will only be given in the Spring 2024 for extenuating
circumstances and to students who have completed and passed 80% of the course
requirements. What constitutes “extenuating circumstances” is left to the instructor’s
discretion, and consultation with the instructor is mandatory. If a grade of “I” is given, the
remaining course work must be completed by a date set by the student and the professor. This
date may not be later than two weeks prior to the end of the Fall 2024 semester. A grade of “I”
also requires completion and submission of the Incomplete Grade form, to be signed by the
faculty member (and student if possible) and submitted to the department chair.
If an Incomplete is not resolved by the deadline, the grade automatically converts to an
“F.” Approval to carry an Incomplete for longer than the following semester or session
deadline is not frequently granted.”
Course Schedule/ Calendar
01/17- 01/24
Listen to Lecture Recording for Chapter 1 and Study Chapter 1
01/24- 01/27
Discussion 1 (Research; Chapter 1)
01/29- 01/31
Listen to Lecture Recording for Chapter 2 and Study Chapter 2
02/02- 02/03
02/05- 02/07
02/09- 02/010
Take Chapter 2 Quiz
Listen to Lecture Recording for Chapter 3 and Study Chapter 3
Take Chapter 3 Quiz
02/14- 02/16
Test 1 (Chapters 1- 3)
02/18- 02/21
Listen to Lecture Recording for Chapter 5 and Study Chapter 5
02/20- 02/21
02/22- 02/26
02/27- 02/28
Take Chapter 5 Quiz
Listen to Lecture Recording for Chapter 6 and Study Chapter 6
Take Chapter 6 Quiz
03/01- 03/03
Listen to Lecture Recording for Chapter 7 and Study Chapter 7
03/06- 03/08
Test 2 (Chapters 5- 7)
03/11- 03/13
03/18- 03/20
03/22- 03/23
03/24- 03/27
03/29- 03/30
Listen to Lecture Recording for Chapter 8 and Study Chapter 8
Take Chapter 8 Quiz
Listen to Lecture Recording for Chapter 9 and Study Chapter 9
Take Chapter 9 Quiz
04/01- 04/03
Listen to Lecture Recording for Chapter 10 and Study Chapter 10
04/04 – 04/07
Discussion 3 (Health and Stress; Chapter 10)
04/10- 04/12
Test 3 (Chapters 8- 10)
04/13- 04/17
Listen to Lecture Recording for Chapter 11 and Study Chapter 11
04/19- 04/20
04/22- 04/24
04/26- 04/27
Take Chapter 11 Quiz
Listen to Lecture Recording for Chapter 12 & 13 and Study Chapter 12 & 13
Take Chapters 12 & 13 Quiz
04/28- 05/01
Listen to Lecture Recording for Chapter 14 and Study Chapter 14
05/03- 05/06
Test 4 (Chapters 11- 14)
Please note that schedule changes may occur during the semester. Any changes will
be announced in class and posted as a Blackboard Announcement.
Austin Community College provides free, secure drive-up WiFi to students and
employees in the parking lots of all campus locations. WiFi can be accessed seven days
a week, 7 am to 11 pm. Additional details are available at
Students who do not have the necessary technology to complete their ACC courses can
request to borrow devices from Student Technology Services. Available devices include
iPads, webcams, headsets, calculators, etc. Students must be registered for a credit
course, Adult Education, or Continuing Education course to be eligible. For more
information, including how to request a device, visit
Student Technology Services offers phone, live-chat, and email-based technical support
for students and can provide support on topics such as password resets, accessing or
using Blackboard, access to technology, etc. To view hours of operation and ways to
request support, visit
Additional information on Technology support Services and Student Technology Access Form are
available at:
Student Affairs Help Desk can assist with questions you have about ACCmail, ACCeID,
Admissions and Records, Financial Aid, and general Advising questions:
Email: [email protected]
For Information & live chat visit: OR Call 512-223-4636

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