Humanistic Concepts of Self


Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapters 14 and 15 of your textbook and The Future of Humanistic Psychology: Towards a Self With Expanded HorizonsLinks to an external site.. Also, watch the video Inside Out-The Enduring Self: PersonalityLinks to an external site..The concept of self is a core concept for the study of personality, and most of the theories we have studied postulate some idea about what constitutes the self. Humanistic psychology emerged as a reaction to psychoanalytic and behavioral models of psychology and has arguably contributed to most of the conversation around perceptions of self. In your initial post,Synthesize your understanding of the concept of self from both Rogers and Maslow. Which one most resonates with you and why?Answer the following questions:In your view, is the self stable, or is it malleable? Provide a rational for your choice.In your view, how have the relatively recent advancements like social media, artificial intelligence, and digital identities impacted the way that humans perceive themselves and their identities?Your initial post should be a minimum of 500 words and should include references to both of the required resources.

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