Humanities and Macroeconomics


Part 1 Discussion Macroeconomics

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Using the Circular Flow Diagram and with yourself as an example, explain where you fit into this model and describe the flow of money and resources in relation to you as a consumer and employee. Provide some examples of this money and resources.
You may be a small business owner or aspire to become one; describe your position in the Circular Flow Diagram as a business owner and the flow of resources and money in relation to you.

Part 2 Hunanities

Respond to the following in paragraph form:

Describe a food dish you have especially prepared or served for a life event (wedding, birthday, graduation, anniversary, etc.). Include as many details as you can.
History of the dish
How it connects to your family
The ingredients
Image of the dish
Anything else you want to share to demonstrate the specialness of the dish in your life
Reflect on how that food became a part of the life event and how it crossed the cultural boundary.
For example, was the dish a conversation starter, such as a family member helping a guest learn how to maneuver with chopsticks?
Think also about how the dish added to the memory of the celebration.