Human Nutrition Project


Please do the discussion posts on 1 or less than 2 days and the rest is for the assignment project.

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Human Nutrition Project
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A. Online Discussion posts are graded using the following rubric: In-depth response that is accurate, succinct, shows excellent critical thinking and at least two references*

*Acceptable references (please use APA format) • Scholarly publications (Journals) • Books / Book Chapters • Government Documents and websites (i.e. gov) • Reputable organizations (e.g. American Heart Association) • *** SOCIAL MEDIA*** is not an acceptable reference

Week 1 discussion:

1. What does it mean to you to eat healthfully? Why?

2. Why do you think so many Americans link healthful eating almost exclusively with weight?

3. Review this material about poor fruit consumption in the US for Americans over 2 years old. (the link is attached).

4. Using the book of Wardlaw’s Perspectives in Nutrition and online materials please describe your own hypothesis for why we find it so hard to get enough fruit (and vegetables!) every day.

Week 2 Discussion:

1. Read this article. (The link is attached)

2. Describe what you know about essential fatty acids

3. From your notes (see any acceptable references) and this article describe the importance of consuming enough essential fatty acid. *** do not cut and paste text from this article, write it in your own words.

4. From your notes and this article describe why many may need omega-3 supplementation. *** do not cut and paste text from this article, write it in your own words.

5. Describe your own biggest takeaway from this article.,6%20(%CF%89%2D6)…

B. Please help me on a 2-page paper analysis assignment. All information is attached.

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Diet analysis project- For three days (two weekdays and one weekend day) record everything you
consume, including all liquids (you do NOT need to record physical activity unless you want to). Analyze
your dietary intake using The directions for using the website to analyze intake are
outlined below. You will then write a brief (two page) self-analysis of your diet based on this
information. For example,

Discuss what nutrient(s) you high or low in- be specific, provide values and reference ranges
Based on your food choices, why do you think you took in more or less than the
recommendations of any nutrient? Be specific e.g. by how far off from the recommendation
were you?
Based on your analysis, are you at risk of developing any health problems? – Be specific- what
may you be at risk of and why. For example, if you have low calcium intake describe how this
may put you at risk for developing osteoporosis; you will need your book and notes to do this
What are one or two simple but significant changes you could make to make your diet more
healthful? Be specific, if you write “eat better” without specifying nutrients and foods containing
these nutrients you will lose points.
The project will be graded as outlined below:
Correctly formatted
Logically organized, clearly written
Proper grammar, punctuation
Used information technologies to collect dietary data correctly
Used information technologies to analyze dietary data correctly
Evaluated dietary data correctly
Late deductions (10 points/day)
The final project should include screen shots of the nutrient analysis reports for the average of all three
days and a two-page written report (12 point font, double-spaced) of your own analysis of your dietary
intake (using the guidelines above).
1. Go to (or download the app)
2. Create a profile
3. Once in Cronometer you will log all the foods you eat for three days consecutive (two weekdays
and 1 weekend day). It is important to eat as you normally do i.e. do not eat differently because
you are recording- use this exercise to see how your diet stacks up! Record everything you
consume, be sure to look at labels and measure your portions so you can be as accurate as
possible. DO NOT forget to include all liquids- portions count here too.
• You do NOT need to record physical activity unless you want to.
4. After you have carefully, deliberately, and thoughtfully entered three day’s worth of food- it’s
time to analyze your dietary intake! Click on Trends  Nutrition Report (see data for last seven
days- note you only need to record for three days but there is no option to look at data for last
three days.)  be sure “Show Full Macronutrient Breakdown” is checked.
5. Screenshot this report and paste it into your paper.
6. Write a brief yet thorough (two page) self-analysis of your diet based on all this information.
Instructions for analysis above.
The goal of this project is to see where you -for example- may be overdoing it with protein, or sodium,
or maybe consistently not getting the fiber you need. This project is NOT for recording calories for
weight management, or for “tracking macros”. If you have a history of eating disorders, or disordered
earing, and this assignment will cause unnecessary or unhealthful stress to you, please reach out at
the start of the semester and a make-up project will be assigned.
The project is due Friday, June 23, 2023. A 20% deduction will be taken each day the assignment is
late. You have ample time to prepare for this, there will be NO exceptions for late projects, including
computer issues.

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